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Senate Gun Grab Bill Could Be More Disastrous Than Feinstein Bill

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posted on Feb, 17 2013 @ 01:20 AM
Once enough laws are passed, everyone becomes a criminal. Is that a quote? If not, I'm calling it!

What do you expect when you look at the kind of people who want to be in power? It seems that there are two types, with a few exceptions. Type A comes to power for their own personal benefit, Type B does so to control others.

Remember, the road to hell is paved with good intentions. I don't understand why there are so many people who are convinced that only someone who wishes to do harm to others would own a gun.

posted on Feb, 17 2013 @ 01:37 AM
This is getting out of control!!! I am so fearfull for the state of the world that I will leave to my children, it is they that will come into adulthood not knowing the joy of true freedom to fail or succeed by your own efforts. I truly believe that it was for these freedoms that our forefathers created a country where anyone in the world could come here and know these freedoms if they so desired. I wasn't there when everything was decided but from my knowledge of it my opinion is that they weren't concerned with changing the entire world to follow the same beliefs (which is what TPTB are doing now, for other motives than to protect our freedom), but to create a freedom sanctuary. That is what I swore an oath to and will keep an oath to. I am not a worldly person and have never had the pleasure of visiting other countries, but is this happening in other countries right now as well?

Another thing I would like to ponder here is that we have a group of people out there that all have access to weapons and are properly trained in use of said weapons in a combat situation, the military. I would like to see the numbers. How many murders per capita among military people? How many violent crimes involving weapons per capita? I was enlisted and didn't need a super in depth orifice stretching background check to handle my firearms. How is this system working for the military? Why are we not using the info we have at hand to help get the numbers and examples needed to decide one way or another? Unless TPTB don't really want an answer just an excuse.
edit on 17-2-2013 by RagnarDanniskjold because: Added some more atatements.

posted on Feb, 17 2013 @ 07:18 AM
The cost of Liberty will always be exacted at one time or another. It will require sacrifice. The Constitution is the law of the Land despite all the Despot's ambitions. America has made its Will known, we will not surrender. And one day it will have proved a wise choice, even for anti gun citizens who ride the freedoms at no cost to themselves, but at the efforts and lives of others. Who expect freedom to be given them.
Make No mistake Despots are gathering on the Horizon..... will you embrace them with their boot on your neck, or will you dispatch them back from wince they came......

That is the real life question you must ask yourself.

posted on Feb, 18 2013 @ 10:23 AM
Only one third of the people during the revolutinary war picked up arms to protect the whole of the colonies, and we still won, History can repeat itself.

posted on Feb, 19 2013 @ 10:28 AM
At what time are they going to allow us the people to be able to vote on these unlawful laws they are trying to pass. It looks like if they are supposed to be our voice shouldn`t we have a voice in what is being passed and what is not? After all it is our votes that put these people there in the first place, and aren`t they supposed to be the voice of the people like the constitution originally stipulated?

posted on Feb, 21 2013 @ 06:37 AM
reply to post by RalagaNarHallas

Oh, thanks for the info! Yeah I hate that on CL .. you spend all that time writing something intelligent and put forth valid points only to be flagged.. lol

Yeah there is definitely a minority making up the gun ban movement.

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