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Badnariks response to bin Laden tape

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posted on Oct, 29 2004 @ 10:55 PM
Here is the Libertarian response to the Bin Laden tape

Michael Badnarik was flying to Austin, Texas when the latest bin Laden tape was released. Upon arriving at his campaign headquarters and receiving a briefing on the situation, Badnarik issued the following short statement:

�Osama bin Laden�s tape gives us the clear-cut evidence that we need to identify the perpetrator of the 9/11 tragedy. Our highest military priority should be to capture bin Laden and bring him to justice � as opposed to continuing the war in Iraq and stationing troops in 135 countries around the world. I believe that a libertarian non-interventionist policy might have averted the 9/11 tragedy and reduces the likelihood of similar tragedies in the future.�

I think he has a better grasp of the problem than EITHER candidate for the big two

posted on Oct, 29 2004 @ 10:59 PM
It's a good plan because it's better in the long run for everyone.

The pain of transition is too great for some people, so no real change will happen.

We fight on I guess.

posted on Oct, 29 2004 @ 11:01 PM
Well at least he made a comment, it make him look better and more presidential.

posted on Oct, 29 2004 @ 11:06 PM

Originally posted by Amuk

I think he has a better grasp of the problem than EITHER candidate for the big two

couldn't agree more,

I'm also glad to see he made a comment on this
go Badnarik

posted on Oct, 29 2004 @ 11:19 PM
Lol, edsinger, great to see you say something so positive about someone who isn't Bush

Welcome to the light side

posted on Oct, 29 2004 @ 11:30 PM
He is the only candidate that I know of that has a plan to avoid FUTURE 911s.

The ONLY sure path is non interference. If we didnt have our nose in EVERYONES business do you think they would have woke up one morning and said "heck lets bomb that country over there?"

It takes away ANY reason to attack us. We can always kick the # out of any that dont take the hint

posted on Oct, 29 2004 @ 11:35 PM
Sorry to break it to you (even though I may actually advocate such a policy for a short time period):

A noninterventionist policy will only delay, not prevent.

Islamic fundamentalism is driven by the abject hatred for anything that is not them. You either accept their ways, or die. End of story. A non interventionist policy will mean that the US will stand alone in a future world of Islamic fundamentalism. A threat not confronted, or run away from is still a threat, it may only take longer to find us.

posted on Oct, 29 2004 @ 11:43 PM

Originally posted by everlastingnoitall
Islamic fundamentalism is driven by the abject hatred for anything that is not them.

couldn't you say that about the bush ideology?? I wouldn't say he hates but he doesn't agree with other countries that aren't "democratic" ... And I don't believe in "democracy" either, I believe in a constitutional republic, as should you, thats America... America isn't a democracy and you should get that out of your head right now.

You either accept their ways, or die. End of story.

Ahem, again, turn the tables and see what you got...
A war of ideologies...

A non interventionist policy will mean that the US will stand alone in a future world of Islamic fundamentalism.

Isn't American already standing alone in the world of islamic fundamentalism?
A non interventionist policy means we go about our business, if we wouldn't have tried # with the middle east in the past, there would be no reason to reap what you sow now would there??? That's all it is... The karma police are kicking the US in the ass for meddling in others affairs...

A non interventionist policy is the equivalent to peace...

A threat not confronted, or run away from is still a threat, it may only take longer to find us.

A threat not confronted?? You mean the threat that this country was to the middle east in the past?? A threat that they identified and have tried to fight against? That threat?
The more you keep meddling in their affairs the longer this war will go on. They want the US government to just butt out.why do they keep telling countroes to get out or they'll cut people's heads off??

ps: If you can't read history don't bother posting... Problems with the US and the middle east have been going on for years and years.... You have to educate yourself in order to understand fully...

Educate not indoctrinate...
It will take longer to find us?? What are you talking about?

[edit on 29-10-2004 by TrueLies]

posted on Oct, 29 2004 @ 11:48 PM
Take Canada for an example...

A non interventionist country, helps the world with humanitarian efforts and peace keeping...

That's how it should be...

posted on Oct, 29 2004 @ 11:48 PM

Originally posted by everlastingnoitall
A threat not confronted, or run away from is still a threat, it may only take longer to find us.

That remains to be seen. I am all for defending our country and any time the threat became real for us we could strike. But why give them ammo to use against us? It one thing to beat up your neighbor because he is threating you its another beat him up because some where down the line he might be a threat.

Couldnt the same said about China? How about N Korea? Should we not just invade the entire middle east and force them to become Christians?

Minding our own business will leave our armed forces free to focus on real threats.

posted on Oct, 30 2004 @ 12:00 AM

Originally posted by KrazyJethro
We fight on I guess.

Till the last breath leaves my body

Pardon me while I preach

I am not just a Libertarian because it is right for me.

It is right for our country.

Read the words of the first Libertarian and one of the greatest men in history..... Thomas Jefferson.

The LP is about what this country was meant to be....a chance to improve your self through hard work and taking care of YOUR business not your neighbors.

How about the words of another, not as great as Jefferson but on the right track...."I am not running for leader of the free world but for leader of the United States"....Mr. Badnarik

We should lead by example not by gun point. It is the UN problem to police the world not ours.

posted on Oct, 30 2004 @ 12:03 AM
I am getting more and more angry that people are living in this contrived fantasy land.

I get angry that people are too comfortable to actually DO something. We have let go of the reins for the remote control.

We are now presented reality, and will never go 2 miles without the option for a grossly unhealthy but engineered food and some carbonated body killers.

We have created a system of unrealistic growth that is unmaintainable without seeking outside of ourselves in order to consume more to keep this fire burning.

Same goes for the Federal Government.

People lie. They DON'T care.

posted on Oct, 30 2004 @ 12:11 AM

Originally posted by KrazyJethro
I am getting more and more angry that people are living in this contrived fantasy land.

I get angry that people are too comfortable to actually DO something. We have let go of the reins for the remote control.

We are now presented reality
People lie. They DON'T care.

I enjoyed that read, and i'm going to read it again. It's so true, so sad, and so insulting to the human species.
I can honestly say I don't watch the news to "learn" I haven't given up the reigns, in fact I participate in what I believe in, and am very active in the libertarian scene. Only because our founding fathers spirit lives on within me.

However what I do isn't enough and never will be, we have a country full of mouth breathers... And when your dealing mouth breather's, it's quite a challenge.

[edit on 30-10-2004 by TrueLies]

posted on Oct, 30 2004 @ 12:14 AM

Originally posted by Amuk
I think he has a better grasp of the problem than EITHER candidate for the big two

I couldn't help but think of the LP platform when OBL was talking about it being the US policies that create the conflict. Not Kerry, not Bush, etc.

Of course, one can argue that Bush throws a little more gasoline on the fire than anyone, but I'd imagine the LP non-intervention, strong defense type plan is where OBL would like to push us.

You could take that as a negative or a positive. I don't think anyone should listen to OBL, but you can't deny Michael B. wouldn't have us in a world wide quagmire anytime soon. Which can only be a good thing.

Anyway as far as voter influence goes, think OBL will push more to LP?

I saw Thursday the stated LP strategy now is to target swing states and definitively cost someone the election for the sheer publicity. Am I the only one that recognizes that someone the LP is after is Bush? I know "technically" they don't care who they screw, but advertising on Fox makes it's rather obvious...and all I can say is more power to 'em!

Just wish some LP supporters around here got the memo they're supposed to be fighting Bush, not Kerry. Not you Amuk or TL. The usual suspects.

[edit on 30-10-2004 by RANT]

posted on Oct, 30 2004 @ 12:22 AM

Originally posted by RANT
]LP strategy[/url] now is to target swing states and definitively cost someone the election for the sheer publicity.

I dont know if anyone saw the special on Arkansas on I believe MSNBC it was how Bush was slipping in NorthWest Arkansas usually a strong hold for Republicans (the southeast usually goes Democrat) I like to think we might have had a little to do with it

It does not mention the LP (of course) but doesnt explain where the points went either they just "disappeared"

That is what I like about living in a small person CAN make a difference

posted on Oct, 30 2004 @ 12:24 AM

Originally posted by Amuk
It does not mention the LP (of course) but doesnt explain where the points went either they just "disappeared"

That is what I like about living in a small person CAN make a difference

I totally agree with that statement... btw, when is your website going to be up i'm looking forward to it.

posted on Oct, 30 2004 @ 12:43 AM

Originally posted by Amuk
That is what I like about living in a small person CAN make a difference

You really can.
But heck on the net, one person can make a GLOBAL difference nowadays. Internet activism. LP has it down. Dems are strong this year too. Not as up to date on RNC efforts other than taking down CBS but that's something. I've tracked a good half dozen news stories this past month from inception on a blog to mainstream news within 24 hours. The photoshopped Bush ad discovered by a Kossack was a classic example.

Missed that Arkansas story, but do you have LP internals anywhere? I saw you post one Arizona poll a while back, but do they share data from all states where they target? Are they big in Wisconsin? That's the key to this election.

And why the heck aren't you running for office Amuk with all that juice in the area?
Congressman Amuk!

posted on Oct, 30 2004 @ 02:38 AM

Originally posted by TrueLies
I totally agree with that statement... btw, when is your website going to be up i'm looking forward to it.

My oldest daughter is still working on it, she is putting in 80 hour weeks right now so I am not going to hold my breath

I might have to wait a bit, but it will be first class when done

posted on Oct, 30 2004 @ 02:44 AM

Originally posted by RANT
And why the heck aren't you running for office Amuk with all that juice in the area?
Congressman Amuk!

Arkansas has spent a lot of money and the last 50 years trying to tell outsiders that people like me (hillbilly/biker moonshiners) dont exist
they damn sure dont want me to represent the whole state, I would set our public image back 50 years......LOL

I might try for city councilman next go around if not me my youngest daughter, but we intend to field a local candidate for at LEAST city level and maybe district too

posted on Oct, 30 2004 @ 09:59 AM
Time to fight boys.

I will be protesting in Washington on inaugural day, as I live in Va. If anyone else wants to join the fun, give me a U2U.

BTW, I am serious.

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