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Senate Gun Grab Bill Could Be More Disastrous Than Feinstein Bill

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posted on Feb, 15 2013 @ 10:48 PM
I know all this gun stuff is getting old but it keeps showing up and politicians are like a dog with a bone with this issue.

At its core, Section 3 would send a person to prison for 20 years if you ATTEMPTED or PLANNED (“conspired”) to buy a firearm as a gift for another person or to conduct a raffle of a firearm, and negligently failed to note that the gift recipient or the winner of the raffle was, for instance, a veteran with PTSD who had been placed by the Department of Veteran Affairs onto the NICS list.

Note that you don’t have to actually transfer the firearm to go to prison for 20 years, nor do you have to know that the proposed recipient is a prohibited person.

Finally, buying a gun for any other person — even though it’s perfectly legal for him to own a gun — is illegal under all circumstances except for a gift or a raffle.

I think they are pretty much going to make you a criminal for owning a gun no matter or they are trying their best to do so. I know they have to stop people trading in illegal guns but this bill stops a father from buying a family member a gun. So nobody give your son his first gun whatever you do. I tried to get the link to the bill to work but I couldn't. The link to the bill is in the other links

posted on Feb, 15 2013 @ 11:28 PM
Did you by chance get the Bill Number?

posted on Feb, 15 2013 @ 11:36 PM
The second amendment came about from the actions of 1776 how much older can it get on an internet discussion forum when it comes to gun grabbers? "Shall not be infringed". Say it in the mirror once, it's the law.

posted on Feb, 15 2013 @ 11:38 PM
reply to post by thunder57

It is S54 .if you go to the other links I provided click on S.54. It is at the top on the first link

posted on Feb, 15 2013 @ 11:39 PM
No matter what the power grabbers will still try every trick in the book to get their way, even if it means to distort the law to their distorted means.

posted on Feb, 15 2013 @ 11:44 PM
Here is the total context of the bill: And you are very right about its contents.
edit on 15-2-2013 by thunder57 because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 16 2013 @ 09:57 AM
Latest Poll from Newsmax:

posted on Feb, 16 2013 @ 10:08 AM
Except for a gift or a raffle?

So they want to just replace one "loophole" with another?

"Hey Steve can you buy me this gun?"


a week passes....

"Oh, Steve. Here's that $1200 I owe you for a completely unrelated reason."

And idiot dems sit smugly smiling for a job well done.

posted on Feb, 16 2013 @ 10:44 AM
Ya, it looks like now we are going to have to watch all the back doors as well.

posted on Feb, 16 2013 @ 12:55 PM
The shoes we selected are now worn and hurting our feet.
It's is time to throw them in the recycling bin and get a quality pair that will last
and do what they were designed for.

posted on Feb, 16 2013 @ 02:25 PM

Originally posted by thunder57
Latest Poll from Newsmax:

That poll is a self-selecting internet poll which seems very much at variance with polls such as this one :-

posted on Feb, 16 2013 @ 03:28 PM
This senator Patrick Leahy that introduced this bill was one of two targeted in the 2001 anthrax attacks. Wonder why he was targeted?

Throughout his career, Senator Leahy has been caught leaking sensitive information to the press when doing so benefitted him or hampered his political opponents. Senator Leahy leaked information about a plan to topple Ghadafi, about an intercept related to the Achille Lauro, and about an investigation into the Iran-Contra deals. These leaks eventually caused him to resign his vice-chairmanship of the Senate Intelligence Committee and earned him the nickname "Leaky Leahy".

posted on Feb, 16 2013 @ 04:29 PM
That certainly is alarming indeed. I saw a vid today where this lady in conn. was griping about how out of the hundred phone calls she receives 99 are pro second amendment to 1 pro gun control. I think she should realize that she is supposed to represent the people and if the majority are against gun control then what is she doing there?

side note: I noticed this thread was flagged 9 times.. what does that mean? is flagging bad as it is on cl?

posted on Feb, 16 2013 @ 04:33 PM
reply to post by SocialDivvyDotNet

flags are given to an OP when members think their thread was a good one or brought good info to light,stars are given to individual posters by other members who agreed with what has been posted

example you post a thread talking about a meteor that has hit the earth,inresponse a memeber who liked your post will give you a star(for the good individual post) and flag(to show you made a good/interesting thread on ats) to show support and gain attention for the thread hope this helps.

on topic yeah they will keep proposing all these crazy laws until we vote those who try to get these things passed are removed from office as an example to other anti gun proponents that we will not be infringed and those trying to infringe on our gun rights will be removed from office(legally mind you) and replaced with those that honor the constitution
edit on 16-2-2013 by RalagaNarHallas because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 16 2013 @ 04:36 PM
Flagged like saved as a favorite.

posted on Feb, 16 2013 @ 05:12 PM
I recognize that some members do not have access to Google and YouTube Videos; to you I apologize because there is no way I can convey or properly cover these and the important fact contained in these videos with text and I am not going to try. If you are with Obama and the enemies of our Constitution, these videos and the information given is pointless and if you are already alarmed and doing your part to oppose all and any gun-grabbing efforts, you don't need this information but if you are on the fence, please take the time to educate yourself with these videos.

edit on 16-2-2013 by MajorKarma because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 16 2013 @ 07:19 PM
Here's a link to the new house bills and senate bills on gun control 2013

posted on Feb, 17 2013 @ 12:44 AM

Originally posted by Helious
The second amendment came about from the actions of 1776 how much older can it get on an internet discussion forum when it comes to gun grabbers? "Shall not be infringed". Say it in the mirror once, it's the law.

Thanks for the good laugh.

posted on Feb, 17 2013 @ 01:01 AM
When will this insanity stop?

Why are all these potential laws criminalizing the innocent while none are made to punish the guilty???
edit on 17-2-2013 by beezzer because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 17 2013 @ 01:18 AM

Originally posted by beezzer
When will this insanity stop?

Why are all these potential laws criminalizing the innocent while none are made to punish the guilty???
edit on 17-2-2013 by beezzer because: (no reason given)

There are already too many laws, and most of them are not enforced, or are unevenly enforced at best. The real problem is bad legislators that would restrict our rights, and continually make excuses for criminals. The same logic confuses inanimate objects with criminal intent.

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