Well, today
Mrs C and I celebrate 6 years into a life sentence,
What can I say ?
I was lucky enough to meet my soul mate from South Africa, on the shores of the dead sea in Israel, we parted star crossed lovers on our separate ways
and both married into abusive relationships.
I ran off with the baby sitter, brought a sports car and had the classic mid-life crisis. The baby sitter and Mrs C's 1'st husband saw to it that we
lost touch with each other.
About 8 years later at work I received a dodgy looking email and hit delete, fortunately I also deleted a receipt from paypal at the same time and had
to retrieve it. I saw said dodgy email and the subject, and was gobsmacked, It was the works computer and thought stuff it I'll risk having a look. It
was from Mrs C. Then Mrs M.
Contact was re-established and her divorce was imminent. As a friend and a good soul I offered her my place to "get her head around it away from her
family". No strings attached.
So long story short here we are 8 years later 6 years married, and if I may indulge ? This is for Mrs C
and anybody that can't think what to say to their love.
Happy anniversary Mrs C
I love you
I post this to our extended ATS family
Love you guys too
My wife and I celebrated (had to count it in my head) 9 years of marriage last month ourselves.
Kids, wait until you're at least in your 30's to get married...it'll last longer. (like us) By then, you know who you are, and what kind of person
you want...
Too many people get married in their 20's....that's where that 60% divorce rate (or higher) comes from. Check it amongst people who get hitched in
their 30's or later, and the chance drops off a LOT.