posted on Feb, 21 2013 @ 04:06 AM
Perhaps you should find a fetish dating site and make a post that you're looking for a mommy and describe your mother and what she does for you...or
move to New Jersey. From your posts you can't be who you are you have to try; and then everyone has something wrong with them that you do hook up
No in your 20's the real issue can't be yourself one foot in ideals and the other in fantasy land. You're not perfect, your partner will not be
perfect; the best you can do is accept yourself for who you are, get some realistic boundaries to not get walked on or be a door mat, otherwise known
as self respect. Fortunately, you've grown tired of the games people play. Once you're secure in yourself; can keep momma Wolowitz out of your
personal business, you'll get respect from women...whether you can respect who they are back is another matter.
I know this sounds harsh; it's not an attack at's grow some thicker skin and take a good look at yourself. No one is going to pamper your
bottom and pad the truth, people are going to tell you how it is...whether you can be open and not get a bruised ego from the advice given is yet
another matter to add to the list.
That being said; drop the hunt and work on yourself. What are you doing? Where are you going? In life...are you stagnant? Given up? You have to ask
yourself these kind of questions...because they come up in a relationship too and if you don't know the answer your not gonna come across as very
stable. I'ma stay here work the mill, drive a junker this is it...wait where ya going? I'm not knocking your job or choices in life; but women your
age want fun and adventure with someone strong in who they are and stable of where they are going. If you claim to already be there and they don't
like what they see...then they will move on, no biggie you keep moving on too.
Time to sit back spend time with friends and hobbies or toward your goals; review all past relationships; the ones that were witches and sluts how
much of an expecting bastard were you? Notice any repeating patterns emerging in them all? were you trying to make them into someone else, or enjoy
who they were? Work on it untie that mess of a knot and figure it out.