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Chris Dorner's Security Clearance Doc, translated for laypeople

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posted on Feb, 13 2013 @ 01:46 PM
Hi ATS. This is my first thread...

I don't know if this is relevant anymore, considering "Rambro" may now be "Bro-b-que," but I spent some time hacking my way through all the new acronyms that this case has assailed me with, and so this is a rundown I did of one of Dorner's released documents. May or may not be totally accurate, I did my best, maybe some of you will find it helpful, or hopefully be able to refine it further.

JCAVS [Joint Clearance Access Verification System]
Person Summary
Dorner, Christopher Jordan
Person Category: Active Duty - Officer United States Navy
SSN:xxx-07-xxxx [redacted by me] Date of Birth: 06/04/1979
Open Investigation: SBPR [routine reinvestigation for renewal of Top Secret clearance]
Marital Status: Not applicable
PSQ [Personnel Security Questionnaire] Sent Date: Not applicable Place of Birth: New York
Attestation Date: 08/22/2006 Citizenship: Not applicable
Incident Report: Not applicable NdA [Non-disclosure Agreement] Signed: Yes
SF 713 [Consent for Disclosure of Records form] Fin Consent Date: Not applicable
NdS [Non-disclosure Statement] Signed: No
SF 714 [Financial Disclosure form] Fin Disclosure Date: Not applicable
Polygraph: Not applicable
Foreign Relation: Not applicable

Accesses [summarized by me]
Reserve - Officer (United States Navy), US Access: Top Secret, PSP (Personnel Security Program: No, Suitability and Trustworthiness - IT [Communications]: Not applicable, Public Trust: Not applicable, Child Care: Not applicable
Person Category Information
Category Classification: Not applicable
Organization: 81989 [BOATDET, or Boat Detachment, an interdiction unit], MAREXP [Marine Expeditionary] SENSORDET [Sensor Detachment - tactical control over boats] 312, Commanding Officer,
Seal Beach
HQ Btry., 5th Bn., 14th Marines
Det, HQ Btry., 5th Bn., 14th Marines
Btry. O, 5th Bn., 14th Marines
Phone: 562-572-4268
Bldg. 14, 800 Seal Beach Blvd.
Seal Beach, CA 90740
Organization Status: Not applicable
Occupation Code: 130 [? Not sure.] Separation Date: 05/29/2007
SCI [Sensitive Compartmentalized Information] SMO [Security Management Office]: Not applicable
Non-SCI SMO: MIUWU [Mobile Inshore Undersea Warfare Units] 105 [This is a security and intelligence unit which utilizes UAVs, f-14s, advanced radar/sonar, among other goodies.]
Servicing SMO: No Grade: O3 [Lieutenant]
Position Code: NA PS: NA Arrival Date: NA
RNLTD [Report No Later Than Date]: NA
Office Phone Comm: NA Office Phone DSN [Defense Switched Network]: NA
Separation Status: Separation [note that separation is not the same as discharge, which is permanent]
TAFMSD [Total Active Federal Military Service Date]: 02/10/2004
Interim: NA Proj. Departure Date: NA
Proj. UID/RUC/PASCODE [Unique Identifier/Reporting Unit Code/Personnel Accounting System code]: NA In/Out Process
Investigation Summary:
SSBI [Single Scope Background Investigation] from OPM [Office of Personnel Management], Opened 02/09/2007 Closed 05/09/2007
Adjudication Summary:
PSI [Personnel Security Investigation] Adjudication of SSBI OPM, Opened 02/09/2007, Closed 05/09/2007, determined Eligibility of SCI [Sensitive Compartmentalized Information] - DCID [Director of Central Intelligence Directive 6-4, outlines the standards used in the determination of security clearance. One of the criteria reads: "The individual must be stable; trustworthy; reliable; of excellent character, judgment, and discretion; and of unquestioned loyalty to the United States."] on 05/24/2007 DonCAF [Department of the Navy Central Adjudication Facility]

posted on Feb, 13 2013 @ 02:16 PM
Lol, "Rambro" was pretty funny but "Brobque" was poor taste

posted on Feb, 13 2013 @ 02:17 PM
Nothing remarkable here, standard clearance level for his mos

posted on Feb, 13 2013 @ 02:23 PM
So he had a top secret clearance. I'm sure you noticed a whole lot of "N/A" answers here. The learance took less than three months to get. It was likely done by a contractor who visits a few people who knew Dorner and asked if he was an ok guy. They said "Yes" and that was it.

I've been involved in this process both as a recipient of a security clearance and twice as a reference for someone who was getting a top secret clearance. My experience does not leave me with a lot of confidence in the system. In one case I was interviewed at my residence by a woman who worked for a contractor conducting the investigation. She asked innane questions, and I lied through my teeth. She then cut the interview short because (you'll love this) she was AFRAID of my dog. What dog? That little cocker spaniel you see up there to your left, who was behaving himself completely, but, you see, he LOOKED at her and she was frightened.

One of the techniques they use is to ask you if you no anyone else who knows the nominee and can they talk to them. That's pathetically easy to manipulate. In another case I was called on the phone and sked questions, including this one. I gave the name and number of one of my colleagues whose desk was near mine. I hung up, warned her, and her phone rang. She knew what to say.

So, a security clearance is what it is, but it isn't much to get worked up about. Most people who apply for them get them, and those who don't are denied for often really strange reasons. For example, if your grandmother lives in a communist country you can;t get one because the Bad Guy(tm) Commies might use your Granny to to compromise you. But march in a demonstration against the government ("Power to the People. Smash the State!") Hey, that's okay--just youthful indiscretion.

posted on Feb, 13 2013 @ 02:33 PM
Um. I'm not worked up about it. I just spent a few hours translating acronyms, and thought someone else might be interested. I found it to be boring as whatever.

posted on Feb, 13 2013 @ 02:35 PM

Originally posted by Juggernog
Lol, "Rambro" was pretty funny but "Brobque" was poor taste

I agree. I wish I hadn't said it.

posted on Feb, 13 2013 @ 02:38 PM

Originally posted by DOLCOTT
Nothing remarkable here, standard clearance level for his mos

But, that is one thing I couldn't figure out. His occupation code is listed as 130. Anybody know what 130 is, because I couldn't find that particular occupation code anywhere I looked, and I searched hard for it.

posted on Feb, 13 2013 @ 05:59 PM

Originally posted by heyitsok
Um. I'm not worked up about it. I just spent a few hours translating acronyms, and thought someone else might be interested. I found it to be boring as whatever.

I'm sorry. I didn't mean to suggest you were. I just thought you and others might be interested in my perspective on security clearances in general since I've been through the process from both ends. You obviously put some work into this. FWIW I don't think 130 is a real MOS code. Borner was an officer, and those codes are usually 4 digits long. The supplementals are 3 digits, but they aren't all numbers.

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