posted on Feb, 16 2013 @ 03:49 PM
Ok, first off, with all these asteroid stories circulating the web now, as well as ATS (I counted 3 on the main page today), this is reminding me of
an old thread I recall reading here on ATS, and hopefully some members can help me find it (Search is not helping me, unfortunately).
Anyways the thread's title escapes me, but it was in regards to an astronaut, I believe, who had a deathbed confessional with a close friend or
acquaintance of his. He basically told her that the first threat would be terrorists, followed by asteroids, and finally followed by a fake alien
invasion. The thread posted a youtube video of the lady who was the recipient of the information. The video was quite old as well, I believe from the
80's or something.
Can someone please help me in locating that thread?
Also, with this "older" information as well as current event news, I don't know if anyone else here has additional information in regards to this
topic. Thanks a ton guys!