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Disturbing..... I discovered no one is going to vote!

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posted on Oct, 30 2004 @ 10:45 PM
While listening to everyone at work today, I discovered only myself and one other plans on voting in my department....and then when I asked around a bit in the other departments...there are very few that is going to vote...some of their reasoning's as to why they aren't voting: They're both liars, so why bother & My vote won't count anyway because it's all fixed.

posted on Oct, 30 2004 @ 10:47 PM
Good for you, voting that is.
If you don't vote, you can't bitch!

posted on Oct, 30 2004 @ 10:47 PM
Every vote counts, so these people are ignorant for not voting. They have to stand with either Bush or Kerry on at least some issues, IE abortion, tort reform, taxes...Alone we are weak, but united we are strong. EACH VOTE COUNTS!!!

posted on Oct, 30 2004 @ 10:50 PM
Anyone who doesnt vote based on such reasns should get shipped off to some third world dump ruled by brutal dictators.

I am sick of people who refuse to vote. Their excuses are to cover up laziness!

posted on Oct, 30 2004 @ 10:54 PM
Another reason, people may not vote is the antiquated (sp) Electoral College, time to say goodbye to this piece of voter rigging.
Everyone should vote. Very important. When I lived in the States, I couldn't vote.
Now that I am back home, it felt so good to cast my ballot.

posted on Oct, 30 2004 @ 11:12 PM
Isn't it something? One of the catchcries of the left has been "What if they threw a war and no-one came?"

Instead their throwing an election

In Australia it is mandatory to vote in every Federal, State (and if required by state law) local election - once you have registered, for the rest of your life. What most people dont tell you is.....theres no legal requirement to register in the first place!.......Some seats in our elections were decided by a couple of hundred of votes.

If people dont like Bush and/or Kerry, then the guy who is gonna win is the guy that has fewer people thinking thier vote is a waste of time.....BUSH. Do you really want to be responsible for THAT!

Every vote does count....especially the one not made.

posted on Oct, 30 2004 @ 11:17 PM
I am kind of glad that people don't vote. People who don't care to pay attention will rarely step outside the box to vote 3rd party if they DID decide to vote.

This only strengthens our chance of a good percentage count for the Libertarians. Their serious numbers are going up nationwide.

I say don't dilute the vote if you don't know/care about it.

posted on Oct, 30 2004 @ 11:30 PM
link still have made a choice. In this case, LadyV's coworkers have decided to let others handle the decision.

There is absolutely nothing wrong with this. They are basically saying that they trust the judgment of those who do choose to vote more than their own. They may very well be right to do so.

What advantage is there to having people vote who are admittedly uninformed and uninterested in the issues? All that does is give rise to a class of voters who are easily manipulated by deceit.

The right to vote necessarily implies the right not to vote. By choosing not to vote, LadyV's coworkers are exercising that right as they see fit.

Obviously, they are not so troubled about the state of political affairs that they feel compelled to get involved, which means that while they will no doubt complain about this or that, in truth they are basically happy about the way things are being handled.

Look on the bright side: with fewer voters, your vote counts more.

posted on Oct, 30 2004 @ 11:31 PM

Originally posted by Skadi_the_Evil_Elf
Anyone who doesnt vote based on such reasns should get shipped off to some third world dump ruled by brutal dictators.

I am sick of people who refuse to vote. Their excuses are to cover up laziness!

HOw can you even state this, THe election is a joke, Not only is it massively fraudulant, but I dont care who votes for what, the person they want in office will be in office... meaning this..

80% of the voting machines are electronic, meaning no paper trail.. so we cann can vote for humty dumpty and it will still come out to whoever tf they want..

In the past it has been confirmded that they have supressed at least 4 million black votes in FL so that moron bush can win...

There have been stories all over ATS this year where it is quite evident that there is vote tampering on Bush's side of the table.. havent heard any about kerry yet so i can say for sure...

so in the lines of all that I dont think a vote counts for anything...

in the guote of our dear dear president..

George Bush
It wouldnt be bad to be a dictator, as long as i'm the dictator.

it is self evident this vote means nothing.. why dont you research and find out why so many people dont care if they vote tuesday or anything.

Some links to make my case.

Russain Dicator Joseph Stalin
Those who cast the votes decide nothing. Those who count the votes decide everything.

[edit on 30-10-2004 by ThichHeaded]

posted on Oct, 30 2004 @ 11:59 PM
I found it disturbing in this age of hacking and cheating the US would try using computerised voting.

By my way of thinking its more certain to be subsetible(sic) to cheating than the old paper count with a roomfull of mixed ballot authorities of differing persuassions keeping an eye on each other.

Do they have preferential voting in the US system?

In Australia if you have more than two candidates for the lower house, say five, then you are required to allocate preferences 1 to 5 (most wanted to least) in case your first pick fails to come up. Minor parties (say the Greens or Family First) can make deals with the majors to recommend to thier supporters which way mark the ballot, but ultimately it is up to the individual. It can give groups that may not otherwise get a voice a bit of leverage. Especially with marginal seats.

Its a bit more complicated for our Upper House, the Senate.

I still say if you cant take the time to work out on balance who is marginally better or worse to decide who to vote for, you deserve who you end up with.

posted on Oct, 31 2004 @ 12:13 AM

Originally posted by ThichHeaded

Originally posted by Skadi_the_Evil_Elf
Anyone who doesnt vote based on such reasns should get shipped off to some third world dump ruled by brutal dictators.

I am sick of people who refuse to vote. Their excuses are to cover up laziness!

HOw can you even state this, THe election is a joke, Not only is it massively fraudulant, but I dont care who votes for what, the person they want in office will be in office... meaning this..

80% of the voting machines are electronic, meaning no paper trail.. so we cann can vote for humty dumpty and it will still come out to whoever tf they want..

In the past it has been confirmded that they have supressed at least 4 million black votes in FL so that moron bush can win...

There have been stories all over ATS this year where it is quite evident that there is vote tampering on Bush's side of the table.. havent heard any about kerry yet so i can say for sure...

so in the lines of all that I dont think a vote counts for anything...

in the guote of our dear dear president..

George Bush
It wouldnt be bad to be a dictator, as long as i'm the dictator.

it is self evident this vote means nothing.. why dont you research and find out why so many people dont care if they vote tuesday or anything.

Some links to make my case.

Russain Dicator Joseph Stalin
Those who cast the votes decide nothing. Those who count the votes decide everything.

[edit on 30-10-2004 by ThichHeaded]

As long as people sit on heir asses and do NOTHING about voter fraud, it will continue to happen.

Freedom aint free. Once in a while, you have to get off your lazy ass and defend it, from all enemies, foreign AND ESPECIALLY domestic.

Your whining about rigging and fraud just proves my point.

If people got off their asses and agressively fought it, it wouldnt be an issue.

posted on Oct, 31 2004 @ 12:26 AM

Originally posted by valkeryie
Another reason, people may not vote is the antiquated (sp) Electoral College, time to say goodbye to this piece of voter rigging.
Everyone should vote. Very important. When I lived in the States, I couldn't vote.
Now that I am back home, it felt so good to cast my ballot.

Electoral College guarantees power alternation. Remember the US is a Republic of conferated states. Popular vote is not good since only the most populated states determine the election's outcome

posted on Oct, 31 2004 @ 01:08 AM
hey, in USA it is voluntary to vote, here in Australia its compulsory. You know what thou, anyone who doesn't vote in the upcoming elections in USA will have no reason to complain about the outcome & how it affects their way of life. Only stupid & ignorant people don't at least have their say at election time.

posted on Oct, 31 2004 @ 01:17 AM
I voted early and decided to vote for Bush....I feel bad for the Illuminati and wanted someone they could control a little better. I figured Kerry would be a loose cannon like Kennedy and we dont need anymore of those situations. Maybe this will accelerate us towards all those laughed at conspiracy theories and then I can laugh back at them.

vewy vewy weeeeeeird people in this world

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