posted on Feb, 17 2013 @ 05:27 AM
Some vanishing objects puzzle me. In my old apartment, several movies and a few game disks went missing. The game disks were things like disk three
of the installation programs, or the bonus feature disk; there were in sealed cases and just vanished. I figured when I moved out, I'd find them,
but after a year of going through boxes nothings surfaced. Who knows? Maybe gremlins, maybe untrustworthy maintenance workers.
As for things showing up where I didn't leave them, it used to freak me out. I once had a bed with a small bookshelf attached to the headboard; I
woke up one morning with a book pulled off the shelf, set out on top of the other books, and opened to one of my favorite chapters (it was Visser, for
any Animorphs fans who still survive). I thought for certain that a ghost had been reading my books, as I was only about thirteen at the time.
Finally about three years ago I got my first apartment and moved in with my girlfriend at the time. Come to find out I sleepwalk rather stealthily,
and will make food, watch movies, and even, on occasion, read a book. That solved another riddle, too; I'd never known before why I would have such
deja vu concerning certain films I'd never (or so I thought) seen before. That, or I'd think I'd dreamed the movie, making me think I'd had a
premonition. Kind of funny to find out so many little mysteries in my life were the result of sleepwalking.