posted on Feb, 21 2013 @ 10:09 AM
Jack Swagger baby. If you listen to Alex Jones he says it's a direct attack on the Tea Party. I don't know about all that. But finally Jack
Swagger has an interesting character, lol. Funny, thing, is when he makes his racist (or his manager) rants about borders needing to be closed, and
people being different, and we should go back to the constitution, the crowds down south cheer a bit.
But AJ has a point. This guy is an evil TeaParter'er in away. He is making people who love the constitution, and are anti illegal-immigration look
like bad people. It's a statement. The WWE is famous for being racist (never black champion in wwe history) and now I guess we will learn where the
really stand when the mexican and the tea party guy face off at Wrestlemania.
They even went as far to mention that This guy gets fan mail from Glen Beck, Rush Limbaugh, and Alex Jones. LOL. It's awesome.
So what's the conspiracy?
Is the WWE using it's program to get Linda Mcmahon favor in the republican party before the next senate election and making lovers of the
constitution branded as evil?