posted on Nov, 1 2004 @ 02:38 AM
Dear Valhal (or, sybil keeper of the mystic fish) ......first of all, I'm wondering if your title is a red herring? Sorry....lousy attempt by this
Irishman's cracked sense of humour.
TO: both you and Bikereddie,
Its a bit too long and deep to encapsulate in two or three short paragraphs. How do you begin to put together nearly a lifetime's bunch of jigsaw
puzzle pieces, all screaming out 'something' that only until recently are tied together by one quiet moment's realization, as you enjoy some
morning sunlight and muse on the same keyword that seems to ....sum up each experience? That seems to re-occur with strange and uncanny monotony?
Just to diverge a wee bit....the moderaters of this website may consider this comes under the heading of...paranormal. But when your interests touch
on artifacts and bases on both our moon and Mars, then they may wish to slot it in somewhere else. My interests also touch on the question of other
dimensions or parallel universes to our own; the fundamental make-up, nature, origin, and ultimate agendas of what or 'who' are those whom many
consider as cosmic visitors. So....where do I fit in?
But to bring this back to, trying to answer what I originally set out to say ( or lead up to). Hmmmm?? Perhaps this may be better addressed as
'U2U's....but then some others may glean something of this that their experiences relate to. I don't know. I'll keep going.
At the risk of beating around the bush anymore.....I'm both Christian (only my relationship with the God I have come to know defines that
word)....and seer; and I guess I've now thrown a whole bunch of cats in amongst the pidgeons!!
So yes....the word 'seer' was what tied in the sum total of my experiences. I can't begin to describe the consternation and sometimes anguish when
someone describes or presents something as a vital truth or revelation. You watch, sometimes horrified, as many nod in approval and all the while you
know in the depth of your gut that something is seriously wrong with the presented reality.
How do you describe the feeling when say, a celebrated salesman, or a preacher of preachers, or powerful 'tele'-evangelist, or even a charismatic
politician, stands before an audience of hundreds, or thousands; the camera pans occasionaly to the light and smiles on the nodding faces.....and
you're almost physically nausiated by the reality that the presentation itself only ebodies the unreal. You're....see-ing. The veil is drawn away
and you're sickened by the revelation of the heart of the speaker....and the heart of the matter.
Its not always like this...but it is increasingly so....and accelerating in occurance as time goes on. The thread of the seer goes back in time,
thousands of years. There is maybe a popular notion of the seer, an image or concept. I'm not sure I have a handle on what that conjures up in the
minds of many. Rarer still is the Christian seer who has to cut his or her own road where there aren't any, and only has the quiet voice of their
God alone to confirm or deny, and ultimately illuminate what nothing else can. A very precarious position to be in, to say the least!
Back to 'earth' a little. What's my 'take' on .....aliens....other parallel universes.....bases on Mars and the
moon.....ufo's....conspiracy??? Working backwards...if conspiracy in essence wasn't real, they would never have enshrined, or defined the word in
the worlds dictionaries; and in your heart of hearts, don't EVER let anyone defang the meaning of the word! Concealment and ruthless pursuit of
personal/corporate agenda; and a willful and fundamental departure from a love of truth, are the words that come to mind.
UFO's...bases...other universes and aliens?? I'd probably need my own website, and Simon Grey is doing a big enough job on these topics already.
Its late...again; and I need a little food and a lot more sleep....again. Sorry Moderators and Simon....I have the almost hopless task of trying to
narrow my focus somewhat. Maybe it would pay to slot me into a general chit-chat blog or something; I'm wired for the 'intangible' or invisible
bits of life...but not for computers or websites! Bye for now.