Originally posted by Arken
Other carcass
Again some very nice finds,
Arken. You must have eagle eyes, I suppose!?
Although we're
probably not looking at a carcass in the image above. Even though that was my first thought, too. But it's not a rock either,
IMHO. As far as this particular artifact is concerned, my take on what it could be has been covered in the following threads:
Thread 1
Thread 2
Thread 3
And further: I'm pretty sure that NASA/JPL have seen all this as well (your
spine discovery, too,
Arken). I mean they're not 'blind'
and they got a top-notch rover to have a glimpse at all of that. But as long as they don't exactly know what happened, when and how the demise came
about, I think they just get on with their analysis in order to get 'some details' for a whole lot of questions that would arise from all this.
Taking into account the
Brookings report (discovery of ET life, past or present, could be a
potential crisis), they probably couldn't just go out there, publicly, and proclaim: "Look, we found spines, bones, boats etc., but we have no idea
about what happened on the red planet". And by the way: it would certainly not be NASA/JPL who would give an official statement as this clearly
surpasses their role and responsibility. In that case, it would become political, far reaching, and have a certain influence on religions and other
governments. Ultimately, something like this would probably be made public by the U.S. President or the United Nations, or both. But, clearly, in that
case (if it is decided to go public, which does bear certain risks) they need a lot more data, information, peer-reviews of findings etc. to say
something very 'meaningful' about those discoveries. Just my opinion!!
And as always: Keep up the good work,