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A Collective spiritual energy all around us. God?

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posted on Feb, 14 2013 @ 05:19 PM
reply to post by snowspirit

The Other Side is an interesting book.And the weekly TV show was Montel Williams.

Interesting that you see lights.I saw some other posts on this site that mention aura's and lights.

If I was lucky enough to see any light in the dark, I would instinctly go to it and search for its source.

As far as universal energy-
I know people who swear by "The Secret" and it may have a universal effect to some degree, but doubtful.
We have enough energy and sparks of life surrounding us on earth. It's very possible that the universal energy is
mistaken for our present atmosphere that surrounds us. Quite possibly no need to look any further
When you listen to spiritual theories, scientific facts, and religion, EME (electromagnetic energy and electricity)
Its the only theory that possibly makes any sense at all. They are all correct.Just different ways of seeing it.

Thanks for your input. Id love to hear more of your thoughts

posted on Feb, 14 2013 @ 06:01 PM
reply to post by amestang

The greenish lighter areas that I could see were sort of spread out towards the ceiling. The connecting stringy like things made me think of when they compare pictures of our brains with pictures of the universe/galaxies. Connecting synapses.

I've heard about the secret but I've never read the book. I did watch "What the Bleep Do We Know".
It was interesting. I liked it.
Parts of it made a lot of sense, but reading the reviews, there were a lot of people that took the movie way to serious and literal.
At least I got a lot out of it.

We are surrounded with types of multiple energies. Whether or not we ever figure out what they all are, remains a mystery

posted on Feb, 14 2013 @ 08:50 PM
reply to post by snowspirit

"The Secret" can be seen on You tube. It's about positive attracts positive, same as negative. Basically wishful thinking. Alot of people believe in it.

Thanks for sharing

posted on Feb, 15 2013 @ 10:53 AM

Originally posted by amestang
Who may agree that God, or the idea of a God could simply be a collection of Electromagnetic energy that exists all around us, and that is very much alive and a part of us.?

You're very close. You've the idea, but electromagnetic energy is only one of the forms of vibration that flows through the spiritual media which is the fabric of the universe.

While doing my studies in College thru essays and research, everywhere I looked, Theists and Athiests were at each others throat. The mention of God, the bible, heaven, Jusus,..and so on would instantly be a catalust for arguments and accusations, and the likes.

Both sides need to realise that Jesus, for instance, is a metaphor. A metaphor is a package that carries an idea, and the idea which Jesus conveys is much more valuable than the man himself. Every religion contains pieces of the truth, but it requires wisdom the seperate the truth from the fiction.

Obviously neither side can prove their views, so it results in a stale mate and the wall between them grows.
I'm hoping my theories of common sense, combined with your thoughts and input might offer a common ground
Giving both sides a catalyst to open minds and something new to discuss. No harm in trying.

The atheist can only prove through science that which we see before our eyes; he can not prove the inexistence of God through the mechanical understanding of the universe.

The theist can only prove to himself the existence of God; he can not force the spiritual understanding of the universe upon others.

posted on Feb, 15 2013 @ 12:06 PM
reply to post by Glass

(You're very close. You've the idea, but electromagnetic energy is only one of the forms of vibration that flows through the spiritual media which is the fabric of the universe. )

I understand that, but I want to start with something the norm recognizes, and in small doses as well.Fact is: other forms of energy whether they exist or not, really dont hold water to the public general idea.Electricity is a known fact, Utility co. So it can not be denied. The idea is not to prove the existance of god, its to get both sides together on some level. Thanks, your thoughts?

posted on Feb, 15 2013 @ 12:24 PM
reply to post by amestang

I agree that God is all around us... but I noticed something and had to reply, considering my playful nature I just couldn't resist... Pardon me whilst I indulge


The mention of God, the bible, heaven, Jusus

Is Jusus the Jewish messiah they've been waiting for all these years?

posted on Feb, 15 2013 @ 12:59 PM
reply to post by Glass

(Both sides need to realise that Jesus, for instance, is a metaphor. A metaphor is a package that carries an idea, and the idea which Jesus conveys is much more valuable than the man himself. Every religion contains pieces of the truth, but it requires wisdom the seperate the truth from the fiction.)

Jesus, though a good role model, was in the bible. Another metaphor, the problem is, man wrote the bible. Inspired by god or not, society was just as corrupt then as it is now. That being said, New ideas are needed to reach both sides. The debate is God, does he or does he not exist ?

posted on Feb, 15 2013 @ 01:28 PM
God is The Darkness creating light ("Let there be light!").

The energy all around us is Lucifer.

posted on Feb, 15 2013 @ 01:48 PM
reply to post by Glass

(The atheist can only prove through science that which we see before our eyes; he can not prove the inexistence of God through the mechanical understanding of the universe.)

I respect that view as well, but I disagree. It's logic and scientifically accepted that the energy of life (Electricity) surrounds us. Think of it like a radio signal. Massive information and signals bombarding our atmosphere .Turn on your radio, cell phone, and any wireless signal...undeniable electronic communication signals constantly passing thru us . Can you see or feel it ? And of course the electrical world that powers everthing around us.

(he can not prove the inexistence of God through the mechanical understanding of the universe.)

That's not true at all, besides the burden of proof lies on those who insist God exists.
Your missing the point my new friend. Athiests do not need proof of God, they can believe in whatever they want.
The energy were all talking about and trying to share has credibility. But its only a catalyst.The goal is introducing this catalyst to the discussions

posted on Feb, 15 2013 @ 02:00 PM

Originally posted by arpgme
God is The Darkness creating light ("Let there be light!").

The energy all around us is Lucifer.

Seriously ? Are you for real ? Leave your dungeons and dragons
Grown ups are talking here. LOL!
If your here to stir up a fight, then take it elsewhere please!
This thread is working against stupidity
Of course I mean that with all due respects.

On the other hand, I'd love to hear more if your serious

posted on Feb, 15 2013 @ 02:23 PM
reply to post by amestang

I'm not sure why you called it "Dungeons and Dragons"...

According to The Bible, Greek Mythology, and Sumerian/Babylonian Mythology...

Chaos/Darkness was here first and then light was formed. As The Bible says, for example, that there was void and darkness covered the face of the deep, then God said "Let there be light!".

In Greek mythology, Chaos/Darkness created Eros (Desires/Passion) which brought in Light and then Heaven and Earth.

In Sumerian Mythology, Abzu and Tiamat (The chaotic waters) brought forth Heaven (Light) ...

Quantum Physics says that Potential comes before Form (Think of Zero-point field).

The Primordial Chaos, The Nothingness, the potential, the womb of "Kali", it is the darkness (potential) giving birth to the light (form).

All of the energy around is physical. Even if it is a spirit that is made of energy, it is still physical just on a frequencies that most humans can't see. Just like most humans can't see heat , but it exists and can be measured.

Light appears and disappears, and at some point reappears. Energy comes and go, and at some point returns. There is birth and there is death, and then birth. It is energy recycling, appearing and disappearing.

Being attached to "Light", "Energy" will lead to suffering as it is the natural of energy/light to come and go (Change) and therefore cannot be held on to forever (which is why materialism also leads to suffering as eventually the stuff will stale/break//rot etc. as it can't be forever, including the physical body).

Emotions are sensations/energy running through the body. Emotion is Energy in Motion. Even that comes and goes. As does ever-changing thought.


To not identify with it, but to understand that it is something appearing and disappearing, coming and going. Sent forth from Darkness (potential).

The nature of Reality/Energy/Existence seems to be movement/change. Darkness (potential) watches Reality/Light/Energy manifesting.

edit on 15-2-2013 by arpgme because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 15 2013 @ 03:17 PM
reply to post by arpgme

Good to hear from you again

To start, your referencing the bible, which if you followed this thread you would
understand or at least respect the fact that the bible doesnt apply to logic, and has no
credibility for this topic. You have the right to believe what you want,but this isnt about
religion, its about communication between logic and faith and progress

You clearly agree there is energy around us regardless of how it works.
Thats great! That immediately gives you and I some common ground to
talk about. For now, its not important if we differ in opinion, the fact that were not at each others throat
forcing our ideas on each other is progress. You have already helped a great deal just by setting an
example. Thank you

Can you share more of your theories on atmospheric energy and how it can benefit ?

Seriously, just please leave your bible and religious believes to yourself. All due respects

posted on Feb, 15 2013 @ 09:19 PM
Well, there are many views on what God "is." Defining God in any given way is tricky in my mind.

If you were to say "A collective energy all around us," then you would most definitely be right. Its all energy in different forms.

Now getting to magnetism!

You say: "Therefore their has to be a constant supply or we would all die at night when the sun doesnt shine." Constant supply was referring to EM.

Have you tested this? I would be interested in seeing the data, as I remain unsure. While things like the Schumann resonance may contribute to the specific oscillation and frequency of things like a heart beat and neurological patterns, the energy that is used to directly drive these processes is thought to mainly be derived from the nutrition gained through our digestive system.

I am currently working on a hypothesis that the relationship between magnetism and electricity is a bit more interesting than previously thought. It proposes that magnetism is capable of residing outside of the fabric of space-time. When that magnetism is introduced to the friction of space-time, it turns into electricity. They are separated by a membrane which can and does tear, resulting in black holes (where the entropy of the electrical current is no longer a controlled free-fall through space-time, but a direct connection back to the quantum).

In the normally controlled entropy, the light or electricity was introduced at the time of the big bang. As different variables caused it to fractal (much like a lightning bolt) through time, the results are what we see in the universe today (planets, fish, asteroids, stars, etc).

If magnetism does in fact exist outside of the constraints of space-time as well as permeating it, that means it is.. "accessible" at any place and at any time. The membrane would be most easily visible at the "very large" and the "very small" where relativistic properties and the math describing them start to struggle a bit.

As was said, there is no way to really "harness" this in the respects most will think of it. That is already happening in the universe itself.

posted on Feb, 16 2013 @ 12:14 AM
reply to post by amestang

I was not just talking about the bible. I was also talking about the Greek creation story and the Enuma Elish (Sumerian Creation Story), why did you not criticize me for that, but only for mentioning the bible?

Existence is light. Potential is Darkness (Emptiness).

The potential for something to exist (Darkness) must be before the potential becomes form (Light).

posted on Feb, 17 2013 @ 02:53 PM
reply to post by Serdgiam

(You say: "Therefore their has to be a constant supply or we would all die at night when the sun doesnt shine." Constant supply was referring to EM.)

You've done your homework on Electrical properties,very interesting. My point was more general then scientific.
I was merely stating that the EME in the body is not enough to sustain life for a long period of time.Therefore, an outside source would be only logical.
My original point and goal was to help end the arguments and misunderstandings between athiests and theists, faith and logic, religion and the bible vs. common sense. It's sad to think no one is interested in just sitting at the table and discussing everything without pointing fingers and forcing beliefs on each other.

I look at it with a completely open mind. God ,or the idea of God should be a celebration of all the elements around us and the energy that feeds life. To me that is God because we wouldnt be here without it.Its everywhere like God. Im finding that people are more interested in a Avatar as a God so they can point blame, or humanize the idea. And the second anyone starts to make sense, and theres nothing to argue?, they have to dig deeper to the big bang theory.
I think humans just like to fight and pick at details and the whole thing just seems pointless.
Maybe your right and the human race is just bass akwards .
Lucifer is the name for anarchy and darkness and regardless of the truth, its just more human to argue

Thanks for taking the time to reply. Im learning I got better things to do then promote fights. Good luck to you.

Im ending this thread and leaving this site.Thanks and nice talking to you all

posted on Feb, 17 2013 @ 04:39 PM
reply to post by amestang

Who may agree that God, or the idea of a God could simply be a collection of Electromagnetic energy that exists all around us, and that is very much alive and a part of us.?

I'm hoping my theories of common sense...

I don't get it? Is your god of Electromagnetic energy the common sense part? When has unfocused energy ever been declared alive? The only time energy is focused and controlled is when a machine draws it in and uses it.

posted on Feb, 17 2013 @ 04:45 PM

Originally posted by snowspirit

I laid awake a couple of nights ago, looking around in the darkness. No light in the room at all, heavy blinds on the windows.

The room had sections towards the ceiling that were showing like a pale green colour. Varying shades, all looking like there were connecting strings.

I have no idea what I was looking at.

Seriously, if this really happened, please have your eyes checked. This could be a symptom of something.

posted on Feb, 17 2013 @ 04:54 PM

Originally posted by amestang
reply to post by snowspirit

"The Secret" can be seen on You tube. It's about positive attracts positive, same as negative. Basically wishful thinking. Alot of people believe in it.

Thanks for sharing

I haven't seen it, but I wholeheartedly disagree with this statement. No matter where we turn we'll find that opposites attract. Optimistic people are drawn to pessimists because the optimists are positive they can change the pessimist. Nice people attract mean people. Fat people to skinny people. Even in magnetism the opposite poles attract.

Funny how the only time like attracts like is when it's for selfish or prejudicial reasons. Rich hang out with rich, intelligent with intelligent, hate with hate as in the KKK.

posted on Feb, 17 2013 @ 07:56 PM

Originally posted by amestang
reply to post by Serdgiam

You've done your homework on Electrical properties,very interesting.

That be why they call me an electrical engineer!

My point was more general then scientific.
I was merely stating that the EME in the body is not enough to sustain life for a long period of time.Therefore, an outside source would be only logical.

How long do you feel it could survive without EM? You could test it to an extent with a Faraday cage.

My original point and goal was to help end the arguments and misunderstandings between athiests and theists, faith and logic, religion and the bible vs. common sense. It's sad to think no one is interested in just sitting at the table and discussing everything without pointing fingers and forcing beliefs on each other.

Which is a great point. Though, you are seeing confrontation where there is none. I was mostly in agreement with what you were saying, and expanded upon it with my own understanding. My only question was more about the EM side of things you were posing. Specifically the idea that we couldnt make it through the night without some type of external EM source. I was hoping to get a better understanding of where you were coming from.

I look at it with a completely open mind. God ,or the idea of God should be a celebration of all the elements around us and the energy that feeds life. To me that is God because we wouldnt be here without it.Its everywhere like God. Im finding that people are more interested in a Avatar as a God so they can point blame, or humanize the idea. And the second anyone starts to make sense, and theres nothing to argue?, they have to dig deeper to the big bang theory.
I think humans just like to fight and pick at details and the whole thing just seems pointless.
Maybe your right and the human race is just bass akwards .
Lucifer is the name for anarchy and darkness and regardless of the truth, its just more human to argue

For the most part, you are correct. Though, like I said, I was in agreement with you. Never said anything whatsoever about the human race being "bass akwards." I actually expanded upon the idea of an ever-present magnetic force, regardless of what we choose to call it. In the idea of something "eternal" (beyond time), bringing the Big Bang (the beginning of time) is actually very relevant to the discussion at hand. I still would be interested in hearing what you think about what I wrote, instead of an argument.
We have to be the change we wish to see in the world.

You have presented some pretty neat ideas, its why I replied.

Thanks for taking the time to reply. Im learning I got better things to do then promote fights. Good luck to you.

Im ending this thread and leaving this site.Thanks and nice talking to you all

If you found someone who mostly agreed with you and just asking a couple questions to be confrontational, I can guarantee this is not the site for you. You will be much happier elsewhere.
Hope you find whatever it is you are looking for!
edit on 17-2-2013 by Serdgiam because: (no reason given)

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