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A Collective spiritual energy all around us. God?

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posted on Feb, 14 2013 @ 01:37 PM
Welcome ! The answer is so simple!

I've seen a few posts that relate to the existance of God, or theory of what I consider to be God. I hope you join in and comment openly and politely. Ive read a few other threads that are similar and have given this alot of thought.

(About Me) My father was a Christian Preacher, want to be (by that I mean deep down he doubted his beliefs) My mother an athiest.Not really important to mention but it did have an influence on me and allowed me to think 'Outside the Box', thank God.

Who may agree that God, or the idea of a God could simply be a collection of Electromagnetic energy that exists all around us, and that is very much alive and a part of us.?
While doing my studies in College thru essays and research, everywhere I looked, Theists and Athiests were at each others throat. The mention of God, the bible, heaven, Jusus,..and so on would instantly be a catalust for arguments and accusations, and the likes.

Obviously neither side can prove their views, so it results in a stale mate and the wall between them grows.
I'm hoping my theories of common sense, combined with your thoughts and input might offer a common ground
Giving both sides a catalyst to open minds and something new to discuss. No harm in trying.

I would love to post the details that I found in my research and share some thoughts with those who are interested. Does anyone feel the same or have ideas and suggestions? Think "Outside The Box"

Please dont reply with negative comments or judgemental questions. The goal is to improve relations

posted on Feb, 14 2013 @ 01:55 PM
It's probably because "God" is a loaded word. Most think of an old man with a white beard in the sky (or Jesus - or another humanoid in the sky watching)...

God also reminds people of "Lord" (Which means ruler or master, a word of control)...

I can see how that word is negative. I didn't even like that word and instead I said "Creator" or "Source (of all things)".

Atheists are rooted in Materialism - the belief that only what can be observed is real (which is BS in my opinion because there are a lot of unobservable things which may be real - like how we didn't even have proof energy exist until certain machines were made)...

Theists are rooted in Subjectivism. If reality does not agree, it doesn't matter because whatever you believe is the truth...
edit on 14-2-2013 by arpgme because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 14 2013 @ 02:23 PM
i see god a lot like the force. it flows through you. and with freewill you choose wether to be good or bad. each having its benefits and consequences.

posted on Feb, 14 2013 @ 02:50 PM
Thanks for the input, however I disagree that Athiests are rooted by materialism. Religion has that market cornered, only they take your soul 'and' your materials. Athiests just survive without a need for a God.
Faith vs. Fact

How do you feel about EME from the sun, its effect on life, and how it fits in with religion or not?

posted on Feb, 14 2013 @ 03:03 PM
the sun is the root to our life force
but most atheists i see are very hateful and yes materialistic. there religion is the scientific method but they use outdated facts and biased reseach.

posted on Feb, 14 2013 @ 03:04 PM

Originally posted by amestang

Please dont reply with negative comments or judgemental questions.

How about with negative (apophatic) theology?

"Neti, neti".

edit on 14-2-2013 by BlueMule because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 14 2013 @ 03:08 PM

Originally posted by Sinder
i see god a lot like the force. it flows through you. and with freewill you choose wether to be good or bad. each having its benefits and consequences.

Exactly, but the force has to be understood or it becomes a mystery or magic. Electromagnetic energy(EME) is scientifically a fact. Radio waves flow thru us constantly,but you cant see them do to higher frequencies.But they are very real and powerful.EME also leaves our body at death and changes form. Higher frequancies.

EME is needed by our bodies to function. But our bodies do not generate enough EME to keep us alive for long. Therefore their has to be a constant supply or we would all die at night when the sun doesnt shine.
That being said: Possibly the EME hovers around us like moisture and waves in a cloud. Possibly feeding our brain and always being there as if we are all connected to one source. Would be great to think this energy around us is accumulative spirits and souls, living and dead that have gathered since the beginning of time and watch over us. It would explain what people see as God. What are your thoughts on that?

Note, if this is true, it would explain ALL the different ideas and beliefs and all the confusion. People hearing God, and so on.Telopathic attemts to communicate. Leaving free will for us to decide. Thanks for joining in.

posted on Feb, 14 2013 @ 03:10 PM
reply to post by BlueMule

What about it ? Can you elaborate ?
Thanks for joining.

posted on Feb, 14 2013 @ 03:15 PM
yea thats amazing. now. how do we harness it?

posted on Feb, 14 2013 @ 03:16 PM
reply to post by amestang

Who may agree that God, or the idea of a God could simply be a collection of Electromagnetic energy that exists all around us, and that is very much alive and a part of us.?

All that ever was, is, or will be.
The Grand Unified Theory.
The Great Universal Soul.
An intelligent universe.

All of the above, and more.
I like to call it GUS. The great universal soul.....

Anytime anyone asks my religion, I refer to myself as an agnostic pantheistic. With leanings toward the metaphysical and the paranormal.

So yep. I'm in agreement with you.

posted on Feb, 14 2013 @ 03:30 PM
reply to post by snowspirit

you are indeed one of us

posted on Feb, 14 2013 @ 03:31 PM
reply to post by Sinder

There will always be hateful people in all beliefs. There are countless peace loving athiests and belive it or not, being an athiest does not mean the total absence of A God, it just means if there is a God, or more then one God, athiests simply dont see any reason or proof to believe in your God.(from the bible or many bibles that is). I mean seriously, anyone that treasured their freedom to think for themselves and had any self worth wouldnt want that god anyway. Religion, the bible, most churches and faith have totally discredited God. Its all just a huge misunderstanding.

My point is: Very few people can remain calm and stay focused when religion and God is mentioned.
Dont believe that? Google a chat sight. Doesnt matter which one.

I insist on the right to think for myself and the only God I would consider worth while of worship is a God that loved me, guides me through when I need him, and lets me decide for myself and answer to my own conscience.Anything else, I would choose hell (which doesnt exist) over being controlled anyday.Its a matter of principle and my own universal right providing I care and respect others. Thats why Im here.

posted on Feb, 14 2013 @ 03:40 PM

Originally posted by Sinder
yea thats amazing. now. how do we harness it?

With patience.
And being careful what we wish for, as thought creates reality. Eventually.

And I think the universe sometimes has a weird sense of humour, so we need to be careful and mindful of our thoughts.

Other than that, its a mystery. And quite the ride at times.

posted on Feb, 14 2013 @ 03:40 PM
reply to post by Sinder

I'm sorry I dont understand why we would want to harness it.
We already do if you really want to get technical, but that would be a seperate thread completely.
But for now, you already do in a sence.Anywhere electricity flows and is alive and strong.The energy flows like electricity through a wire.'Try grabbing one, you just might see God', just kidding.
Earth is ground. In other words ,it's all around you in everything you touch and see.
Molecular, atomically, the air we breath, water, and the ground your standing on.
The main source+ The Sun.

Thanks for joining in

posted on Feb, 14 2013 @ 03:47 PM
reply to post by snowspirit

Agreed, but at the same time,the universe is infinate, so I tend to stay close to home.

Also, if that theory remains true (Exam. The Secret) then wouldnt other planets and solar systems be effected by any other source? In that logic, other planets and galaxies could be influencing life here on earth, as well as us influencing them. Interesting point of view. Thanks for joining in.

posted on Feb, 14 2013 @ 03:48 PM
reply to post by Sinder

Thank you so much.It's great opening the mind and heart.
Happy your here

posted on Feb, 14 2013 @ 03:50 PM
reply to post by amestang

Would be great to think this energy around us is accumulative spirits and souls, living and dead that have gathered since the beginning of time and watch over us. It would explain what people see as God. What are your thoughts on that?

I laid awake a couple of nights ago, looking around in the darkness. No light in the room at all, heavy blinds on the windows.

The room had sections towards the ceiling that were showing like a pale green colour. Varying shades, all looking like there were connecting strings.
It was really interesting.
I was just trying to observe my surroundings, wondering what we share our space with. Curiosity.
I have no idea what I was looking at.

posted on Feb, 14 2013 @ 04:07 PM
reply to post by snowspirit

Interesting. Have you ever read any Sylvia Browne books or seen her? I dont mean recently,
but in her early years she was amazing. That is, if she was real. Its so hard to tell without
hanging out with her personally.
Anyway, she talks alot about lights.
The reason I say in her early years,she told the world if she ever got greedy and focused on money
she would lose any gifts she might have. Well, she got greedy about 8-10 years ago and so it goes.

Its great hearing from you

posted on Feb, 14 2013 @ 04:09 PM
Its great to hear from everyone. Please join in and tell others to join us

posted on Feb, 14 2013 @ 04:24 PM
reply to post by amestang

I have a few of her books. I can't remember the titles right now though. They're packed away (buildin bookshelves) She was interesting. she was on a tv show once a week also, a few years ago.

The "other side" fascinates me. I've had some unexplainable experiences, thankfully nothing scary.

Most of the time, a dark room is just dark. When I can see lighter areas, I can't help wonder what it is, and if positive thoughts can have any influence.
That's a time to especially avoid any negative thoughts.
I think, that if I expected something to get scary, it might.

Universal sources - Interesting to think about other life in the universe and how it might be affected differently by different sources (suns), or how we would be affected differently somehow, in a different solar system - moods and such....

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