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Will you rally behind the winner??

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posted on Oct, 30 2004 @ 09:21 PM

Originally posted by DontTreadOnMe
Whoever takes the oath of office next January is the Commander-in-Chief for the next four years. That man deserves my respect and the respect of all citizens.
You may not like the occupant of the Oval Office, but you need to respect the President, if not the man.
A lack of respect does not make for a united nation. To disrespect the President shows the country and the rest of the world that we are inching closer to chaos.

GOOD, I hope the reason of the world sees a political upheaval, because that's what is best for this country.

That man does NOT deserve respect because of an office. You are not bound to this person of this system in any way, and if you are afraid of change, then you'd better move, because it's coming.

posted on Oct, 30 2004 @ 09:29 PM
Such a sad state of affairs that we are living in today that no one will rally or show support for the president of their country. It doesnt matter if its Bush, Kerry, Badnarik, Nader or whoever. We should as a country stop dividing ourselves and actually try to be unified again. This is just sad. Natas is right and you people should really start trying to view things in a different light. We are orchestrating our own downfall.

posted on Oct, 30 2004 @ 09:33 PM

Originally posted by build319
Such a sad state of affairs that we are living in today that no one will rally or show support for the president of their country. It doesnt matter if its Bush, Kerry, Badnarik, Nader or whoever. We should as a country stop dividing ourselves and actually try to be unified again. This is just sad. Natas is right and you people should really start trying to view things in a different light. We are orchestrating our own downfall.

Yes, that's right, we are "orchestrating out own downfall". Also, it IS a sad state of affairs when we can't rally behind our leaders.

What the question is, is why?

We have lost control of our government. We need to say NO to the rich masters of the Big Two and take back our country.

Until we get that back, we can't rally together.

posted on Oct, 30 2004 @ 09:44 PM
Your not a slave yet.
I'm really not talking about rallying behind our leaders as much as I am about trying for us as the populace to come to terms with each other.

Seriously, we are going to be in some serious trouble and change IS needed. This is why I feel that 3rd party candidates are more essential now than ever before.

WE need to smoothen the divide. Maybe if we have some more balance then we will be able to actually support our leaders again.

posted on Oct, 30 2004 @ 10:10 PM
Rally behind the people, yes. We together need to take the fight to Washington.

So I guess I agree.

posted on Oct, 30 2004 @ 10:19 PM
Jethro is right. Just because one holds a title does not make him respectable. If this is not clear to people nowadays, then society has become blinder than I supposed. To say that we must respect him so we will be united doesn't even make sense. Even if I was a small enough person to respect Bush, that would not make us any more united than if I did not.

[edit on 30-10-2004 by iceofspades]

posted on Oct, 30 2004 @ 10:27 PM

I will not rally behind someone who doesn't put environment first!
I will not rally behind someone who hinders scientific progression
I will not rally behind someone who leads America into a war for a personal grudge.

Never in a million years. I cried for days the first time he was designated as president and will cry again for humanity if he steals this one too.

My hope that if he is designated he won't be finishing the term in some way or another by impeachement or other. Everyone who did vote for him will soon be seeing the errors of their ways.

He is the biggest LOSER no matter how many times he thinks he wins. Too bad its humanity that must suffer

[edit on 30-10-2004 by favouriteslave]

posted on Oct, 30 2004 @ 10:38 PM
In answer to the original question, I'd say, �No�. I would not follow anyone simply because of their title; whether it be garbage man or President. If I disagree with someone morally and ethically, and think that person is stupid, foolish or perhaps a tad on the evil side, then why would I support that person? That makes no sense. If someone jumped off a bridge, would you jump off after them? If so, then that would make you a blind follower. A number of Hitler�s blind followers were executed after WWII. I don�t wish to be that kind of person. I would never support someone who�s policies I felt were morally wrong and/or ethically corrupt; especially if it effected the lives of others.

TrickmastertricK � I am seriously worried about the US if Bush is re-elected.

I couldn�t agree more with you. Bush is a loose cannon on the World scene. As it stands it will take a generation to fix the things he has broken � the treaties he�s abandoned, the foreign relationships he�s trashed, the respect our nation has lost and the blood he has shed. He�s the most reckless, irresponsible and dangerous President we�ve ever had. Not to mention the most mentally challenged. His command of World Affairs rates a grade of about C- or D, and it painfully shows. I don�t think he had ever been out of the country before becoming President.

I think he will be re-elected, and it�s anyone�s guess the damage he�ll do with 4 more LONG, BLOODY years. It�s downright scary. I truly distrust him and do not think he has America�s best interests at heart. I don�t think he feels the least bit of remorse over the thousands of lives lost as a result of his actions. He undoubtedly sleeps quite well every night, as any good sociopath would.

IMHO, he�s a monster who has � the nation duped; shrouded in a dark, dense fog and unable to see the light!! It�s amazing all the things he�s mismanaged, the IN YOUR FACE LIES he has told, the issues he�s ignored, the things he hasn�t accomplished and STILL his sheep blindly follow, praising every idiotic thing spewing out of his mouth. The sheep who follow him say he�s the kinda guy you�d sit down and have a beer with at a bar. Well, you know, they�re right about that. He is.

Personally, though, I don�t want to go out for a beer with the President, or go bowling with him/her on Thursday nights. I think our nation deserves a lot more than that. We don�t need a President who�s average bowling score is 230, or a President who can drink everyone under the table. We need a President who is very intelligent and who has insight and passion about what�s going on in the world; a President who can make good decisions and yet bend with the wind; a President who thinks about the well being of the citizens of this country AND THE WORLD, and not just big business; a President who�s not trigger happy and consumed with delusions of grandeur; and a President who doesn�t think it�s OK to kill hundreds of thousands of people because he�s on a mission from God!!

We need a President with vision; one that can take us to greater heights. We need a President that will earn back the world�s respect; the respect that has been irresponsibly, thoughtlessly and foolishly thrown away over the past 3 � years.

I wouldn�t want to be the one to follow President Bush. They just don�t make shovels big enough for that job.

John Dean, Counsel to former/late President Richard M. Nixon, wrote an interesting, and frightening, piece in 2002. It has to do with the powers a President can assume under emergency situations. Being under terrorist attack is such a situation. It�s a good read and might shed a little light on the next 4 years. It�s called

Presidential Powers In Times Of Emergency: Could Terrorism Result In A Constitutional Dictator?

It�s at

Fasten your seatbelts �

BTW, was that Osama bin Laden video even real? There sure are a lot of fishy things about it, if you ask me �

[edit on 10/30/2004 by netbound]

[edit on 10/30/2004 by netbound]

posted on Oct, 30 2004 @ 10:40 PM
I will never rally behind Bush. If he wins I will continue denying him as president, and refer to him as "it", and I will probably go back to Nantucket where im from. May
my little island paradise never see the likes of Bush.

posted on Oct, 30 2004 @ 10:40 PM
Here is our current situation.

We the people are one man standing on a piece of ice in the middle of the cold cold ocean up north (whatever they call it up there lol)

The glacier has broken with one leg on each half. The both are drifting apart. One leg is going right, one leg is going left.

It is up for a third glacier to jump in between to offer a "middle ground" so that we can stand with both of our legs together.

posted on Oct, 30 2004 @ 10:59 PM
dgtempe, Nantucket, eh? Sounds pretty good. I was thinking more of Vancouver, B.C., though. A little colder than I'm used to, but quite nice none-the-less.

Being on the Love Boat beats the Ship of Fools any day of the week.

posted on Oct, 30 2004 @ 11:03 PM

Originally posted by netbound
dgtempe, Nantucket, eh? Sounds pretty good. I was thinking more of Vancouver, B.C., though. A little colder than I'm used to, but quite nice none-the-less.

Being on the Love Boat beats the Ship of Fools any day of the week.
Its a beautiful little island. Im a long time employee of the Island airlines and I was told I could come back whenever i like. At least I will be closer to my kids.

posted on Oct, 30 2004 @ 11:16 PM
dgtempe, under the circumstances, I wouldn't blame you at all. Why stay on a sinking ship? Especially one that's sinking because the Captain blew a hole through the hull when he shot himself in the foot?

Go where life isn't so stressful. Remember the old Twilight Zone episode about Willowby? Willowby sounds good about now. "Next stop, Willowby" ...

[edit on 10/30/2004 by netbound]

posted on Oct, 30 2004 @ 11:20 PM

Originally posted by netbound
dgtempe, under the circumstances, I wouldn't blame you at all. Why stay on a sinking ship? Especially one that's sinking because the Captain blew a hole through the hull when he shot himself in the foot?

Go where life isn't so stressful. Remember the old Twilight Zone episode about Willowby? Willowby sounds good about now. "Next stop, Willowby" ...

[edit on 10/30/2004 by netbound]
wasnt that the episode that said: "Room for one more, honey"

No outsiders want the 2 hour boat ride to Nantucket and that suits me fine.

posted on Oct, 30 2004 @ 11:33 PM

Originally posted by dgtempe
I will never rally behind Bush. If he wins I will continue denying him as president, and refer to him as "it", and I will probably go back to Nantucket where im from. May
my little island paradise never see the likes of Bush.

Isn't that still in the US?

For all of those who refuse to support a President elected by "idiots", where are you going to live? I personally don't think the President has that much control over the entire country. While I may disagree with what Kerry has to say, he would get my support if he wins. I love this country!

posted on Oct, 30 2004 @ 11:48 PM
dgtempe, I don't want to be off-topic too much, but the episode I'm referring to is the one about the stressed out business man. On the train on the way home each night he would fall asleep and dream about Willowby. A small town where "a man could realize his true measure", there was a marching band playing in the town square every day at noon (I think), and kids walked around with fishing poles. It was a layed back place in midwest America circa early 1900's. In his dream the train Conductor would always shout, "Willowby. Willowby. Next stop Willowby". He would get offboard and start to walk into the town of Willowby, band playing, sunny day ... He would feel an overwhelming sense of happiness and well being. Then he would suddenly wake up to the routine, stressful world he knew day in and day out.

He would fantacize about Willowby in his waking hours. Then one night on the way home, in his dream he got off at Willowby and decided to stay for good. In the next clip it showed the Conductor and a few other people looking over his dead body lying in the snow next to the train tracks, discussing how he just got up from his seat and hurled himself off the train while it was going fullspeed.

Willowby was the dream world of a stressed out man who had come to the end of his rope. He wanted out so bad he took the final plunge in the midst of a dream.

I must say, though, Willowby sure looked inviting ...

Nantucket. Nantucket. Next stop Nantucket ...

Now, to the Moderator, I will not post anything more that is off-topic. I just wanted to make my previous post clear.

posted on Oct, 31 2004 @ 12:24 AM
I have already voted (not Bush). If he is reelected then yes I will support him. I won't like it but this is what our country is about. For people who say they will not support whomever is elected then you are doing more damage than the President. It is because of people like you that we are in the social quagmire we now find ourselves. It is the polarization of left versus right that has made this the most contentous election yet, and the votes have not even beem counted yet

Bush did not steal the election ( and I voted for Gore) and if you cannot understand this or accept this then maybe you shouldn't be allowed vote at all. The Electoral College is who determines the winner and this was taught in 6th grade civics classes. You are willing to undermine the history of your country's political contributions to the world just because your guy didn't win. Grow up and realize that demacracy means that not everyone get's what they want.

Last but definately not least. For those spineless people who say they will move to a different country if Bush is re-elected I say good riddance to you. If this is the case then I guess you were not Americans after all. You chose to accept the gifts that this country gave you until the time you were denied a victory. I could probably understand your sentiments if you were denied the right to vote, but that isn't the case is it.

posted on Oct, 31 2004 @ 08:25 AM
I will put my full support into the intelligent, honest, honorable man.... other words�neither of them�At this point I believe a monkey could run the country better then the two clowns we have now

posted on Oct, 31 2004 @ 08:35 AM
I am voting for Bush. If Kerry wins I will respect the fact that he is our President. I couldn't stand Clinton but I dealt with it for 8 years and managed to keep my displeasure of him to mere eyerolls whenever he would appear on T.V.

If Kerry is elected he will obviously have policies that I don't agree with, just as Bush does, but I don't see myself whining for 4 years. There are much better things I can do with my time than be a sore loser for 4 years.


posted on Oct, 31 2004 @ 08:38 AM
So what everyone seems to be saying is that in essence, there is no point even bothering to have an election. The system has failed since the person you like might not get elected. So many of you have just stated that no matter who is elected, you won't support them or even wish them well.

I ask again, don't you want the whoever is elected on Tuesday to do a good job?

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