posted on Feb, 15 2013 @ 03:42 AM
Part 3-present day.After 1994,we now have a black government,which would've and could've been great.had it not been the ANC.I love my country,and
Africa,with all my heart.I love people who are decent,kind and take others lives+rights into consideration-of ALL races,genders,religions+sexual
orienations.I AM NOT IMPRESSED WITH THE ANC GOVERNMENT THOUGH-only a cretin would be,or those so wealthy that they're untouchable.They are inept and
corrupt,and even after 2 decades,apartheid still gets the blame for their ineptitude,for everything that goes wrong.Crime is a VERY serious
problem,rape is the national sport.An overly hasty implementation of Affirmative Action led to untrained people being appointed solely on the basis of
their being black individuals,which has had a very bad effect on overall re service delivery in most sectors,catastrophic in the medical
sector.There's the genocide of the white farmers-it is the most dangerous job in the world now,i believe.BUT i have much hope for my country
still,and we do now live in a much more authentic society.I myself have never had problems with black people,or any one of another race,au
contraire.My children are growing up having black kids as friends.Two of the dearest friends i ever had,both for years of friendship,are black.Now if
the ANC government could crack down on crime,and stop condoning "struggle songs" like "Kill The Boer,Kill the Farmer" it would go a long way to
making this country great, and safer for all its citizens.Strange,i love my country so deeply,but im Still a 2nd class citizen,first as a
poorwhite,now just as a white.HOWEVER,that is because of the ANC,Definitely not because of individuals of any race.On ground level,between average
people,you'll find the state of the nation in the middle:NOT A SYRUPSWEET NIRVANA AS IN THE ADS,NOT THE HORROR THE FEARMONGERS MAKE IT OUT TO BE.In
the middle is where you'll find people trying to just make a life for them+their families,with the overwhelming problem+grave concern :Crime,and a
government that is either unwilling or unable to crack down on it and improve the dire crime situation.THAT is our biggest problem,as long as this
remains unaddressed,my country is suffering,and will remain so.