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Your links DO NOT state that heartworm disease is transfered via mosquitoes. If you read them correctly you will see that heartworm larva can be spread via mosquito saliva and as a result of that, months later, you could end up with a full blown infestation which may lead to heartworm disease. The mosquito doesn't just transfer heartworm disease, thats retarded.
Again you have provided no evidence at all. All we have are your sad little fairy tale stories of no substance.
Mosquitoes transfer heartworm disease as ALL of my links from experts stated. Some day you may learn.
Don't try to correct your blunder by rewording your claim
Mosquitoes are the vector for heartworm disease as ALL of the experts state.
Target Food is observed, there is no other proof that is needed, Target Food is Q.E.D.
More irrelevant drivel. Ever consider taking a biology course when you get to high school?
The only confusion so far is you not understanding the spread of infection disease and you massive blunder where you claimed mosquitoes laid their eggs in hosts.
Although I have produced overwhelming evidence against the lunacy of Tooth's Folly, tooth has yet to produce a single piece of evidence in support of their folly.
Post at least 1 piece of evidence in support of your folly.
You've provided zero facts. Please post the first.
Your links DO NOT state that heartworm disease is transfered via mosquitoes. If you read them correctly you will see that heartworm larva can be spread via mosquito saliva and as a result of that, months later, you could end up with a full blown infestation which may lead to heartworm disease. The mosquito doesn't just transfer heartworm disease, thats retarded.
Transmission of infectious diseases may also involve a vector. Vectors may be mechanical or biological.
I allready posted links proving mosquitoes don't drink blood its Q.E.D.
heartworm as in the parasite, sure.
All of the links state that heartworm is spread by mosquitoes.
It's more like your not understanding.
Just because you can't understand how infectious diseases are spread is not my problem.
I never claimed that mosquitoes require a warm meal, have you found proof of me making that claim yet?
While you are trying to dig yourself out of your own retard hole, have you figured out about mosquitoes and why they do not require a warm meal? Probably not. It requires at least a second grade education.
Dont try to weasel out of your lie now, your first claim was that mosquitoes transfer heartworm disease, and they can't.
Mosquitoes are the vector for heartworm disease as ALL of the experts state.
Ever consider taking an english class when you get to grade school?
Ever consider taking a biology course when you get to high school?
The only confusion so far is you not understanding the spread of infection disease and you massive blunder where you claimed mosquitoes laid their eggs in hosts.
The only think you have managed to produce is ignoring my posts.
Although I have produced overwhelming evidence against the lunacy of Tooth's Folly, tooth has yet to produce a single piece of evidence in support of their folly.
Why, so you can ignore it.
Post at least 1 piece of evidence in support of your folly.
What your trying to say is I didn't provide any facts that you liked. Thats because Target Food puts evolution to shame and you know it.
You've provided zero facts. Please post the first.
Opinions are not formed from observations.
All you do is state your own opinion which turns out to be rather foolish.
Ever consider taking an english class when you get to grade school?
Why, so you can ignore it.
Transmission of infectious diseases may also involve a vector. Vectors may be mechanical or biological.
There is nothing wrong with correcting errors.
All of the links state that heartworm disease is spread by mosquitoes.
You removed the word disease yet placed it in quotes. That is a rather childish thing to do.
You never stated that they use a vector, you stated mosquitoes transfer heartworm disease, they don't.
Mosquitoes are the vector for heartworm disease as ALL of the experts state. For whatever reason you can't understand how infectious diseases are spread. Not my problem.
Are you talking to me? I never stated any such thing.
Have you figured out about mosquitoes and why they do not require a warm meal? This trivial issues seems too difficult to solve although second graders figured it out in seconds. Reminds me of the rock that people eat regularly was something you also could not solve.
I took all of mine long before you ever did.
Ever consider taking a biology course when you get to high school? When you take an English class you will learn how to spell and capitalize.
So show me where it claims that mosquitoes transfer heartworm disease, because all I have found is that they transfer larva, including the wiki about heartworms.
Never said it was. That makes this a straw man argument. That is why your folly remains a folly.
The ONLY thing you have produced is another thread getting closed down because of YOU.
Although I have produced overwhelming evidence against the lunacy of Tooth's Folly, tooth has yet to produce a single piece of evidence in support of their folly. Not one piece of evidence for your folly has been posted. Several other posters have also pointed that out.
The facts are Q.E.D.
Post at least 1 piece of evidence in support of your folly. You've provided zero facts. Please post the first.
Just remember that its my opinion that you seem to be having the biggest problem proving wrong. Where is your proof in diets that animals experiment with food?
All you do is state your own opinion which turns out to be rather foolish.
So what, I never said it wasn't. All I said is that you can't transfer heartworm disease via mosquitoes.Nor have you been able to prove it either.
Here is clear evidence that Tooth is all washed up when it comes to understanding what science means by a disease. In this case it is an infectious disease.
So what, you never made the claim untill I corrected you on it.
The wikipedia makes it very clear that infectious disease may involve a vector. Heartworm disease is spread by a vector: mosquitoes. They are the only vector for the disease.
It might be possible to have both evolution and creation but evolution can't exist, there is no proof, and target food puts it to shame and proves that everything was created, or at least that there was some type of intelligence involved.
You have never proven that tooth has a folly, you adopt things to fit your fantasy.
Evolution is a well established theory. Evolution is also a fact. The fact of evolution is explained by theory of evolution.
Creationism does not match up with the world that we see today. You can't have both. One matches the world while the other does not.
All of the links state that heartworm disease is spread by mosquitoes. You removed the word disease yet placed it in quotes. That is a rather childish thing to do. Misquoting amounts to lying about what I posted.
Mosquitoes are the vector for heartworm disease as ALL of the experts state. For whatever reason you can't understand how infectious diseases are spread. Not my problem. Whether or not I used the word vector is immaterial.
Although I have produced overwhelming evidence against the lunacy of Tooth's Folly, tooth has yet to produce a single piece of evidence in support of their folly. Not one piece of evidence for your folly has been posted. Several other posters have also pointed that out.
Post at least 1 piece of evidence in support of your folly. You've provided zero facts. Please post the first.
All you do is state your own opinion which turns out to be rather foolish.
Here is clear evidence that Tooth is all washed up when it comes to understanding what science means by a disease. In this case it is an infectious disease. No, tooth you've never ever corrected me on anything.
Tooth's Folly explains nothing. It is nothing more than errors, lies, misrepresentations, unsubstantiated opinion and fantasy.
Until the first piece of evidence is offered for Tooth's Folly there should be no mention of it in this thread.
You have never proven that tooth has a folly, you adopt things to fit your fantasy.
Just because evolution is well established doesn't means its correct What is this? Mob rules?
Creationisim might have its share of problems, most of which I account for things not being understood correctly. Does not mean that it all just disappears and goes away. Religion is a deep seeded historical event that is documented. This documentation came long before your evolution was born. Besideds evolution has never been proven. No one has ever proven that a species can change into another species. No one has ever proven that all changes that we are aware of, are all part of a larger process known as evolution, its all in the authors mind with no proof.
You never claimed that mosquitoes were a vector for heartworm disease, your just trying to weasel out of your lie which was mosquitoes spread heartworm disease, which isn't possible.
The only thing you have produced is another thread thats about to be closed down, you haven't come up with a single thing that proves Target Food wrong, its all in your mind.
I'm not going to play the repeat game, Target Food is Q.E.D.
Ya right, I have never correct you on anyting, thats why you keep changing your story right
Target Food is alive and visible to anyone that wants to look up a series of diets.
If that was the motto, you would have shut up long ago
Evolution is well established has nothing to do with this "mob rule". I realize you understand very little of science, but a well established theory is one that is based on many facts and has more importantly withstood repeated testing.
Creationism on the other hand is not based on facts. It is based on faith. Religious books such as the bible are not historical accounts although they claim to be. The flood story and exodus are two clear examples of things that did NOT happen. Species evolving into other species is very well established and no amount of nay saying changes that.
And you are the one that claimed that heartworm disease can be spread from mosquitoes, only problem is mosquitoes don't carry heartworm disease, they carry heartworm larva. So you lied again.
I know about vectors. You are the one claiming that mosquitoes laid their eggs in hosts.
What we do know is that this thread is not about Tooth's Folly. Your folly is a sad fantasy for which no evidence has been supplied.
Tooth's Folly has no place in this thread.
I don't understand, there is no scientific proof of an all in one process known as evolution, its all in the authors mind.
I guess you can pretend that all changes are all part of this larger process known as evolution but there is no proof.
There is also no proof that a species can change into another species.
Well thats not entirely true, while there is faith in religion, thats not to say that EVERTHING about it is soley faith alone. There are many well documented facts in the bible and just because all of them can't be proven does not mean that everything about it is wrong. Your making an all or nothing decision based on your own preference.
I went to highschool and college long before you ever did, trust me. These are the lame type of attacks you have to make because everyone knows you can't win this debate the right way.
When you grow up you can take an intro course in high school and learn why you are wrong.
Religion isn't only about faith, its also about history, you need to pick up a book and seriously read. Oh wait, you picked up a biology book and believe that man shares a common ancestor with apes LOL. Prove it.
Religion is about faith.There are few documented facts in the bible. The flood and exodus are demonstrable false. They are proven false. Your claim that this is an all or nothing decision is just another example of you being unable to read and comprehend a post. Only you make such a claim.
The experts all agree that heartworm disease is spread by mosquitoes.
I don't need to provide proof that Tooth's Folly is about as asinine as a claim can be. It is up to tooth to provide evidence. So far zero evidence has been offered to support the folly. Thus it remains a folly and off topic.