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Was Ron Paul Cheated?

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posted on Feb, 20 2013 @ 12:26 PM
We'll never know if we got cheated or not. He never got a chance to even run. The whole election process is rigged. Remember this?

posted on Feb, 20 2013 @ 12:35 PM

Originally posted by jheated5

Wow so Paul would cut Federal funding to employees that don't do their job? Cut military spending? and stop wars overseas??? Wow that does sound very detrimental!

Detrimental indeed! You may not realize it, but those very ideas of Ron Paul's would have ensured the complete collapse of our structure. Like it or not, this is a military based country, and just about every aspect of our economy is dependent on military spending. From your vilified military industrial complex, to our armed forces, to the contractors and sub contractors that sell to all of the above, the citizens of this country RELY on military spending in every way imaginable.

You think the economy was bad? Ron Paul's ideas (if he were to ever get a single one through Congress) would certainly set the country back about 100 years. Of courses, he would not get anything past Congress. lame duck Presidency for four years is what that would be. He also would have been trounced by Obama in the election. He had a loud minority of support.

posted on Feb, 20 2013 @ 12:42 PM

Originally posted by userabuser
reply to post by Hopechest

Passing budget bills to "keep the government working" is only passing budget increases to what is already in the budget. It's that mentality that continues to increase national debt.

Absolutely incorrect. Not a single continuing resolution has increased spending. In fact, the government is still frozen at 2010 spending levels with a proposed budget to return to spending levels from 2008. Regardless of that fact, it does of course add to the debt. Everything does. I suppose we could fix the budget to cap at taxes brought in, but with those kinds of reductions it would not be long before we were invaded and you were learning Chinese. No military to speak of, too expensive. Must not go into the hole!

Your idea of how the country should operate is a pipe dream realized by no country. National debt will always exist.

posted on Feb, 20 2013 @ 01:28 PM
reply to post by Darkphoenix77

This line of thought is defeatist. Ron Paul followers want to change the things work but they refuse to get involved because they see the system as broken. You can't say the system is fixed when you focus on one example that has a very jaded and disillusioned base.

posted on Feb, 20 2013 @ 01:32 PM
This is a great video-- thanks for sharing, OP.

Very telling. I hope this gets a lot of flags, as everyone should watch this-- regardless of who they supported in the election. That is, if you care at all about the media and their attempts to influence politics by way of slanted coverage and other little tricks.

Shameful, really.

posted on Feb, 20 2013 @ 01:42 PM

Originally posted by Xcalibur254
reply to post by Darkphoenix77

This line of thought is defeatist. Ron Paul followers want to change the things work but they refuse to get involved because they see the system as broken. You can't say the system is fixed when you focus on one example that has a very jaded and disillusioned base.

I see where you are coming from. I am not saying people shouldn't try to change things, we should. We should shout and make our displeasure known to any and all that will listen. The system as it currently stands I fear may be beyond repair with words alone though I hope otherwise. I do not think the people running things will willingly remove the foot from the door now that they pull the puppet strings of the politicians.

posted on Feb, 20 2013 @ 02:22 PM
You guys debating about gridlocks forgot about the almighty executive order. Nothing new about implementing them to get your way. It's been done many times.

posted on Feb, 20 2013 @ 02:34 PM
I can't believe that anybody would say that our system depends on a continued military-industrial complex and that it has any long term benefits. That to me is just incomprehensible. Fact after fact shows that wars, considered by net effect, are a loss and any profits or gains are strictly limited to a very few. If there was anything that separated the rich from the poor (increased the gap) it would most certainly by a warring and miltiary-industrial economic basis. It doesn't even require taking the money that would have been spent on military and re-directing it to the poor. It just means we don't get taxed to support false-flag wars and unnecessary military expense. It also means we don't do foreign aid and we don't do special interest programs that ought to be handled by charities instead of the federal government.

Ron Paul's philosophy is to stop federal government largess and do away with the debt-based federal reserve. He's actually very well-read on the subject. He may not be the most dynamic speaker in the world, and he may actually be better put to use in offices other than the president, but his political agenda is light-years beyond anybody else that's getting elected.

posted on Feb, 20 2013 @ 02:56 PM
reply to post by Abstruse

That's the problem though. Ron Paul is thoroughly against executive orders as they are not a power given by the Constitution. As a result, if he were actually elected, Paul would be faced with either accomplishing nothing or turning his back on those people who elected him and contribute to the large federal government he opposes.

posted on Feb, 20 2013 @ 04:11 PM
Ron Paul is indeed a great politician, and I myself consider myself to be a libertarian, just like he is.

But the fact in the matter is they don't want people that will actually uphold the constitution in office. It's obviously rigged. And if it isn't rigged, the MSM only covers the people they want to cover. Which is why you hardly hear about independent political parties. You only hear of democrats and republicans. And the true definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over, expecting different results. Which is exactly what happens. They get their poster boy canidate, have him say he'll do this and that, yet they never do it. And people still go out and vote for these idiots every time. Yet, the popular vote doesn't even really matter anymore, it's all about electoral votes. They want to convey the illusion of a fair election, but that's not the case at all anymore.

posted on Feb, 20 2013 @ 05:12 PM
reply to post by Lingweenie

I could not agree with you any more Lingweenie and am in compliance with your statement 100%. It is so sad to see how the popular vote is no longer of any consequence and only serves to basically see how many people you fit into a group with. The worse part is the idiots that are supposed to represent the people (the congressmen) are supposed to cast thier electoral votes in accordance to what the people of thier district want in relation to the popular vote. The sad truth is they almost never side with the people and just vote for the top goon from whatever party they are a member of.

posted on Feb, 20 2013 @ 06:16 PM
reply to post by Darkphoenix77

Not only was Ron Paul cheated, but the who thing was done to the point where they made him look like a fool. It really sucks when decent honest men who are trying to help people down on their luck get pushed aside like this.

posted on Feb, 20 2013 @ 06:22 PM
The greater fool.

posted on Feb, 20 2013 @ 08:58 PM
reply to post by Darkphoenix77

if anything, watching them do it to him convinced me they were crooked for sure no doubt in my mind and now it sticks out like a sore thumb.

posted on Feb, 20 2013 @ 09:11 PM
reply to post by Darkphoenix77

Was he cheated? Absolutely. If you're not *in* you're not getting in if you know what I'm saying. The whole election is like a play on the stage. The actors are of course, best friends but play the part of bitter enemies. Everything they do, is being done so from a script the screenwriters wrote for them. All the time, the screen writers, prop masters and everyone else who made it possible are behind the curtain patting themselves on the back for a play well done.

Obama is a puppet, Romney is a puppet. Everyone on the stage was a puppet. Except for one man, who spoke the truth and told America what we needed to hear, not what we wanted to hear. In fact, he's been saying the exact same things since the 70's. That's why I believe he's the only politician anyone could ever trust.

He hasn't flip flopped, he hasn't lied. He hasn't gone from one campaign method to another, he's stuck with the simplest, most needed campaign method he knows: The truth. And the people behind the curtains don't want you to know how they pull off these amazing plays...

I would have loved if Obama's monotone droning of "hope" and "change" was actually something he believed in. I would have gladly got behind Obama if I thought he was something different. But he's not. HE'S.JUST.LIKE.BUSH.

posted on Feb, 20 2013 @ 09:23 PM
I was purposefully avoiding this thread/video for the past two days because getting pissed off again as I was during the entire 2012 election was inevitable. I can't remember the person who was in every Ron Paul thread during the election trying to convice everyone RP wasn't being ignored, but he/she pissed me off as well. I haven't seen that person on this thread yet. Maybe they were only on ATS during that time to try to sway people and demonize RP... a troll, if you will.

Anyway, I didn't need any convincing of the MSM's agenda back then and I don't need it now. They were officially ignoring him, period.

And this thread isn't about 'needing to pass legislation, even if it's bad'. It's about the man that still represents America, our principles and the people... that being RP. Who are we if we are a nation without principles??? RP was trying to restore our glory. That takes courage, to do things and believe that we can still be great and at the same time stick to our principles that once gave us direction. It takes courage to stand in front of cameras, stand on stage in front of America in this day and age, and tell Americans that we have lost our way. It is unpopular, it is dangerous, it is American, IT IS RON PAUL!

I knew RP wouldn't be elected. I hoped differently, but knew the truth. I also hoped that he would trigger a revolution in politics, which would inspire many that stood with RP to enter into politics and change the system from the inside out. It will take many, many years but it's really our only shot at getting this great experiment back on course. I still have that hope.

Dr. Ron Paul, here's to you!

posted on Feb, 20 2013 @ 09:23 PM

Originally posted by Hopechest

There would be no reason to assassinate them since they would get absolutely nothing done for anyone to worry about. A Paul presidency would have been the most unproductive in the history of our country.

Depends on what you call productive. Let's see....

All his plans would not pass Congress and he would veto anything they passed. It would be four years of nothing but a stalemate with each side blaming the other. At least now we can manage to get just enough done to keep the country running but all that would stop if Paul was President.

This country needs legislation passed, even if its bad, to even function at a basic level. Paul does not understand that.

Ah. You think that political posturing, deal making and passing more laws is productive. See, there is where you are wrong. More laws and regulations doesn't mean progress or productivity. It means less in most cases. It means more restrictions, more invasions of our privacy, more spending, more debt, and more people unemployed and in jail.

There is absolutely nothing productive about any of the yahoos in congress or the whitehouse today. No matter what comes of this sequestration nonsense, no matter what the next fabricated crisis is, in the end they will pass laws or regulations which will make things worse.

What would be great is that a RP in the WH could do a lot by way of getting troops out of Iraq and Afganistan, for real. Those of you that think we have actually pulled completely out of Iraq are drinking waaaaaay too much kool-aid. He wouldn't then use the reduction in costs for war as excuses to prop up other wasteful programs and pass it off as a "savings".

He could absolutely cut indiscriminately from the executive branch which is.....everything that isn't congress, the supreme court, or states. This means he could hack and slash the obligation of funds utilized by the departments (defense, ed, energy, labor, etc...) and cut all their pork barrel spending.

In the meantime he would veto every single nonsensical and unconstitutional thing that came across his desk. This would mean one of two things:

1) no more stupid laws, spending, debt, wars, etc...
2) congress would wise-up and maybe pass a law that was actually constitutional and in favor of personal liberty

Either way, we win.

Sounds like a great presidency to me.

posted on Feb, 20 2013 @ 09:49 PM
Why exactly is this in the Conspiracy Theory forum? This is conspiracy fact!

Dr. Paul should be Potus. There is little doubt that if he had not faced back balling and outright fraud he would have won by a landslide.

It does not matter if his more radical ideas did not pass the house or congress. It would have sent a very clear message! Americans prefer Liberty to a Police State!

It speaks loudly to the state of this nation!
edit on 20-2-2013 by Donkey_Dean because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 20 2013 @ 10:09 PM
Every once in a while I see posts I wish I could give multiple stars to for thier honesty and truthfulness. I want to give a big thumbs up to everyone in this thread that supports Ron Paul. You all know who you are, in the last handful, of posts, and not belittling everyone that has posted from the start, six67seven, bakatono, donkey, lingweenie, iwilliam, and the list could go on forever this one is for you guys!!

posted on Feb, 21 2013 @ 12:19 AM
Was he cheated? Yes he was. The evidence is all over youtube and the internet; Ballot box stuffing, vote fraud, fear tactics, physical assault, rules fraud, mis/disinformation campaigns. And to add salt on the wounds, the RNC steamrolled the grassroots (Ron Paul supporters) passing new rules saying, 'in the future, the presumptive gop nominee can pick and choose which delegates he wants, overriding each states' GOP rules and election processes'. Reince Preibus the RNC Chairman is ON RECORD saying he didn't receive Ron Paul's nomination papers in time but it is also ON RECORD that the papers were turned in, ON TIME, and TO THE RIGHT PEOPLE. Blatant fraud.

There was an extensive book written about it too.

There is also this documentary that summarizes the Ron Paul Revolution starting in 2007:

edit on 21-2-2013 by eLPresidente because: (no reason given)

edit on 21-2-2013 by eLPresidente because: (no reason given)

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