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Parents Sue School For Making Children ‘Religious Guinea Pigs’ — By Teaching Them Yoga

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posted on Feb, 23 2013 @ 10:32 PM

Originally posted by nitrobandit
reply to post by ToneDeaf

you are an ignorant fool

^ ^ if that is the only intellectual comment that you
can think of, then ATS can do better without your membership.
Mods can you please look into this. thank-you


posted on Feb, 23 2013 @ 10:36 PM
reply to post by ToneDeaf

my comment to you is wholly appropriate and I stand by it.

posted on Feb, 23 2013 @ 10:42 PM

Originally posted by nitrobandit
reply to post by ToneDeaf

my comment to you is wholly appropriate and I stand by it.

Can you please stay on topic and not derail the thread
by posting one liner name calling ?
btw, you do not even know me, nor do I care for your ignorant
name calling.

posted on Feb, 23 2013 @ 10:43 PM
These parents need a SLAP in their faces as-well as their lawyer. OMG how dumb can a person be. Apparently the parents don't want their kids to excersize and become big fat obese sitting on their ass all day watching the church channel type. When are people gonna wake up and see that religion is a big fat lie and that God lies within and not in a religious building.

posted on Feb, 23 2013 @ 10:46 PM

Originally posted by ToneDeaf

Public school is no place for yoga.
Instructions include "be one with god",
during breathing exercises your told to
"tune in and be aware of your sexuality".

The philosophy/'spirituality' of yoga is not
appropriate in neutral secular settings.


I have taken yoga classes at my local gym (a neutral secular setting), and no one instructed me to "be one with god", or "tune in and be aware of your sexuality". Not once.

posted on Feb, 23 2013 @ 10:47 PM
reply to post by ToneDeaf

Go take a yoga class at a western country gym and then make a comment. I'm tired of ignorant pontificating posts.

posted on Feb, 23 2013 @ 10:49 PM
reply to post by Annunak1

well said

posted on Feb, 23 2013 @ 10:50 PM

Originally posted by Annunak1
These parents need a SLAP in their faces

I believe that would be criminal, another lawsuit
. . .guess yoga does not have a calming effect after all.

What ever happened to each their own ?
Personally I wouldn't teach my kids Hindi meditation,
but that is my prerogative and other people need to respect that,
No one should have to inure name calling or being slapped.
So much for freedom-of-choice.

edit on 23/2/13 by ToneDeaf because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 23 2013 @ 10:55 PM

Originally posted by ToneDeaf

Originally posted by Annunak1
These parents need a SLAP in their faces

I believe that would be criminal, another lawsuit
. . .guess yoga does not have a calming effect after all.

What ever happened to each their own ?
Personally I wouldn't teach my kids Hindi meditation,
but that is my prerogative and other people need to respect that.

That's the problem with America. People sue each-other over the craziest things. If i walked into another persons yard and farted i bet i got sued to for attacking their house.
I didn't say i did yoga to calm me down but i do agree that it would be good for me and i have been trying to meditate lately to calm my nerves.
What the problem with religious people is that they force their religion onto their kids. Kids need to find their own way. My mother was raised in a muslim family but she always hated everything from that religion and eventually got kicked out of the house. Now she is a spiritual women who have found God within. The lesson in this is don't force your religion crap onto your kids and let them find God in their own way. Meditation and yoga never hurted anyone...

posted on Feb, 23 2013 @ 10:56 PM
reply to post by ToneDeaf

it is extremely calming and powerful. I wouldn't be able to support my views of liberty, self-sufficiency and constitution without the strength it gives me. I highly recommend it. you actually would get a lot from it.

posted on Feb, 23 2013 @ 11:09 PM
First, they came for the Communists in public schools, then the liberal agenda ... and now ... yoga?

Made me think of Phyllis Schlafly and her 1980s Eagle Forum letter (pdf link).

"Parental rights" fights have been around in earnest since the 1980s, and the following source is a history from the 1990s. (when Phyllis meets ALEC)

The PRA is a natural extension of the Religious Right's long-standing campaign against public schools. Over the years, various elements of the movement have worked to censor books from school classrooms, to inject sectarian activity into the schools, to divert taxpayers' dollars from public education to private, sectarian schools and more. PRA, its pro-parent patina notwithstanding, would advance the Religious Right's platform across the board.

Indeed, parental rights legislation is the fourth plank of the Christian Coalition's 1995 Contract with the American Family.7 Led by televangelist Pat Robertson and political strategist Ralph Reed, the Christian Coalition is well known for its opposition to public education, hostility towards gays and lesbians, and intolerance of people whose views and families do not conform to its narrowly-defined vision of what is acceptable in American society. The Contract also advocates a return to state-sponsored prayer in public schools, a constitutional ban on all abortions, the elimination of the Department of Education and the creation of a school voucher system.8


Replace the "John Birch" in The John Birch Society with "Phyllis Schlafly", and you get the Big Bro/Big Sis of the extreme far right. Actually, Phyllis's organization is the Eagle Forum.

posted on Feb, 23 2013 @ 11:10 PM

Originally posted by nitrobandit you actually would get a lot from it.

Actually NO .
The being 'one' didn't do a thing for me.
Again, you are ignorant in assuming, as you
have NO knowledge about me.
Our local Y has yoga classes that I took, yoga is NOT just about
stretching/exercising . . . but then if you had a clue, you would know
this. (obviously you didn't)
Hindi meditation is a personal thing/choice.
Respect mine. (it's called freedom)


edit on 23/2/13 by ToneDeaf because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 23 2013 @ 11:11 PM
reply to post by ToneDeaf

It was a choice for the students and parents to participate or not.
edit on 23-2-2013 by Kali74 because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 23 2013 @ 11:13 PM
reply to post by ToneDeaf

respect mine and stay out of our schools

posted on Feb, 23 2013 @ 11:15 PM

Originally posted by Kali74
It was a choice for the students

Was it ?

posted on Feb, 23 2013 @ 11:16 PM
reply to post by desert

ok, I get it now, besides the right-left tyranny we almost live under there are endless more ready to take their place. I just want my bill of rights to stay healthy.

posted on Feb, 23 2013 @ 11:19 PM

Originally posted by ToneDeaf

Originally posted by Annunak1
These parents need a SLAP in their faces

I believe that would be criminal, another lawsuit
. . .guess yoga does not have a calming effect after all.

What ever happened to each their own ?
Personally I wouldn't teach my kids Hindi meditation,
but that is my prerogative and other people need to respect that,
No one should have to inure name calling or being slapped.
So much for freedom-of-choice.

edit on 23/2/13 by ToneDeaf because: (no reason given)

The schools aren't teaching Hindi meditation either. You are confusing westernized yoga exercise with eastern yoga spirituality. My daughter has done yoga/meditation exercises at her school. Hindi is never mentioned, God is never mentioned, sexuality is certainly never mentioned. All she is told is that they are going to stretch their bodies and quieten their minds. When she was in 1st grade, they had "quiet time", where the kids put their heads down on their desks - nothing religious about that, right?

It's all about the intent. If you are doing yoga with the intention of worshipping your Hindi gods, then it's more religious or spiritual. If you are doing yoga with the intention of doing some stretches and relieving some stress, then there is no religion or spirituality involved at all.

If you don't have any problem with your children touching their toes, or stretching their arms above their heads, or doing push-ups, then you shouldn't have any problem with a few yoga exercises, because it's the same thing/

posted on Feb, 23 2013 @ 11:23 PM

Originally posted by nitrobandit
stay out of our schools

That doesn't make any sense what so ever.
What do you mean by 'OUR' ? ? ?



edit on 23/2/13 by ToneDeaf because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 23 2013 @ 11:38 PM

Originally posted by kaylaluv
If you don't have any problem with your children touching their toes, or stretching their arms above their heads, or doing push-ups, then you shouldn't have any problem with a few yoga exercises, because it's the same thing/

It is NOT the same thing ! Stop the disinformation.
# 2 Was I ever pushy telling you what is best for your kids ? lol
Who are you to tell me what is best for mine , stick your nose
in your own business, and I'll run my business my way.
Tai Chi has no religious affiliation, and in my opinion
would be better suited for public schools. yoga is NOT.

Generally put, yoga is a disciplined method utilized for attaining a goal.[10] The ultimate goal of Yoga is moksha though the exact definition of what form this takes depends on the philosophical or theological system with which it is conjugated.


posted on Feb, 24 2013 @ 12:20 AM

Originally posted by ToneDeaf

Originally posted by kaylaluv
If you don't have any problem with your children touching their toes, or stretching their arms above their heads, or doing push-ups, then you shouldn't have any problem with a few yoga exercises, because it's the same thing/

It is NOT the same thing ! Stop the disinformation.
# 2 Was I ever pushy telling you what is best for your kids ? lol
Who are you to tell me what is best for mine , stick your nose
in your own business, and I'll run my business my way.
Tai Chi has no religious affiliation, and in my opinion
would be better suited for public schools. yoga is NOT.

Generally put, yoga is a disciplined method utilized for attaining a goal.[10] The ultimate goal of Yoga is moksha though the exact definition of what form this takes depends on the philosophical or theological system with which it is conjugated.


Sigh. Again, you are confusing Eastern yoga with Westernized yoga. From your link:

In the 1980s, yoga became popular as a physical system of health exercises across the Western world.

In contemporary times, the physical postures of yoga are used to alleviate health problems, reduce stress and make the spine supple. Yoga is also used as a complete exercise program and physical therapy routine.

Maybe you should consider home-schooling your children.
edit on 24-2-2013 by kaylaluv because: (no reason given)

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