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Colo. House passes gun-control measures

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+7 more 
posted on Feb, 18 2013 @ 07:43 PM
Sorry Colorado looks like you've been had as well. Looks like this is just coming out within the last hour that they passed the bill they wanted. For all the folks that live outthere that this impacts I feel for ya I really do, we are in the same boat here in NYS. One thing I'd like to add is that Magpul one of the biggest employers in the firearm industry thats located there claimed they were gonna pull out if this was passed so we will have to keep an eye on that one as well.

DENVER (AP) — Limits on the size of ammunition magazines and universal background checks passed the Colorado House on Monday, during a second day of emotional debates that has drawn attention from the White House as lawmakers try to address recent mass shootings. The bills were among four that the Democratic-controlled House passed amid strong resistance from Republicans, who were joined by a few Democrats to make some of the votes close. The proposed ammunition restrictions limit magazines to 15 rounds for firearms, and eight for shotguns. Three Democrats joined all Republicans voting no on the bill, but the proposal passed 34-31. "Enough is enough. I'm sick and tired of bloodshed," said Democratic Rep. Rhonda Fields, a sponsor of the bill and representative of the district where the shootings at an Aurora theater happened last summer. Fields' son was also fatally shot in 2005. Republicans argued that the proposals restrict Second Amendment rights and won't prevent mass shootings like the ones in Aurora and a Connecticut elementary school. "This bill will never keep evil people from doing evil things," said Republican Rep. Jerry Sonnenberg. The House also approved a bill requiring background checks on all gun purchases, including those between private sellers and firearms bought online.

We're hearing some rumors that the Gov and the Dem caucus think we are bluffing. Just to clarify for them, then...we're not a political company. We dont play political games. We've made our position very clear, very publicly. We would not survive lying to our customer base, nor would we ever consider it. If you pass this, we will leave, and you will own it. We've already got plans in place to get PMAG manufacturing moved rapidly, and the rest of the company will follow. We will make sure to at least have a small remain-behind operation through the 2014 elections so that we can remind folks why we are gone.

[url][ /url]

Under the legislation, manufacturers would be required to engrave each magazine with a serial number and date upon which it was produced — something Smith said is “burdensome and unnecessary.” On Friday in initial debate over the bill, state Rep. Joe Salazar, D-Thorton, still offered an amendment that clarifies manufacturers could still sell high-capacity magazines to out-of-state vendors that range from the U.S. military to law enforcement. “I want it to be clear that manufacturers can still do business here in Colorado,” Salazar said. Republicans contested the amendment, calling it an “oops amendment,” and argued that it’s unfair that a company can produce the device, but can’t sell it in Colorado.

Sometimes small donations are necessary to gain access to those in the political power circles. $500 was the minimum required to attend a private dinner where Richard Fitzpatrick personally highlighted the economic benefits that company like Magpul gives back to Colorado. In short, we gave him a valid reason to support a Colorado industry on a Federal level rather than just voting the party line on firearms.

edit on 18-2-2013 by jaynkeel because: add link

edit on 18-2-2013 by jaynkeel because: (no reason given)

+4 more 
posted on Feb, 18 2013 @ 07:52 PM
This is scary, It is bad on so many levels.
1.Gun Laws only will remove or infringe the rights of law abiding citizens which are not the problem.
2. Creates a black market for banned guns.
3. Further divides the country
4. Further erodes the constitutional rights of all of us.
5. Diverts resources from the real causes -issues involving gun violence.

Something has to give here.

posted on Feb, 18 2013 @ 07:56 PM
Bad move. Forward progress with marijuana and the phony war on drugs and a huge step backward towards second amendment rights. One of many states no doubt that will crack under federal pressure and liberal controlled state legislature.

posted on Feb, 18 2013 @ 07:56 PM
reply to post by byGRACE

Well to be fair, none of that happened when the last assault weapon ban was passed.

Why do you think it will now?

posted on Feb, 18 2013 @ 08:00 PM
It all happened when the last assault weapons ban was smuggled into the system.

Regulation on arms by the federal government is illegal.

posted on Feb, 18 2013 @ 08:01 PM

Originally posted by byGRACE
This is scary, It is bad on so many levels.
1.Gun Laws only will remove or infringe the rights of law abiding citizens which are not the problem.
2. Creates a black market for banned guns.
3. Further divides the country
4. Further erodes the constitutional rights of all of us.
5. Diverts resources from the real causes -issues involving gun violence.

Something has to give here.

Yeah a black market for evil black guns, so they say. A little tongue in cheek there. And as to number 1, we are terrorists remember.

posted on Feb, 18 2013 @ 08:05 PM
reply to post by jaynkeel

This is so wrong on so many levels......

What they are ignoring is addressing the mental health issues that these people seem to have that commit theses crimes.
And they are acting and behaving like ALL people with guns are bad people, but they are not.

They need to focus on mental issues as well as address to PARENTS the responsibility of locking up their guns, especially when they have kids around.

Earlier when Chicago threatened to pass more gun laws, they already have some of the strictest in our country, which hasn't done one bit of good BTY, the gov. of Texas told the gun companies to come on down there and open up their business in Texas.

It's a messed up situation but the legislatures need to calm down and really think of the best solution, not panic over fear of guns.

posted on Feb, 18 2013 @ 08:06 PM
That sucks more states follow suit people are not going to have any place to run to.

Too right gun regulation is unconstitutional thus illegal "shall not be infringed" means just that shall not be infringed.

Background checks means you have to ask government for permission to own a gun which is BS.

Also true is that all these gun laws never have or limited mass shooting it just puts people out of work like Magpul employees.

posted on Feb, 18 2013 @ 08:16 PM
I don't really understand what they are trying to get at. So you have to 'pay' for you back-ground check? You have to pay to drive on roads your already taxed for. Colorado is already seriously gunned up. Now, the legislature is going to have to deal with the end game, they passed a law, and there is really nothing it can do. Here in Colorado, it's illegal to drive while talking on the phone or texting. The head of the Colorado State patrol says, 'We can't enforce this law so we expect the public to police themselves' Sounds familiar doesn't it? I know a young kid that lives here, he came to live with our family because one of his parents took they're own life. He's a great kid, and now a deputy sheriff. He showed me a picture of his assualt rifle. The one he keeps with him while he's on duty. It has an inter-changeable barrel tha allows him to convert it to a .50 Caliber gun, basically, a small anti-aircraft cannon. When I asked him why he needed that much of a cannon, he looked me in the eye and smiled and said 'This is what the BAD guys are shooting at ME with.' I am glad he has that gun, and proud he's a deputy. These guns, and ammo and magazines are ALREADY out there. And so are the 'criminals' (whatever thats supposed to mean), the nutjobs and the law-abiding citizens. Concentrating on the criminals and the nutjobs, that sounds like we could make some progress there, but as for the guns, pass the legislature the toothpaste tube, and let them see how hard it will be to get that paste back in the tube. The lawmakers fail us, EVERY time, and I know that, cause they just got done slamming Jessica's Law back into the bit bucket. Seems they could learn a trick or two from a flea when it comes to 'attention span'

posted on Feb, 18 2013 @ 08:20 PM

Originally posted by Hopechest
reply to post by byGRACE

Well to be fair, none of that happened when the last assault weapon ban was passed.

Why do you think it will now?

To answer your question directly, it's not the same. Although parts of the legislation are similar, the general economy is vastly different and the hostility, distrust and malcontent towards the current administration and it's lawlessness couldn't be more different.

Consider that our highest lawyer in the country has been proven to have staged a direct attack on the second amendment through a psi op that resulted in the death of US officers. Despite this fact, he is now giving us speeches about gun legislation, this will not do.

While Clinton was a democrat, he was a strong economist and largely the American economy flourished throughout his administration and while I did not agree with the "crime bill" I understood it as it related to the times. Obama is nothing like Clinton, not even close.

While the legislation may be similar, trust in American government is not. That is pointedly the biggest difference although if you look at the federal push and what Feinstein is trying to lay down, you will see there is quite a big difference in the language, scope and overall agenda as well.
edit on 18-2-2013 by Helious because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 18 2013 @ 08:22 PM
I REALLY didn't believe that this would get passed. I don't even know what to say anymore.
I'm thinking words are pointless going forward. Politicians don't listen to the voices of the American people, they pay no attention to the words that make up the U.S. Constitution.

Before this gets any worse for us, forget words for the moment... it's time to act. Whether that's contacting your representatives or participating/coordinating in rallies; if people continue to stand by, those that believe they know what's good for us will continue to burn the constitution.

Not to mention that this measure does NOTHING to curb potential mass shootings or those that wish to hurt others with guns.

posted on Feb, 18 2013 @ 08:29 PM
reply to post by six67seven

Which is why so many of us are trying to hammer that home, weather your into guns and sport shooting, self defense, hunting etc or not. In the legal world it is a current fad it seems the best way to describe it at least to myself. Now more than ever people need to put things aside and group together, it's our only hope. Here in NYS we have gone round and round with the voting thing and with the protests and what we have learned is THEY DON'T CARE, they have an agenda it's clear as day and they will do whatever they have to to push it into existence.

*Edit to add, The fad is rapidly spreading no state is safe and at this point nothing would surprise me it's all clicking together.
edit on 18-2-2013 by jaynkeel because: add comment

posted on Feb, 18 2013 @ 08:57 PM

Originally posted by jaynkeel
"This bill will never keep evil people from doing evil things," said Republican Rep. Jerry Sonnenberg.

I agree Jerry. None of these gun control initiatives will. You wanna know why? Criminals don't have registered weapons. They have stolen, black market ones. This gun control crap is sure to accomplish a few things. Get more people killed and create more crimes and put good people who are trying to protect themselves and their families and communities in jail.

posted on Feb, 18 2013 @ 09:09 PM
80% machined lower receivers of guns (the trigger part) can be bought unregistered. The lower receiver is the part of the gun that gets the serial number put on it. An 80% fabricated lower receiver is not technically considered to be a firearm by the atfe. Therefore it doesn't require registration.

There are companies that sell 80% lower receivers along with instruction on how to complete the other 20%. With minimum machine shop skills, you can make your own lower receiver for maybe an hours worth of work. It's really not that hard.

From there, you can by individual gun parts (which don't have serial numbers) and assemble them to the lower receiver you just made. Your finished product will be a untraceable firearm of your choosing. And as the law is currently written, all of this is completely legal. And when or if the government decide to pass a ban on assault weapons, outlawing the possession of them, they won't know you own one. Just like all the criminals today.

posted on Feb, 18 2013 @ 09:18 PM
reply to post by smithjustinb

Yep. A few different gun cases for me. One big loud fancy wood one in the livingroom for all the guns on the registry. And a few more well hidden ones for the ones that I made myself and refuse to declare.

posted on Feb, 18 2013 @ 10:06 PM

posted on Feb, 19 2013 @ 12:01 AM
Looks like Colorado will be the first to give up their guns for dope.

Bait and switch.

posted on Feb, 19 2013 @ 01:29 AM
reply to post by jaynkeel

And another step closer to civil war... This is orchestrated by the Obama regime and enemies of freedom all these states passing unconstitutional laws this even violates their state constitutions. These politicians should be arrested for even holding a vote in this without authority to have one.

The enemies of freedom have breached the gates folks and are within the walls and most people don;t even know it.

posted on Feb, 19 2013 @ 05:18 AM

The right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed

visit link
edit on 19-2-2013 by rival because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 19 2013 @ 06:01 AM
reply to post by SlackOps

We're way ahead of them.

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