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Veterans Are Forever Bound By Their Oath To Potect The Constitution

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posted on Feb, 22 2013 @ 12:52 AM
Every single member of all branches of the military took an oath to protect their country and "The Constitution"
and once they were honorably discharged after performing all their duties and became Veterans they never relinquished that sworn oath, it is forever bound to them.

If during the course of their enlistment they violated their oath, they would surely be court-martial-ed for dereliction of duty or even worse, a Traitor. So shouldn't it be said that even once a Veteran, they are still bound by that oath and should still be under the same set of laws if they looked the other way and did not perform the duty they swore this oath to? To Serve and Protect this Nation and The Constitution.

I believe they are bound by this oath. The unfortunate part is the fact that our nations leaders don't seem to care about the oaths that they take, and use every single judicial loophole they can to circumvent and violate the Constitution with prejudice. therefore it is the sole responsibility of all our nations active and inactive oath takers to serve and protect their oaths and their Constitution from those who so blatantly ignore and violate theirs so..Treasonously

Your oaths require only your decision to uphold and delegate , without any further orders from any chain of command, and specifically a chain of command that is corrupt treasonous and clearly an enemy of this country and its Constitution.

What Say Ye

edit on 22-2-2013 by SPECULUM because: cuzican

posted on Feb, 22 2013 @ 01:22 AM
Now do you all understand why the president and the rest of the government want to destroy all the Veterans???

Because they know you are the only thing that's standing "en-mass" in their way from a complete takeover and the destruction of the Constitution.

You are all the Real, Legal Power

posted on Feb, 22 2013 @ 01:36 AM
reply to post by SPECULUM

If it ever came down to an actual armed confrontation, between the people and the Govt. There are so many trained veteran bomb techs in this country.

An IED campaign would be waged that would make Iraq and Afghanistan look like Disney Land.

posted on Feb, 22 2013 @ 02:08 AM
article a friend sent me
i guess these letters are being sent out from department of veterans affairs
saying they've lost their 2nd amendment rights
sad stuff

posted on Feb, 22 2013 @ 02:17 AM

Originally posted by lasvegasteddy
article a friend sent me
i guess these letters are being sent out from department of veterans affairs
saying they've lost their 2nd amendment rights
sad stuff

The government doesn't have the power to take away the rights of anyone who has sworn an oath to defend its country, and are in direct violation for even attempting it without due process of each individual......they are clearly in contempt of the articles of the Constitution and are open for impeachment or anything we the people decide to do with them

and the second gives us all the right, not just the ones who upholds their sworn oaths

posted on Feb, 22 2013 @ 02:40 AM
I appreciate the sentiment here but I think oath keepers has the proper approach to reminding veterans of their oaths.... Active duty personal are under the oath too. That is why Obama is purging the leadership in the military for fear of a coup. Obama acts like a dictator more and more.

We do not want a coup either but would welcome the Military arresting this traitor and his cronies and handlers and restoring the republic to the people. However I think the military is as much divided and ignorant as the civilian population so doubt that would ever happen.

posted on Feb, 22 2013 @ 02:56 AM
reply to post by hawkiye

Its true for the most part the current military personnel and their subordinates are just clueless as to what to do or even to think for themselves..However, the ones that are now retired veterans , they are fully aware of whats going on and are sharing with their enlisted bretherin. but the story remains the one will make a move in fear of the unknown or ramification, but fully aware of what they are and have been doing to us even before Clinton , before Nixon, before Eisenhower.

but we have the manpower and the technology to end the insanity, but someones got to fire the first volley to get the game afoot

posted on Feb, 22 2013 @ 03:02 AM

Originally posted by hawkiye
I appreciate the sentiment here but I think oath keepers has the proper approach to reminding veterans of their oaths.... Active duty personal are under the oath too. That is why Obama is purging the leadership in the military for fear of a coup. Obama acts like a dictator more and more.

We do not want a coup either but would welcome the Military arresting this traitor and his cronies and handlers and restoring the republic to the people. However I think the military is as much divided and ignorant as the civilian population so doubt that would ever happen.

......ok, I'll bite. I'll probably regret it, but I'll bite. Why is Obama a traitor?

posted on Feb, 22 2013 @ 03:05 AM

Originally posted by AngryCymraeg

Originally posted by hawkiye
I appreciate the sentiment here but I think oath keepers has the proper approach to reminding veterans of their oaths.... Active duty personal are under the oath too. That is why Obama is purging the leadership in the military for fear of a coup. Obama acts like a dictator more and more.

We do not want a coup either but would welcome the Military arresting this traitor and his cronies and handlers and restoring the republic to the people. However I think the military is as much divided and ignorant as the civilian population so doubt that would ever happen.

......ok, I'll bite. I'll probably regret it, but I'll bite. Why is Obama a traitor?


posted on Feb, 22 2013 @ 03:08 AM

Originally posted by hawkiye
I appreciate the sentiment here but I think oath keepers has the proper approach to reminding veterans of their oaths.... Active duty personal are under the oath too. That is why Obama is purging the leadership in the military for fear of a coup. Obama acts like a dictator more and more.

We do not want a coup either but would welcome the Military arresting this traitor and his cronies and handlers and restoring the republic to the people. However I think the military is as much divided and ignorant as the civilian population so doubt that would ever happen.

Got any CREDIBLE and RELIABLE links for those claims?

posted on Feb, 22 2013 @ 03:19 AM
I think you are over simplifying things

posted on Feb, 22 2013 @ 03:30 AM

Originally posted by SPECULUM

Originally posted by AngryCymraeg

Originally posted by hawkiye
I appreciate the sentiment here but I think oath keepers has the proper approach to reminding veterans of their oaths.... Active duty personal are under the oath too. That is why Obama is purging the leadership in the military for fear of a coup. Obama acts like a dictator more and more.

We do not want a coup either but would welcome the Military arresting this traitor and his cronies and handlers and restoring the republic to the people. However I think the military is as much divided and ignorant as the civilian population so doubt that would ever happen.

......ok, I'll bite. I'll probably regret it, but I'll bite. Why is Obama a traitor?


Aha. I see that this thread is probably going to be descending into "OMG! Obama's a traitor 'cos he once lived a block away from a traitor terrorist who once blew his nose on the flag!!!!" Sigh.

posted on Feb, 22 2013 @ 03:48 AM

Originally posted by AngryCymraeg

Originally posted by SPECULUM

Originally posted by AngryCymraeg

Originally posted by hawkiye
I appreciate the sentiment here but I think oath keepers has the proper approach to reminding veterans of their oaths.... Active duty personal are under the oath too. That is why Obama is purging the leadership in the military for fear of a coup. Obama acts like a dictator more and more.

We do not want a coup either but would welcome the Military arresting this traitor and his cronies and handlers and restoring the republic to the people. However I think the military is as much divided and ignorant as the civilian population so doubt that would ever happen.

......ok, I'll bite. I'll probably regret it, but I'll bite. Why is Obama a traitor?


Aha. I see that this thread is probably going to be descending into "OMG! Obama's a traitor 'cos he once lived a block away from a traitor terrorist who once blew his nose on the flag!!!!" Sigh.

Bad form on the false argument. You don't have to be a Rocket scientist so see that Obama has violated the constitution many times already which equals treason... But since you seem a bit challenged in your ability to think here how about killing US citizens without any due process trial etc? That work for you aye slick? Or maybe depriving veterans of the right to keep and bear arms? How about waging undeclared wars etc? Shall I go on?
edit on 22-2-2013 by hawkiye because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 22 2013 @ 03:50 AM

Originally posted by AngryCymraeg

Originally posted by SPECULUM

Originally posted by AngryCymraeg

Originally posted by hawkiye
I appreciate the sentiment here but I think oath keepers has the proper approach to reminding veterans of their oaths.... Active duty personal are under the oath too. That is why Obama is purging the leadership in the military for fear of a coup. Obama acts like a dictator more and more.

We do not want a coup either but would welcome the Military arresting this traitor and his cronies and handlers and restoring the republic to the people. However I think the military is as much divided and ignorant as the civilian population so doubt that would ever happen.

......ok, I'll bite. I'll probably regret it, but I'll bite. Why is Obama a traitor?


Aha. I see that this thread is probably going to be descending into "OMG! Obama's a traitor 'cos he once lived a block away from a traitor terrorist who once blew his nose on the flag!!!!" Sigh.

#1 he authorized the murder of an american "suspect" in a legal proceeding without due process
#2 he authorized fast and furious
#3 he authorized the killing of bin-laden without due process
#4he manipulated the health care ."tax" when it was clearly a lie
#5he treasonously lied under oath to protect the constitution

I'm tired of writing, i'll let anyone else continue this list , its endless

posted on Feb, 22 2013 @ 03:57 AM
The Constitution states that all it takes is 2 people with proof to come forward who will testify in open court to charge treason against anyone, including the president. How is that for food for thought?

edit on 22-2-2013 by thunder57 because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 22 2013 @ 10:04 AM
reply to post by SPECULUM

It is not just the duty of veterans or any other oath takers to make things right. It is the patriotic duty of every american to stand up to the tyranny that is abounding across this country. Most of us who swore that oath take it very seriously. We also are smart enough not to talk about how we will uphold that oath on an internet forum. You are3 correct that we are forever bound by our oaths. But you must also remember that every citizen is bound by patriotism to stand and fight just as much as the veterans. I promise you this, that if anarchy reigns in this country the veterans and patriots will be there to do what needs to be done. Right now is the calm before the storm so to speak. But the veterans can not do it alone. So you may say that doing nothing is violating our oath but civilians doing nothing is violating everything this country was founded upon. The only way change has a chance to succeed is if we all work together and stop blaming each other for inaction.

posted on Feb, 22 2013 @ 11:06 AM

Originally posted by usmc0311
reply to post by SPECULUM

It is not just the duty of veterans or any other oath takers to make things right. It is the patriotic duty of every american to stand up to the tyranny that is abounding across this country. Most of us who swore that oath take it very seriously. We also are smart enough not to talk about how we will uphold that oath on an internet forum. You are3 correct that we are forever bound by our oaths. But you must also remember that every citizen is bound by patriotism to stand and fight just as much as the veterans. I promise you this, that if anarchy reigns in this country the veterans and patriots will be there to do what needs to be done. Right now is the calm before the storm so to speak. But the veterans can not do it alone. So you may say that doing nothing is violating our oath but civilians doing nothing is violating everything this country was founded upon. The only way change has a chance to succeed is if we all work together and stop blaming each other for inaction.

While nothing is still being done

You Sworn Veterans and Enlisted have the First right above and beyond all others, because you swore this oath to defend and gave your lives in defense of it. you must lead, where we the people shall follow.

The government cannot use excuses or propaganda to cloud the opinions of the people when the Veterans and enlisted stand as one in defense of their oaths against the usurpers. only you can be recognized as the truth, any one else would only be seen as a terrorist and the media would quickly sway the opinion and drown out the voices of reason.

posted on Feb, 22 2013 @ 11:35 AM
reply to post by SPECULUM

any one else would only be seen as a terrorist and the media would quickly sway the opinion and drown out the voices of reason.

Right now it is more likely for a veteran to be labeled a terrorist for such activity than a civilian. The DHS made sure of that a few years ago and it continues to this day. Veteran or not as Americans we all have a duty to stand in the face of tyranny. In my opinion and many other veterans that I know the best course of action at this time is to speak out and spread the message far and wide. Right now there are many veterans leading that charge. I do so greatly on another website that I administrate. The more people we get to wake up the more we will have on our side when and if everything collapses.

posted on Feb, 22 2013 @ 11:42 AM

Originally posted by usmc0311
reply to post by SPECULUM

any one else would only be seen as a terrorist and the media would quickly sway the opinion and drown out the voices of reason.

Right now it is more likely for a veteran to be labeled a terrorist for such activity than a civilian. The DHS made sure of that a few years ago and it continues to this day. Veteran or not as Americans we all have a duty to stand in the face of tyranny. In my opinion and many other veterans that I know the best course of action at this time is to speak out and spread the message far and wide. Right now there are many veterans leading that charge. I do so greatly on another website that I administrate. The more people we get to wake up the more we will have on our side when and if everything collapses.

Its already collapsed, the only thing we are waiting on is the punchline

posted on Feb, 22 2013 @ 11:58 AM
reply to post by SPECULUM

I wouldn't say anything has collapsed yet. When and if the American people are physically engaged by the government we will stand tall with weapons ready to fight. Doing so now would only be detrimental to the overall cause due to the fact that the majority of the population is clueless to what's happening, or they just don't care enough because it has yet to affect them directly.

You villify us and even called us treasonous in another thread yet you are generalizing the whole due to the inaction of a few. Everyday I run into more veterans who are waking up and who are actively spreading the truth to others. If you think that you will just be able to sit back and let the veterans do the fighting for you then you are mistaken. As I said I actively work to spread the truth to others to strengthen our cause. So what is it that you are doing besides blaming others for not fighting for you?

I will say this again. As american citizens the fault lies with us all in reguards to the situation we currently find ourselves in. Therefore it is the responsibility of us all to fix this mess. Not just the veterans and other oathkeepers.

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