posted on Feb, 18 2013 @ 06:08 AM
Well, here we are now.
How are you all, I have been reading here fervently for a few years now.
It's weird, seeing the avatars for the first time.
The site looks different now Ii'm a member.
Last week my brother declared me to be a "conspiracy theorist" with disdain in his voice.
He's just completed a degree in social work. A shadow of his former, critical-thinking self.
My hobbies are Music, Movies, Books and Contemplating the nature of reality.
I believe that you reap what you sow,
I have seen UFOs.
I have experienced God.
I think 911 was an inside Job;
carried out by Mossad and the C.I.A.
The 5 dancing Israelis kinda gave it away....
I ask "Why" before I ask "How"
I ask for Cookies before I ask "Why"
That question does not apply to cookies....
Please be gentle with me.
I am a Gentleman and expect to be treated as such.
Namaste 'n' stuff.