posted on Feb, 17 2013 @ 03:07 AM
Another member posted a thread here about his experience with the Friendzone. Over the years, I've had to combat the friendzone several times. Here
is what I have learned on avoiding it, through lots of heartbreak.
Sorry to the ladies out here, this will be from a guy's perspective.
Once you find that you have romantic feelings for a friend, there is really only on way that I've found to deal with it. If it's just a "crush"
you'll eventually get over without much heartache, however when you love that person, you get that feeling in the chest whenever you see her, or even
think about her, if that feeling is strong enough, then it won't just go away.
What to do: Just come out ant tell her. Tell her how you feel, if she says something along the lines of "but you're just a friend" or the worst
"you're like my brother" or if she gets awkward and uncomfortable, then you need to make it clear that because of your feelings, that you should
spend less time together, or completely apart for that matter. In this, you may have an "Ace in the hole", though, the chances are small, the Ace I
speak of is the old axiom "absence makes the heart grow fonder". If you are close friends, and there is a time period of not being around each
other, she may realize how she actually feels about you. If she doesn't, you will eventually get over your romantic feelings for her, and you can be
friends again.
The last thing you want is to be in the friendzone, it will cause nothing but heartache for you. You will see her be treated by by several guys and
think "why am I not good enough? I'd never do that."
In the end, she'll thank you for it.