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100% PROOF The Iraq War Was A Lie- Declassified Rumsfeld Memos

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posted on Feb, 20 2013 @ 12:12 AM
reply to post by TrueAmerican

I agree. And my attack on the maddowblog was a weak dig on my part. True, of course, but truth is truth whether it comes from Alex Jones, Maddow, Limbaugh, or very very rarely, the everyday MSM. Good job. I'm being a choirboy bitching about being preached to without realizing others need the lesson.

posted on Feb, 20 2013 @ 12:14 AM
reply to post by TrueAmerican
Sounds like an opening for nova yep thought so Bush's War Part 1 see if i can find part 2 yep here is part 2 thinked before i thought, it is Frontline. Enjoy the 5 hours, the first 2 hours are of whom said what, to get this, to have that, to convince them to got to war, and that was just part one.

edit on 20-2-2013 by bekod because: added link, line edit

posted on Feb, 20 2013 @ 12:17 AM
reply to post by SELAboy

I appreciate your self-insight, and I hear ya.
Lots of us already know, and have known for years, but new readers and those who entertained the idea but were always on the fence, need to see what was really going on. And I don't have any solutions how to fix it, cause the voting system isn't working, period. It is sabotaged, the media's bought, and we got at least 80% of Americans that are fricken clueless, and mindlessly supporting the monster. It sucks.

posted on Feb, 20 2013 @ 12:20 AM
ah , the game of thrones , Bush sr takes the seat , destabilizes Iraq , Clinton comes in to calm the waters for a bit ... Boom impeach Clinton to stay on schedule, now Bush Jr ,comes in and Pushes the Agenda , i made this connection when i was very young , like in my teens , .... and still to this day i have not voted because this enlightened me to how the government works ... i am 29 now btw

a Sick world we live in , when lives have a price tag .... but like Henry Kissanger said something along the lines of , our military foot soldiers are just pawns in a game ...

F!@# that guy ! and all the money/power hungry ! pigs in the government

Go RON PAUL !!!!!!!

posted on Feb, 20 2013 @ 12:20 AM
Thanks for posting this S&F

It’s kind of too late for this because no one will be able to prosecute these bastard pigs in any international court of laws until their death occurred (natural or sickness and I hope they burn in hell).

But we all can prevent this happen in future, Iraq/Afghanistan and Libya long gone, let’s not happen again in Syria, Iran, Yemen, Tunisia, Egypt, Algeria or even North Korea under false pretext of what ever.

posted on Feb, 20 2013 @ 12:29 AM
reply to post by LightningStrikesHere

BushClintonBushObama are all the same dynasty outside the propaganda.
Reagan was the launching pad but I don't think the poor chap knew it. The real "Game of Thrones" scenario ran from Kennedy up to Reagan. And there was some before that, off an on, from Lincoln to Eisenhower. The last independent "king" was Kennedy. And our version of the Lannisters ensured something like him would never happen again.

posted on Feb, 20 2013 @ 12:42 AM

Originally posted by SELAboy
reply to post by LightningStrikesHere

BushClintonBushObama are all the same dynasty outside the propaganda.
Reagan was the launching pad but I don't think the poor chap knew it. The real "Game of Thrones" scenario ran from Kennedy up to Reagan. And there was some before that, off an on, from Lincoln to Eisenhower. The last independent "king" was Kennedy. And our version of the Lannisters ensured something like him would never happen again.

indeed , i second that for sure
your spot on brother

posted on Feb, 20 2013 @ 01:06 AM
reply to post by ParasuvO

Wow. thanks for that wisdom. Personally, I don't care one way or another. These aren't things that 'might' happen. They are things that are very possible to do. You can do the same thing with commercial airline shipping containers. If you want to deliver a weapon of mass destruction, it's pretty easy. What you might have to consider is, how possible is it? A MIG-29 is built like a tractor. It's doesn't need a long runway. it is easy to fly. to this day, at low level, it would be SUPER difficult to intercept. I must assume that in Canada, there are no straight portions of dirt roads or open fields that are about 1500 feet long. I'm just saying. I think for my own. I didn't pick Canada or Mexico because I don't like Canadians or Mexicans. I picked them because I was asked 'If there where more of these buried, and we missed them, what would they be able to use them for'? the post I made was one of the recommendations I made about what you could do with a MIG-29 uploaded with chemical weapons. The recommendation was part of a request for information from a guy named Colin Powell. In hindsight, the way the first gulf war was fought INSURED there would be a second, ad nauseum. If i had been a spook for the Iraq government, instead of the armed forces of the US, I would have done my best against the coalition forces. I was getting paid to do a job, so I did it the best I could. Which means, I am more than able to 'distance' myself from what people think, and think on my own. Assuredly, there is a VAST distance between you and me. Thats why we have these discussions. I hope this makes a little more sense to you about where I am coming from. I'd hope that human beings act they're best, but history tells us they almost always act at they're very worst. I didn't get to choose where my ancestors come from. They came mostly, almost exclusively, from Canada. Good Day to you.

posted on Feb, 20 2013 @ 01:09 AM
And it really hits home, at least for me, when seeing those smug sob's like Bush or Rumsfeld talking about how precious American soldiers' lives are, etc...It had already been proven that what these two men sold to the UN was a bill of goods. And what is really astounding is that they did not even go for something that was remotely true. They just completely made something up, lol. I mean WOW!

I wholeheartedly agree that most Americans probably think, and I try not to hold this against them, that the government really cares and looks out for its citizens. But what is the government except an amalgamation of peoples? And are people not corruptible? Is the political scene not one of the most apt to be corrupt? We hurt ourselves by putting liars into office, if we actually do put them there, but what difference does it make to put an honest politician in office when the whole system is rigged to corrupt them, with all the lobbying, favors, and backscratching. I can guarantee everyone that both Bush and Rumsfeld made many millions of dollars, personally, from the war in Iraq, which they fabricated.

And they made a lot of money for a lot of their friends and supporters as well, you know, the ones who helped them get into office in the first place, etc. I do not think this was the sole motive, but it definitely made the idea of invading Iraq sweeter. Bush Jr. had it out for Hussein anyway, as we all should know, for what Hussein "was going" to do to his daddy, Bush Sr. Those were two bushes that never should have been allowed to grow, erm, I mean gain office. But as I said, the problem runs much deeper.

A pushy president can get backroom deals done just as congressmen in the House and Senate can, but instead of a BALANCE of power, what we have now with all of the corruption is something completely different. But politics are also a stage. Just like the whole deficit crisis. We all know that they will raise the ceiling, and they all know this as well. What we are seeing now, and have seen in the past, is just posturing and politicking.

posted on Feb, 20 2013 @ 02:13 AM

Originally posted by punisher97
Thank you very much for posting this. Finally, we have some proof that the general masses just might (although probably not) listen to about the great middle eastern wars hoax of the 21st century.

Of course the masses won't listen because they won't be told. You think you're going to see this story on msn/nbc/fox/cnn etc?

Probably not.

posted on Feb, 20 2013 @ 02:32 AM
America is still the country where every one can speak how he wants.

And the government has proved that is lying and planning to bring destruction to other nations.

I wonder why American people defend the freedom they never had to speak and do something against the govt.

The following is my opinion as a member participating in this discussion.

this reply is a reaction to those who say US is the best place to live and they should liberate other countries.

As an ATS Staff Member, I will not moderate in threads such as this where I have participated as a member.

edit on 20-2-2013 by mideast because:

posted on Feb, 20 2013 @ 02:35 AM
back up

America is still the country where every one can speak how he wants.

And the government has proved that is lying and planning to bring destruction to other nations.

I wonder why American people defend the freedom they never had to speak and do something against the govt.

this reply is a reaction to those who say US is the best place to live and they should liberate other countries.

edit on 20-2-2013 by mideast because:

extra DIV

posted on Feb, 20 2013 @ 06:00 AM

Originally posted by watchitburn
Kind of like saying we now have 100% proof that the Easter Bunny is a hoax.
Thanks for posting this though, I am interested in reading these memos.

What really bugs me about the Iraq war lies, beside having to see friends get blown up, is that we didn't even get cheap gas out of the deal.


Yeah the current middle east issues are part of a global conspiracy

They need syria/iran now to obtain the full monopoly board (with hotels on all property)
I mean that in favourable governments of countrys with most stuff like oil or minerals
Oh and a privately owned central bank

posted on Feb, 20 2013 @ 06:14 AM

Originally posted by ANOK
The realty though it's not governments doing this, it is capitalist interests.

Rumsfeld, Bush, Cheney, that whole crowd are capitalists.

Rumsfeld was also responsible for the nuclear escalation of the cold war, in order to increase arms spending.

Blaming government is not getting to the root of the problem. The government we have is a result of the economic system. Government will not change until we change the economic system. Smaller government just gives capitalists more freedom to exploit, use the military for their ends etc., bigger government is also not the answer.

Don't be fooled, this "capitalist" thing is actually called.... CORPORATE SOCIALISM.

posted on Feb, 20 2013 @ 06:26 AM
This is how it started , selling bogus wars to American people!

If you have time , this is must watch!

The War You Don’t See

edit on 20-2-2013 by SOLIDSNAKE101 because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 20 2013 @ 06:28 AM

Originally posted by xquietonex
reply to post by MysterX

That would be General Wesley Clark.

Good story, not sure the source for it though. Sad if true...

That's the man, thanks mate.

Think i might have a video saved somewhere in the black hole i have, pretending to be a hard drive.

posted on Feb, 20 2013 @ 06:30 AM
I think it was a lie too BUT. I don't see how anyone can possibly doubt that Saddam had WMD's of almost every variety. Just ask the Kurd's who live in TN. They will tell you of chemical warfare and relentless bombing by Iraq at that time. Maybe the part that said there were no atomic bombs is true but chemicals are nasty and even Clinton's were saying so about the attacks. I should know about those chemicals and human exposure I am an environmental biologist/chemist who served in the Army. Clearly the power mongers trumped up an excuse to go to Iraq when Osama was in Afghanistan. Then the son of the most evil Daddy Bush said he wasn't interested in Ben Laden. Then Obama keeps us over there and Gitmo still full of POWs they won't call POWs.

The power mongers need to be removed from power and most everything they claim to have earned legally by this false system they use to prop themselves up should be removed from their control permanently. I think they are stealing the election in both parties anyway they can to keep whomever from either party, whom the power mongers own, in place for their use and our abuse. That way they can pretend we get to sweep out the ruling party while in reality WE get stuck with their people in control anyway!

We may have to do like the man of African decent, Massey I think his name is, says on the World Net Daily site and petition the International court for reclaiming of our country from the thieves who ignore our Constitution. As they have used the government to line their pockets, take our rights inch by inch and then start wars against the major majority's wishes. Just ask yourself how many do you know who want endless war in Iraq and Afghanistan while we borrow relentlessly from China? Not anybody I know so far at all.
edit on 20-2-2013 by Justoneman because: (no reason given)

edit on 20-2-2013 by Justoneman because: (no reason given)

edit on 20-2-2013 by Justoneman because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 20 2013 @ 06:31 AM

Originally posted by eLPresidente
Now, will those that blindly support Obama finally admit that he is controlled as well?

Drone strikes?
Kill lists?
Indefinite Detention?
Prosecuting whistleblowers?

One administration at a time...catch and punish the previous bunch of criminals then in another 10 years or so, the honest among us can round up the latest bunch and do the same to them.

posted on Feb, 20 2013 @ 06:33 AM

Originally posted by MysterX

Originally posted by eLPresidente
Now, will those that blindly support Obama finally admit that he is controlled as well?

Drone strikes?
Kill lists?
Indefinite Detention?
Prosecuting whistleblowers?

One administration at a time...catch and punish the previous bunch of criminals then in another 10 years or so, the honest among us can round up the latest bunch and do the same to them.

At this point it's all or nothing. Corrupt is corrupt. Absolute power does corrupt absolutely and some of both sides of the aisle think they have absolute authority.
edit on 20-2-2013 by Justoneman because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 20 2013 @ 06:37 AM

Originally posted by ObservingYou

Originally posted by ANOK
The realty though it's not governments doing this, it is capitalist interests.

Rumsfeld, Bush, Cheney, that whole crowd are capitalists.

Rumsfeld was also responsible for the nuclear escalation of the cold war, in order to increase arms spending.

Blaming government is not getting to the root of the problem. The government we have is a result of the economic system. Government will not change until we change the economic system. Smaller government just gives capitalists more freedom to exploit, use the military for their ends etc., bigger government is also not the answer.

Don't be fooled, this "capitalist" thing is actually called.... CORPORATE SOCIALISM.

Yep they have hijacked capitalism by buying the government power mongers and the system not exercising the laws that were already on the books for just such CRIMINALS.

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