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Breaking: The Minnesota Iceman Body Has Been Sold For $20,000 (or more) On Ebay

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posted on Feb, 21 2013 @ 07:00 AM
Remember the "Iceman" ? That was a big deal back in the day! I myself always (still do) wondered if it was the real deal.

Published on Feb 21, 2013

The Minnesota Iceman Body Has Been Sold For $20,000 (or more) On Ebay

The "creature", while under ice, baffled the famed zoologist (and so-called father of cryptozoology) Bernard Heuvelmans who examined it in it's heyday. Stories circulated as to the origin of the creature ranging from "a hunter shot it in the great northwoods", to "it was killed during wartime in Southeast Asia", and even that it was found floating in the ocean encased in it's signature block of ice. It is thought that the "creature" was actually crafted by one of Disney's early Imagineers. Regardless of who actually did create it,

According to reports articles on Bigfoot in 1968, cryptozoologists Ivan Sanderson and Bernard Heuvelmans, reportedly examined the Iceman in Hansen's house trailer in Minnesota, and concluded it was a genuine creature, saying they found "putrefaction where some of the flesh had been exposed from the melted ice."

Here is some history on the Iceman

posted on Feb, 21 2013 @ 08:11 AM
Has no one done DNA tests on it? If this thing is real, is it supposed to be Bigfoot? Neat.

posted on Feb, 21 2013 @ 08:19 AM
reply to post by RUFFREADY

Hopefully whoever bought it will freaking run some tests on it!! I think this would prove bigfoot real once and for all....IMO

Great find OP, I can't believe this thing is still around and hasn't been dissected into pieces by now......If it is real that is

posted on Feb, 21 2013 @ 08:21 AM
Wow....really dating myself here, but I remember when this came to the mall when I was a kid. The ice was really cloudy, but I remember being impressed with the hair on the parts you could see clearly. It looked real, coming through the skin in pores, individually. I have always wondered what became of it (him?) in this age of DNA. Hopefully the next owners will be getting the necessary steps to identify what/who it is conclusively.
Sure to be on an upcoming "Finding Bigfoot" episode. I would be surprised if they didn't purchase it themselves. Especially because the title of their show is so should be "Roaming Around the Woods, Looking for Something Called Bigfoot", as they have never really found anything.

posted on Feb, 21 2013 @ 09:44 AM
Nice find OP

I read that the Ice man was buried in an unmarked grave in a forest in either California or Ukraine (depending on what you read).

Here is a picture from a few years ago of it out of Ice

posted on Feb, 21 2013 @ 09:49 AM
Sort of tough to guess that money is the key driver here, huh?

posted on Feb, 21 2013 @ 02:03 PM
reply to post by RUFFREADY
Awww man! I was just writing up a thread on this!

I'm glad I checked before writing any more...this was what I had >

The Minnesota Iceman was a travelling exhibit that was meant to be the frozen remains of a 'missing link.' It was called the 'Iceman' as it was displayed encased in ice with its face being partially concealed by the frosted covering. Whatever it was, the face was clearly not that of a modern human and stories have varied over the years as to whether it was a real body or some latex gaffe for the side-shows and carnivals.

Cryptozoological legend Ivan T. Sanderson insisted that it was a genuine body and identified it as a Homo Erectus. Those guys have been extinct for several hundred thousand years, but that was his position on the matter. Early viewers maintained that it was a frozen, flesh 'n' blood critter that might even have had a bullet wound in its face.

Eventually the exhibit disappeared from sight and was, to all practical purposes, left as a mystery. Many believed the Iceman to be a hoax and others speculated that the owner, Hansen, had disposed of 'the body' out of fear of murder charges.

So it goes! After the 'body' was allegedly disposed of, Hansen once again began touring with the Iceman only this one was claimed to be latex reproduction of the original. In cryptozoology, it's a full-on legend with 1000s of internet words and several books being written for and against.

Hansen, however, was evasive about the creature’s origins and his motives for showing it. He told Sanderson that Russian sealers had found the body off the coast of Kamchatka; he also said that Japanese whalers had fished the body from the sea. In either case, it ended up in Hong Kong, where Hansen’s benefactor, a California millionaire, had purchased it. The mysterious owner had then leased it to Hansen for display at sideshows. Hansen said that he didn’t know what the creature was and didn’t want to know. He also said that the wildman had been examined by scientists in Oklahoma, who took hair, tissue, and blood samples.
Joshuah Blu Buhs; Bigfoot: The Life and Times of a Legend; p 147

Just this week, the latex gaffe has been sold for less than the asking price of $20 000. The buyer is currently unknown although it might be destined for Loren Coleman's Crypto Museum.

Starred and flagged for a good OP and saving me some time

posted on Feb, 21 2013 @ 02:05 PM
Just to add for the guys who haven't read the article...

It's a latex model that has been sold

posted on Feb, 21 2013 @ 03:32 PM
I call BS!

The sale of human remains is banned on Ebay.
edit on 2/21/13 by proob4 because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 22 2013 @ 12:38 PM
reply to post by Kandinsky

Yeah... Sanderson's story that it was replaced with this latex dummy stands up Imo. Frustrating how greed trumps advancement of knowledge. Another lost opportunity or at worst a great tale.

posted on Feb, 23 2013 @ 06:41 AM
I thought the real iceman had vanished years ago.... no one knew what happened to it..

suprised to hear its been sold, never knew it was found

posted on Jun, 29 2013 @ 12:23 PM
Apparently, the Minnesota Iceman is about to go on display in Texas!

Earlier this year, Steve Busti -- owner of the Museum of the Weird in Austin, Texas -- bought the ice man from the family of its original owner in Minnesota. He's going to once again reveal the ape-like creature to the world starting July 3 at his museum.


posted on Jun, 29 2013 @ 01:24 PM

Originally posted by 1questioner
Apparently, the Minnesota Iceman is about to go on display in Texas!

Earlier this year, Steve Busti -- owner of the Museum of the Weird in Austin, Texas -- bought the ice man from the family of its original owner in Minnesota. He's going to once again reveal the ape-like creature to the world starting July 3 at his museum.


That's cool. Also June 27th Loren Coleman ask....

"What is to be found in Texas? The original or the model that was used to replace it?"

"Some of the photographs you see out there were even taken by me (Loren Coleman) in 1969, at the Illinois State Fair, as per the one below:"

I wonder (me talking) if there really was "two" icemen? Read the latest from Loren Coleman here

It has a lot of pictures and drawings, good stuff!

Now I'm going to go chase my cat...its right behind me meowing (it seems like it always does this when I'm trying to get some kind of thought process going!! Damn!)

posted on Jun, 29 2013 @ 01:27 PM
WOW SWEET! I love this kind of stuff, I'm a Central Texas native, born and raised, never heard of this place. But I just reserved tickets for $35, I will definitely be there! It's only about a 15 minute drive tops, stay tuned for pictures and possibly video

posted on Jun, 29 2013 @ 01:29 PM
reply to post by Ear-Responsible

Hey! That's great! Looking forward to hearing all about it! have fun! Get a good look at that thing too!!


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