posted on Feb, 20 2013 @ 01:33 PM
We're each generating multiple timelines all the time through emotion, intention, resonance, and action. The resonance part is when we have shared
timelines -- because we're resonating with others in a certain way so we start to share events.
I worked full-time as a professional time traveler for about a decade when I had my psychic counselling practice. People would sit with me in my
office and very quickly I'd need to travel briefly into their past so I could understand what issues and problems they were dealing with. This
happened in the blink of an eye. Then I'd return to the present, helping them sort through things that were going on now.
Then I'd project down different probable timelines to see which ones were lightest and happiest. And I'd also work to steer them away from darker,
more unpleasant timelines.
But let's say there was a woman in an abusive marriage. If she was addicted to staying with that person, even when I'd tell her, "If you stay with
this man, there's about an 80% chance that your life is just going to get worse and worse and bad things will happen to you," if she didn't exert her
own willpower to change her circumstances, she would still be resonating with those awful energies of pain and abuse because her husband had those
energies. So she would have to start resonating with better energies to really shift things around, by getting advice from people, reaching out to
other abused women for support, and gathering enough strength to eventually leave her husband.
In a similar way, if we have become too attached to negative people or doom and gloom type timelines, or we've become too heavily conditioned along
the lines of those awful Mayan 2012 prophecies or the End Times Revelation Biblical predictions, we get herded down the worst possible timeline.
It's up to US to navigate down more pleasant, optimal timelines.
edit on 25-3-2013 by Byrd because: (no reason given)