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Peru : Dozens Of Dead Sea Creatures Washed Up

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posted on Feb, 24 2013 @ 01:19 PM

Peru : Dozens Of Dead Sea Creatures Washed Up

Experts are trying to work out why nearly 100 dead animals and birds have washed up on a Peruvian coastline.

The bodies of 18 sea turtles, 22 sea lions, eight dolphins, 16 angular roughsharks and 22 marine birds were found during an inspection by government officials.

Some of the creatures were sprayed with a special paint as part of an investigation into the grim discovery along 77 miles of the Lambayeque coastline.

The carcasses, were in various states of decomposition, were measured, placed in bags and then taken away for analysis.
(visit the link for the full news article)

posted on Feb, 24 2013 @ 01:19 PM
They say some of the possible explanations include viruses, offshore oil exploration or poisoned food sources.

It is sad if this is yet again down to man.

We need to start looking after our oceans instead of this 'out of sight out of mind' thinking that governments seem to have these days.
(visit the link for the full news article)

posted on Feb, 24 2013 @ 01:22 PM
Well currently there is a thread of a volcano waking up in PERU, might have something in common?
Usually these die off's can be connected to methane.

posted on Feb, 24 2013 @ 01:25 PM
What makes this interesting is that usually a mass die off is one species. This is a mixture of creatures.

Strange indeed.


posted on Feb, 24 2013 @ 01:34 PM
Haven't the Supreme Courts (State and Federal) basically told the public to go pound sand for every attempt to curtail the "Super-Sonar" the U.S. Navy is using on it's subsurface fleet now? I understand it's like magic for turning the seas clear to look through as if with a 'magic porthole' or something by the time the computers generate the images to see.

On the other hand...I understand that unbelievable Sonar resolution comes at the price of blowing the senses clean out of marine life that get hit the wrong way by it. At what price, peace? I'd have thought that question wouldn't have an answer ...until we started killing off marine life with reckless indifference.

posted on Feb, 24 2013 @ 01:37 PM
surely with all these samples they have been taking over the months a lab somewhere must have at least some clue why these poor sea creatures keep washing up dead on are shores!!

posted on Feb, 24 2013 @ 01:45 PM
The constant destruction of the seas is going to be mans undoing. Kill enough fish and Nations will go to war for the remaining food resources. Toss in the need for energy at any cost (BP spill and Corexit) and you will find that sooner or later we won't need the energy as food will become more important than cars.

Just think if Japan and China and all of Asia no longer had fish to eat....... We have pissed on our home as a species and sooner or later Mother Earth is going to reset, we won't like that much.

Good luck, so long, and thanks for all the fish.

posted on Feb, 24 2013 @ 02:08 PM
reply to post by jude11

...which suggests that whatever caused this was localized to a specific area that effected both marine animals and birds. So, I am thinking that it was something underwater that came out of the water and hit the birds. Maybe an underwater volcano erupted and sprayed out toxic chemicals that hit the surrounding sea life and sprayed the birds with the toxins as it came out of the water ?

...or we can "go there" and suggest that an underground alien craft emerged from the depths of the waters and as it was coming up, the blast killed the sea creatures and then when it came out of the water to fly away, it hit some birds.

posted on Feb, 24 2013 @ 04:37 PM
reply to post by skepticconwatcher

...or we can "go there" and suggest that an underground alien craft emerged from the depths of the waters and as it was coming up, the blast killed the sea creatures and then when it came out of the water to fly away, it hit some birds. went there...

I like this one as well.


posted on Feb, 24 2013 @ 05:25 PM

Originally posted by Lady_Tuatha

They say some of the possible explanations include viruses, offshore oil exploration or poisoned food sources.

It is sad if this is yet again down to man.

We need to start looking after our oceans instead of this 'out of sight out of mind' thinking that governments seem to have these days.
(visit the link for the full news article)

My name should tell you what I think about global warming alarmists and their tactics.

But I'm going to use one.

I fear that we may be nearing the tipping point when it comes to our oceans. Populations of many species are so overfished that other species are taking over. Squid are exploding because the fish that used to eat their young are gone. And once a species like the humboldt squid gets the upper hand look out, They are varacious eaters.

Radiation is also pouring into the ocean from Japan.

If we don't wise up and stop chasing nonexistant problems we may just screw ourselves beyond repair.

posted on Feb, 24 2013 @ 05:36 PM
For such a long stretch where the die-off occurred, that was probably one large methane plume the creatures swam through.

posted on Feb, 24 2013 @ 07:29 PM

Originally posted by Wrabbit2000
Haven't the Supreme Courts (State and Federal) basically told the public to go pound sand for every attempt to curtail the "Super-Sonar" the U.S. Navy is using on it's subsurface fleet now? I understand it's like magic for turning the seas clear to look through as if with a 'magic porthole' or something by the time the computers generate the images to see.

On the other hand...I understand that unbelievable Sonar resolution comes at the price of blowing the senses clean out of marine life that get hit the wrong way by it. At what price, peace? I'd have thought that question wouldn't have an answer ...until we started killing off marine life with reckless indifference.

How does sonar takes down birds.

Sounds to me like old drums of toxins dumped in the ocean are leaking.
Or some one is fishing with high explosives.

posted on Feb, 24 2013 @ 08:00 PM
Not that animals.

Some strange things going on lately.


posted on Feb, 24 2013 @ 08:11 PM
reply to post by Lady_Tuatha

I watched the video even though I knew it would upset me. I noted what looked like large holes in some of the animals - whether they are wounds or part of the decomposition process - it was difficult to ascertain from the brief footage.

Looked like a turtle may have still been alive judging by the way in which the people acted quickly and carried her/him off.

The holes that I thought were wounds may be signs of radiation sickness but the small numbers of a variety of animals does pose a lot of questions. Does not seem to be a mass die off but a more 'controlled' manner of death for these beautiful creatures.

Things that make you go hmmm...

Much the Animals ...

posted on Feb, 24 2013 @ 09:13 PM
Survival of the fittest you naturalists and darwinian minded people.
We are more fit that the animals we kill so in the natural order of things, the less fit get killed. too bad, i like evolution and extinction, how would you like living with the dinosaurs?

posted on Feb, 24 2013 @ 09:54 PM
reply to post by slugger9787

Unless it's us that cause it and in many cases it is. Funny thing is slowly we will also find going all out on the environment we will also become unfit due to our not caring what we do to the environment.

posted on Feb, 24 2013 @ 10:35 PM
Seems 09 May 2012 there was massive death there in Northern Peru but only Pelicans and Dolphins at that time.

At that time they thought it was

Investigators believe an increase in usual ocean temperatures have driven a type of anchovy deeper into the sea, beyond the reach of many young pelicans – ultimately causing their deaths.

Link below
The mass deaths of thousands of pelicans and nearly 900 dolphins

Then this thread of more
Ocean death worsening around Peru? 1000s of crustaceans wash up dead off the coast of Lima,

And this thread
2000 birds found dead on Chile beaches,

This link has a good diagram of what the oil companies could be causing it but uncertain. A good read on other possibles as well but nothing for certain.
WTF Is Going on With Peru's Dolphins and Pelican

I'm starting to see a nasty trend going on there.

edit on 2/24/2013 by Connman because: Added more links

posted on Feb, 25 2013 @ 02:35 AM
reply to post by Connman

It is worrying how much this is happening. Terrible also that we do not have a definitive answer as to why this is going on. You can bet someone somewhere knows the cause!

Very Shady.

posted on Feb, 25 2013 @ 02:51 AM
reply to post by Lady_Tuatha

Japan's fukushima plant has been dumping radiation into the ocean since 3/11? How does the pacific ocean current go? How about fissures in the ocean floor since there have been How Many? earthquakes that-a-way?

There was a report that there are nuclear tanks leaking in Washington state this past week. Don't know how close to the ocean they are.

This is really sad, and all the american gov't wants to do is take guns away from law-abiding citizens. What's the truth? And who's going to get to it?

posted on Feb, 25 2013 @ 03:17 AM
It is rather odd to have the variety of species killed. If there were an oil leak,the birds would most likely have oil residue on them. I like the large methane plume idea that was posted.

When the report comes out, they'll most likely give the old algae bloom excuse.

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