posted on Mar, 1 2013 @ 02:34 AM
let me think of what an avatar might say....IT might be a reflection of ones thoughts views or concerns at one given moment in time...say the twin
towers....or i bet a few more meteorites will show up in avatars now....Or if you actually use a pic of might be very confident in ones
own skin or you might just what to show yourself to say hey...i am available...there might also be the ones like might who finds something the person
they are depicting interesting enough to warrant letting others know they are interesting in those particular views...
I choose this because brother Nathaneal is an interesting some people think i might be religious in some way....but this is the opposite
of that....religion is the downfall of manklind....It binds us all into slavery as it takes away all responsibility for our own destinies.
So you see the representation one might want to show through ones avatar is and can some times be purposely misleading....also it can be used to
create emotions in those to whom are willing to be ones audience.
When i discuss and people look at my avatar they immediately assume i would be on the side of religion....but what i am on the side of is waking
people up to the fact that we as individuals should take pride in our individualistic rantings as it is through the individualism that we have become
communities in which we live...It is our differences that make us special NOT our similarities.
Symbolism is what an avatar represents our ability to state who we are and what our disposition might be so that when we speak it can
align us with what differing viewpoints we might be able to inflict upon the audience in which we wish to accept into our fold of creation..
The world out there is one messed up place ....and many avatars right now are seeming to reflect that....if all our worlds only revolved around say
Disneyland i am sure there would be a lot more mickey mice running around out there for people to admire.
lets see what happens soon...i am sure there will be a lot more popes out there with the devils head stuck upon them soon as the catholic church
crumbles....or maybe as the Winsors become dethrones we will see the queen of England flying with bat wings attached to her as she flees her seat of
power heading off to Greece for safe haven.
As Conan once stated...My god is Crom who sits on his mountain and counts the dead.
Peace be with you my brothers and sisters....because as the seventh trumpet sounds and the the skys seem to fall upon us....Remember it is for the
best as the rich and powerful soon realize it is them who is the target of this great demise....and the people will show no mercy upon them for all
the damage they have brought up the peoples of this planet.
other than that...have a nice day.....
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