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Physicists Find Evidence That The Universe Is A 'Giant Brain'

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posted on Feb, 25 2013 @ 11:55 AM

IMO ..

Everything is Energy

Consciousness is Energy

Everything is Consciousness


It is only our ability to perceive that limits our understanding.


posted on Feb, 25 2013 @ 12:07 PM
reply to post by WeAre0ne

Well, it's not an idea, it is a fact. You are the Universe. That is undeniable.

Rubbish. I am not you, nor you me. Any more than DNA fingerprints are all the same. You can identify with everyone else if you want to, but I am me, and thats a fact. Try arguing the "DNA all the same thing" in court and see where that delusion gets you.

You are the Universe.

Why then bother to use the word "you"? Nice magic trick of subliminal suggestion, by the way.

Might as well say we are all each other. Or, we are you. Or you are me. pffft...

Individuality is an illusion, and has always been an illusion. That illusion of individuality has become a psychological crutch for some, and I would like to argue that it is the sole cause of mostly all of humanity's problems. It causes selfishness, greed, lack of compassion, racism, class wars, and all egotistical ideas of "me, myself, and I". The illusion of individuality separates and divides nations and people, and is responsible for war on Earth.

Greed, and pride on the part of individuals divide nations, not "individuality". Individuals surely are selfish, full of hate and promote those ideas upon others from a position of control and power. But surely also espouse "oneness" at the same time. It supports their agenda: you have no rights.

What would you do, throw out a whole bunch for one bad banana?

If only everyone understood these simple facts, and contemplated what it entails, maybe a lot of the bad things like war would cease to exist simply because people would understand that they are only harming their self in the end...

Maybe? You can only answer for or act from you. It is a personal choice to act along with the mob or resist as an individual. What some seek to do I think is escape culpability for their actions. Its so much easier to blame others for what they are or have done. Look at all the recent "rampage murderers". They blame everyone. In their twisted mind what happens to them is everyones fault. How 'one' is that?

Good for the goose, good for the gander?

I don't mind if you pretend to be whomever you want to, but don't come at me with illusions of "oneness". I don't belong to whatever delusional branch of some religion you do.

edit on 25-2-2013 by intrptr because: BB code

posted on Feb, 25 2013 @ 12:32 PM
The Natives were on to this long ago. They spoke of a Spider Woman who wove the fabric of the Universe. They were talking about quantum entanglement. How everything with energy is connected by spinning vortices. They knew the Universe was like a giant web.

posted on Feb, 25 2013 @ 12:34 PM
reply to post by purplemer

No. Quantum entanglement does not transmit information. This is why it does not break special relativity. Basically, what's "transmitted" is random and cannot be influenced by humans. In fact, NOTHING in the universe influences what's shared between entangled particles. The only way that it could be considered information is if it could be controlled and it cannot be.

If anything meaningful is transmitted in this universe, it's at light speed or slower.

Although one wonders if this universe could somehow interact with other universes. It's probably not possible, but those other universes could probably break our rules routinely.
edit on 25-2-2013 by jonnywhite because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 25 2013 @ 12:42 PM
reply to post by swan001

Not necessarily. Speaking on the terms of humans and Earth and our galaxy, yes you're right. But what if we are but just a part of a neuron in the brain of an organism? Their physical world would work on a whole other level than ours. Think of this, they just found out about the Higgs Boson. And this Higgs Boson is made of something. That something is made of something else. See what I'm getting at? And who knows, maybe on the surface of one of those is a little speck of a Universe.

posted on Feb, 25 2013 @ 12:52 PM
reply to post by purplemer

This to me is unsurprising.

In fact, I already knew that the structure of superclusters and universal things resembled the structures of our brain. Furthermore, ever seen mountains in satellite images? Looks like the surface of a leaf. Ever seen dozens of river channels crisscrossing each other? Looks like blood vessels.

But I don't see anyone saying that mountains or river channels are "alive".

The other day I had a strange though. I wondered "Why does anything move?" If I was considerably more genius, I might be able to answer that. I'm still wondering about it. Why does anything change? Why does time seem to exist to us? Why is everything not frozen, unable to move?

Obviously, it requires much more education and smarts than I have available to me.

We're lucky that the atoms and particles in our body remember their inertia and direction and other things. If not, we'd probably explode and vaporize. It's fortunate they don't have dementia.

Although I've heard recently that our universe will die in a matter of billions of years. Somehow, a more stable universe emerges and expands at light speed, devouring our current universe.
edit on 25-2-2013 by jonnywhite because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 25 2013 @ 01:13 PM
reply to post by mr10k

What is an organism?

something capable of response to stimuli, reproduction, growth and development, and maintenance of homeostasis as a stable whole.

Examples of this are found in the universe on a daily basis..

Opinion doesn't matter where words have already been defined, bro.

Plus, you're not taking into the account the fact that an infantile school of thought like science just might not know anything yet, regardless of what it has gathered so far.

posted on Feb, 25 2013 @ 01:17 PM

Originally posted by Konoyaro
reply to post by swan001
If you look at the distance between electrons or any such thing relative to their size, it is almost like a solar system, perhaps there is life there to, just too small to see...

Yeah, I think though, that because man is so good at classifying and defining things, he therefore categorizes them so long as they meet certain criteria. For example, if we think we know an electron for what it is (a negatively charged particle) and nothing more, we will never consider it as having any other importance. As a collective, we're really good at doing this. So seeing an electron cloud as a solar system, or universe of its own, seems impossible from this particular approach at seeing the world.
edit on 25-2-2013 by Ewok_Boba because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 25 2013 @ 01:34 PM
The big bang theory sounds like a thought being born and along with it a wealth of abundance of imagination being painted across black canvas of infinity. To us it seems like an eternity but to the one who thought it, its only just begun.

I've taken my comment from another thread called "more on infinity" and it totally fits in here, I believe evolution happens through intelligent design in the same we think and create works of art,buildings and anything we use and have used in the past. Just like the universe ever so expanding and so is our knowledge and we forgot where we came from. Things get tested and some things die but all starts again because everything follows a cycle and comes back around.

God is with us even if we say that it was evolved into existence, because we are just a breath into learning who we really are in the plan. Things get passed down for reasons and it's the way the universe is governed and it's governed by love and respect. Look at the animals and how they love and how they are raised and how life revolves around learning and things become a like a test.

Genesis explains it but only in the way a mind back then can understand it, if you read it with some what of an understanding of how the universe works than the story takes different and eye opening turn for the good. Everything that is uncovered by science only holds our universe together but with God the answers science is missing is explained here with a thought.
edit on 25-2-2013 by WarriorOfLight96 because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 25 2013 @ 01:51 PM
I'm all for the theory. I find it interesting, I really do, but what are the side-by-side pictures about? Just because something looks alike doesn't mean it is the same thing, or that these things function the same.

posted on Feb, 25 2013 @ 02:10 PM
Whats interesting is that these pantheistic ideas existed before we knew of any of this.

We observed in the past that single celled Eukaryotic organisms can live on their own such as Protista, and may have lived on their own before multicellular organisms ever existed. This leads us to speculate upon how the first multicellular organisms formed and to contemplate ideas of symbiosis..

On our Earth alone are many signs of a developing symbiotic organism, such as specialization of tasks by multicellular humans, water pipelines, electrical networks, roads, cars and the internet. Many people may not view these things as biological, however one must remember that before humans, none of these things ever existed on the earth - they were made/processed and constructed by biology, that is, us, in the same way, living cells create 'nonliving', non-cellular structures within living beings. It is all part of the whole living being - the living, and the 'non-living'.

As we gain more knowledge about life, we need to eventually rid of all these categories to gain a better understanding.

posted on Feb, 25 2013 @ 02:34 PM
reply to post by intrptr

Wow, your insulting reply really highlights your built up anger, paranoia, and blindness. Where do I even start? Lets start with your insult...

Originally posted by intrptr
I don't mind if you pretend to be whomever you want to, but don't come at me with illusions of "oneness". I don't belong to whatever delusional branch of some religion you do.

I don't belong to any religion. In fact, what I have been telling you is pure scientific fact. Oneness is not an illusion, that too is a scientific fact. To insist I belong to a "delusional branch of some religion" is simply an insult to me and science. It shows that you are quite ignorant and angry as well. I shouldn't even waste my time replying to you, but I must at least attempt to cure your blindness.

Originally posted by intrptr
Rubbish. I am not you, nor you me. Any more than DNA fingerprints are all the same. You can identify with everyone else if you want to, but I am me, and thats a fact. Try arguing the "DNA all the same thing" in court and see where that delusion gets you.

Rubbish... You and I are both different parts of one object. You being you, and me being me, is just an illusion. We are both the same entity viewing itself from different perspectives. You are but one perspective, I am another. I am not talking figuratively, I am talking literally, physically, we are one. Our individuality is an illusion created by the illusion of separation. You actually think you are disconnected and separate from the Universe, but you are not. Do you really think your body stops at your skin? It doesn't... The entire Universe is our body, physically. We would not exist without the rest of the Universe and all the energy within it.

We are both made of a collection of electromagnetic subatomic particles called electrons, protons, and neutrons which are made of even smaller elementary particles called quarks and leptons. We are little bits of energy that were all created at the same time (the Big Bang), and it all adds up to a total sum. Our bones, organs, muscles, and skin are all made of the same electromagnetic energy as the air, dirt, rocks, water, plants, trees, and all the elements on Earth. In fact, our DNA is made of elements found all around Earth; Hydrogen, Carbon, Oxygen, Nitrogen, Phosphorus which are all made of elementary particles.

We are made of Earth, we were created on Earth, we eat Earth, drink Earth, breath Earth, and Earth circulates through our bodies... We are Earth which has come alive.

Everything is connected... For one, we are all connected by gravity and electromagnetism. Every particle of matter has gravity which extends out infinitely. All matter is electromagnetic as well, and that too extends out infinitely. So the particles that make up your body are connected to the particles of Earth. Your skin is connected to the air, connected to the ground, and connected to everything around you, and all those things are connected with all other things. You are connected to Earth, the Earth connected to the Moon, and the Sun, which are all connected to every other star and planet and galaxy in the Universe. All connected via gravity and electromagnetism.

We are all connected electronically as well. We all share electrons. In fact, if I wanted, I can pass electrons which create my body through a wire and into your body. The same electrons which are used to create thoughts in my brain I can also use to power my computer as well. I can put my electrons in a door knob, on all metal objects, or send them to the Earth. The same electrons that create lighting strikes in a storm are used to operate our muscles, and give us our senses. We are electrons... we share electrons.

We are all connected via LIGHT too (electromagnetic radiation). We all emit light, and reflect light, and it crosses all over the Universe. We are all connected via streams of light (photons).

We are undeniably connected, and one. It is a fact. be continued...

posted on Feb, 25 2013 @ 02:39 PM
The shape of the Universe is a torus. So this network is inside a giant ring.

posted on Feb, 25 2013 @ 03:07 PM

Originally posted by mr10k

Originally posted by WeAre0ne
reply to post by mr10k

Do you think? Are you aware?

Are you not a part of this Universe?

The Universe isn't just me, and I'm just made of much smaller particles. So you tell me, do those particles think?
edit on 24-2-2013 by mr10k because: (no reason given)

The smaller particles don't make up your consciousness. I would say some form of energy does. (Like the power to a computer, or virtual ram, it doesn't matter what hardware you have if there is no power.) That energy originated in a star at some point. Everything you have ever seen in your entire life probably came from a single star. I think individual consciousnesses could be connected at some level..

On a weird side note, I've always wondered if stars had any sort of awareness or consciousness. That would be cool.

posted on Feb, 25 2013 @ 03:13 PM
reply to post by intrptr

Originally posted by intrptr
Why then bother to use the word "you"? Nice magic trick of subliminal suggestion, by the way.

Might as well say we are all each other. Or, we are you. Or you are me. pffft...

Magic trick of subliminal suggestion... wow... paranoid much?

I use words like "you" and "I" because I understand that in order to explain oneness to the unenlightened, it is necessary to use verbiage and concepts that the unenlightened can understand to avoid confusion.

You are me, and I am you, physically. We are the same object. But I am a different part of you, and you are a different part of me. That is an absolute truth.

Originally posted by intrptr
Greed, and pride on the part of individuals divide nations, not "individuality". Individuals surely are selfish, full of hate and promote those ideas upon others from a position of control and power. But surely also espouse "oneness" at the same time. It supports their agenda: you have no rights.

Greed and pride are the result of individuality.

I have rights... I am the Universe. I am rights.

Originally posted by intrptr
Maybe? You can only answer for or act from you. It is a personal choice to act along with the mob or resist as an individual. What some seek to do I think is escape culpability for their actions. Its so much easier to blame others for what they are or have done. Look at all the recent "rampage murderers". They blame everyone. In their twisted mind what happens to them is everyones fault. How 'one' is that?

I said "maybe" because I factored in mental disorders. Evil things like war and greed can not be cured by absolute philosophical truths and enlightenment if the person is mentally unstable and or incapable of understanding said truth, let alone applying said truth to their life, and ignoring the illusions.

Everything that happens was the result of something else that happened. Everything that happens is the fault of the Universe.

Have you ever heard of Anti-individualism? The environment forms the illusion of individuality. Those "rampage murderers" would have never happened if the environment didn't allow it to happen by creating that situation. The environment is you, and I, and everyone, and everything (the Universe).

What I think is that people like you hate to be blamed for the actions of others, so you hide behind your individuality illusion. For example, bullies hate taking the blame for the suicides and mass murderers they helped cause by driving a person mad. Sure they didn't physically contribute to the deaths, but they were the cause.

We are all at blame for everything. We are the Universe, and everything that happens within is the Universes fault. As uncomfortable that is to accept, you can't deny it because you don't like it. You have to accept it for what it is.

Anyway, this is getting off topic. Back on topic...

Yes, the Universe is a giant brain. The collective brain power on Earth alone is proof of that...
edit on 25-2-2013 by WeAre0ne because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 25 2013 @ 03:20 PM
Would the presents of a brain infer the presents of a mind?
Would the presents of a mind infer the presents of an intellect?
Would the presents of an intelect infer the presents of intellegence?

I hold many of the posts to this site as evidence of......

posted on Feb, 25 2013 @ 04:24 PM
reply to post by WeAre0ne

Welcome to ATS. I enjoyed your post.

I hope you stick around ATS to contribute more of your thoughts.


posted on Feb, 25 2013 @ 04:42 PM
reply to post by WeAre0ne

Sorry if I insulted you. How could I be angry with you, I don't even know who you are. Whoops I used the word "you". As opposed to "me" ... and "you". Identity crisis is not one of my problems. (Sigh) Yes I am part of the Universe and my flesh is made of the elements in this world upon which my soul currently resides.

The difference is I am not my flesh. I am the soul that resides in this flesh at this time. When the body wears out, I will pass and be done with this flesh. I will continue, it will rot. It will recycle.

I don't belong to any religion. In fact, what I have been telling you is pure scientific fact.

Call it what you will... your "beliefs". You may call it a fact but you haven't died yet, what do you know about being "one"?

You and I are both different parts of one object. You being you, and me being me, is just an illusion.

There you go again using delimiters to specify or distinguish "you" from "me". Shame on you. You just violated your "facts". Forgive "me" if that comes across as an insult to "you".

You actually think you are disconnected and separate from the Universe, but you are not.

No I do not. I am in the Universe and still myself.

Do you really think your body stops at your skin? It doesn't... The entire Universe is our body, physically. We would not exist without the rest of the Universe and all the energy within it.

Yes my dermic layer is called 'skin'. It covers and protects "my body". Yes I do exist without my body. Don't you know you have a soul... the real "you"?

We are Earth which has come alive.

We are alive, the earth is not. Or maybe you can find "life" on the Periodic Table of the elements?

...all connected to every other star and planet and galaxy in the Universe. All connected via gravity and electromagnetism.

Doesn't explain life. Or what I feel true connections are... love, friendship, trust. Those are true human connections. Not matter or science.

In fact, if I wanted, I can pass electrons which create my body through a wire and into your body. The same electrons which are used to create thoughts in my brain I can also use to power my computer as well.

But you can't turn one hair on your head white or black. Simply harnessing power of the Universe doesn't prove anything about "oneness". More important to my mind is, "Can I trust you?"

I use words like "you" and "I" because I understand that in order to explain oneness to the unenlightened, it is necessary to use verbiage and concepts that the unenlightened can understand to avoid confusion.

Precious. You are supposed to say "we", remember? I have no delusion about how you are trying to subvert my individuality. Somewhere along the line you bought this line of thinking... thats your problem. I am quite clear.

Whatever, I am ending on that note. You go on and believe you are "The Universe' or your own God or whatever. This charade has gone on long enough. I am going to allow you to be you... I wouldn't have it any other way.

posted on Feb, 25 2013 @ 04:46 PM
reply to post by purplemer

OMG i have been saying this forever.

The universe is our mind.

We are looking at ourselves.

Holy crap. Bout time science caught up with philosophy.

I swear to god im going sit here and go through my post and link the 500 times ive said this in the past 3-4 years on this website.
edit on 25-2-2013 by onequestion because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 25 2013 @ 04:49 PM
reply to post by purplemer

I think this also proves that mythology is the story of ourselves as told by the stars.

This also proves astrology, that if you understand how to read it and apply it to your paradigm you will be able to determine its meaning.

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