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North Korea threatens "final destruction" of South Korea at UN

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posted on Feb, 20 2013 @ 12:25 PM
$10 says NK nukes themselves.

posted on Feb, 20 2013 @ 12:36 PM

Originally posted by jazztrance
I would have never guessed that the son of a drag queen could be so ruthless.

Maybe fat boy should prove how strong they are by first feeding his people. We should have just finished that job 60 years ago in my humble opinion.

China at some point is going to run out of patience and then NK will implode.

posted on Feb, 20 2013 @ 12:45 PM
reply to post by bekod

The revolt will come from the military class, as long as the sanctions are kept in place or deepened further. On empty bellies, the military will find it difficult to live on idealogy or empty promises.

But make no mistakes. N.Korea WILL ultimately attack. They have no more aces on their table, and cant back down, as there is no way they can feed its millions, not without dismantling all their nuke capabilities for the sanctions to end. The free world does have a right to choose its economic partners, more so with those whom are only hell bent on slaughtering its customers.

When N.Korea attacks, they will have lost that moral highground, for they are now the aggressors, and no humanity will stand for conquest in modern times, not even its own brainwashed citizens and supporting nations whom will have to face an angry world.

And there is NO need for S.Korea or the West to step into N.Korea in this war, and MUST NOT, for it will only antagonise the citizens whom will surely see massive bloodshed, and be used as the perfect propaganda tool to gain support by the N.Korean leaders.

We mankind must learn from the Battle of Stalingrad. The germans thought that the oppressed russians will support Germany, but ended up with a massive russian defense and counter attack. The russian masses were either too brainwashed or petrified by the HumanSlayer Stalin to think otherwise for rebellion. The germans were too late to change mindsets, and ultimately lost when even the weather turn against the bogged down german army.

So too will it be the same if S.Koreans and the West were to battle brainwashed petrified communists.

All S.Korea needs to do is to hold firm at the border, and disable the military capabilities of the N.Korean military - selective targetting, with artillery, jets and Patriot Missiles, then sit back and await for the collapse to come from WITHIN N.Korea.

posted on Feb, 20 2013 @ 12:49 PM
double post, lol
edit on 2/20/2013 by weavty1 because: whoops

posted on Feb, 20 2013 @ 12:50 PM

edit on 2/20/2013 by weavty1 because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 20 2013 @ 12:58 PM
Maybe like his dad... he's just a touch ronery...

posted on Feb, 20 2013 @ 01:20 PM
Saw this last week, this is going to be very intertwined if you've been keeping up with the lastest news. i feel that the MSM will be on this' sack. and thus keep our attention (American People) away from our own domestic problems. Its like they say "When there's a big story on the news, look for the one their trying to take your attention from"

posted on Feb, 20 2013 @ 01:20 PM
Wait so, wasn't there supposed to be some nuclear test of grand proportions on the part of the North Koreans? I thought this was supposed to be a tremendous act of aggression that would spark some sort of international conflict? What ever happened with that?

posted on Feb, 20 2013 @ 01:22 PM
reply to post by weavty1

I died laughing. Thank you, sir.

posted on Feb, 20 2013 @ 01:41 PM

Originally posted by Lamos
Wait so, wasn't there supposed to be some nuclear test of grand proportions on the part of the North Koreans? I thought this was supposed to be a tremendous act of aggression that would spark some sort of international conflict? What ever happened with that?

It did happen... Last week.

posted on Feb, 20 2013 @ 02:30 PM
Every country is entitled to have nuclear weapons if one country has them then all can have them .. any country that does not fall in line with America is seen as a threat , i would like to know who gave America the job of world police , if north Korea want nuclear weapons to defend its self from a growing tyrant and dictator then they should have there bomb its only right ...

posted on Feb, 20 2013 @ 02:39 PM

Originally posted by seethetruth
Every country is entitled to have nuclear weapons if one country has them then all can have them .. any country that does not fall in line with America is seen as a threat , i would like to know who gave America the job of world police , if north Korea want nuclear weapons to defend its self from a growing tyrant and dictator then they should have there bomb its only right ...

Whoever the hell ever said that the US parades around as 'World Police', you smelly hippie? It's the United Nations that put that into effect. And who is this tyrant and dictator you speak of, exactly??

Besides, there's a BIG difference between a peace-keeping country developing and possessing nuclear arms, and an unstable country....

Learn your sh!t

edit on 2/20/2013 by weavty1 because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 20 2013 @ 02:43 PM
Nothing to worry about with NK at this time. They are just posturing as they always do to make sure they get their grain and rice from south korea. It will one day eventually kick off with nuclear weapons but this is a long way down the road. The Middle East and Africa are where we should keep our eyes for now.

Theres currently a undeclared war going on in Africa for resources, led by China who are actually building stuff and building reations with the people there while the anglo-euro-american axis is out to decimate the entire continent and its people. And rather than build, they want to bribe and/or kill officials and strip the continent of wealth resources and humans long before NK I trotted out as the final boogeyman.

posted on Feb, 20 2013 @ 02:58 PM
Everyone who is spouting off about the fact the NK should feed its population before blowing all that dosh on weaponry should look closer to home first. There are millions of working people starving in America just as there are in Europe. Yet we spend and spend and spend on offence.

NK s such a secretive state how do we even know that hey have food shortages. I've never seen that kind of evidence in this century and indeed many westeners over the years have gone to NK and stayed only returning decads later with apy tales of life there. I myself was head hunted or a job in Pnongyang in the mid nineties. I was unable to accept the offer but met hundreds of NKs, none of which appeared under nourished to me. But to be fair that was a long time ago.
edit on 20-2-2013 by merkins because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 20 2013 @ 03:19 PM

Originally posted by merkins
Everyone who is spouting off about the fact the NK should feed its population before blowing all that dosh on weaponry should look closer to home first. There are millions of working people starving in America just as there are in Europe. Yet we spend and spend and spend on offence.

NK s such a secretive state how do we even know that hey have food shortages. I've never seen that kind of evidence in this century and indeed many westeners over the years have gone to NK and stayed only returning decads later with apy tales of life there. I myself was head hunted or a job in Pnongyang in the mid nineties. I was unable to accept the offer but met hundreds of NKs, none of which appeared under nourished to me. But to be fair that was a long time ago.
edit on 20-2-2013 by merkins because: (no reason given)


Big difference

posted on Feb, 20 2013 @ 03:24 PM

Hard times in North Korea are thought to have left some people so desperate that they're pushed to the absolute extremes of hunger; cannibalism. Rimjin-gang /Asia Press recently reported that citizen journalists inside North Korea have discovered evidence of approximately 10 thousand deaths from starvation. Those that live though are resorting to extreme measures. Human meat is allegedly on sale and in one example, Rimjin-gang /Asia Press reports that a merchant was selling it off as pork.

North Koreans in the nation's breadbasket who do not not resort to cannibalism may have to contend with murderous relatives who do. Even though cannibalism is undoubtedly unacceptable, a life threatening lack of food can be a powerful motivator. One anonymous informant related the harrowing (if true) story of one father who aroused his wife's suspicions when he offered her meat, she became even more concerned when she was unable to find her children and called the police. According to Rimjin-gang /Asia Press, the children’s remaining body parts were discovered and the husband was later executed by firing squad for murder.

I am pretty sure it's that bad...

posted on Feb, 20 2013 @ 03:54 PM
NK world death count vs USA world death count should tell you who is a threat to threat to the world.

posted on Feb, 20 2013 @ 04:09 PM
hate to say this but this is no shock to me. i had a feeling this ws going to happen i mentioned it in another post about the weapons testing.

posted on Feb, 20 2013 @ 04:23 PM

Originally posted by chishuppu
NK world death count vs USA world death count should tell you who is a threat to threat to the world.

Stop your flubberring nonsense please

This statement is like comparing a shoot out between a cop and a Meth dealer, in other words the cop killed 20 Meth dealers in his time and in theory the Meth dealer has never directly killed anyone.

The problem here is the Meth dealer actually ruins his neighborhood just like North Korea ruins our global neighborhood... his way of life leads people to suffer devalues the neighborhood, ruins families makes people genuinely stupid and unhealthy and becomes absolute dictator over the lives of everyone he absorbs into his ways, he's a scourge and deserves what he gets

You can say what ever you want about our society... all you have to do is look as SK vs NK to see the difference... people in SK are healthy, look great are pretty fricken bright and have free minds for the most part... NK is the way it is and it would be a blight to live there no matter what just like it was horrible in Russia and China under such hegemonic rule that's why those nations have changed and truthfully so have we, there were aspects of communism and socialism that worked and we absorbed them over time... but NK is an insane place they don't change, they don't grow together over time in debate there is a semi inbred legacy and genuine nuts rule there

Asia can never have peace while there is a crack house in the neighborhood.... The "Cop" America gets to go in and shoot that house up if it gets bad enough... why? because in the end property values rise, people are happier the good of the many vs the god of the few... The End

posted on Feb, 20 2013 @ 04:32 PM
And it doesn't matter much anyway

SK isn't being blustery without reason... if they aren't scared of his nukes there is a reason.... your talking about an extremely technologically advanced society

Nk fires a shot I bet they don't last more than a week...if that

And all this talk about "the people of" is nonsense if we attack there wont be people a few hrs later if they try to fire a Nuke

China and Russia will do nothing of substance... China gets to make a fortune in the rebuilding of the North and as SK and NK unify after NK is wasted they also get to have a much stronger hand in Koreas as a whole just like they have in Australia atm, there is NO open door into SK for them right now...none, none at all the destruction of NK opens doors for them by playing Good Guy Greg similarly Russia is impeded in the region by a seriously fubared NK with it gone roads open Eastern Russian cities thrive in commerce.

Everyone wins if NK is gone...financially, Russia and China won't be going to war with us if we wax them "out of need" 'and i'd almost bet China is leading them to believe they would just to put an end to this silly situation

With NK turned over Korea becomes a great Asian center where Russian, Korean, Chinese, Japanese and American commerce would thrive in 10 years it would be the seat of Eastern Finance

EVERYONE wants NK gone... no one wants the stigma of being the one to do it.

edit on 20-2-2013 by penninja because: (no reason given)

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