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Illuminatti Saturn Worship - WHY?

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posted on Feb, 11 2013 @ 12:36 PM
I was thinking about the Dalai Lama the other day. He is a being who is reincarnated many times, each time coming back as a human to be the DL. The monks "find" him after he is reborn, and bring him to the monestary to begin his re-training each time he dies.

Now, you might not agree that this is "true" but I am pretty certain they think this is what they are doing. For the sake of my argument, please grant the premise for a minute.

So, if the DL is reincarnated with a purpose, and that purpose includes being reborn in a way that he can be brought back into "the family" so to speak (of monks) (rather than, for instance, being born an American politician or Mexican truck driver or other random life) then that means - it is possible to do that.

And, if one man can do it, others can (all things being equal, the rain falling on the rich and poor alike).

So, if a person can be purposefully reincarnated into a "family" or at least, into a culture - then that process should technically be available to others. At least, to others who know how to do it.

OK. Set that aside for a sec, and I'll come back to it.

I have often wondered why the Masters of the Universe, those men who control our planet from behind the scenes, engage in all that weird ass ritual, especially the Saturn/Death worship. And I also wonder about all the symbolism they use all over the place (this is a rich topic that I will not flesh out here. We all know about the symbolism that is thrown at us all day every day).

The thing about symbols is this - without some sort of "magic" behind them, they are of limited utility.

Lastly, I was thinking also about the phrase - "You can't take it with you."

Well, maybe you can't take it with you, but what if you could come back to it?

See where I'm going?

Let me state my thesis overtly - I think the Illuminatti engage in ritual behavior so that they can in fact be reborn back into their rich and powerful families to ensure the survival of the bloodline, and the continuation of the closed-loop of powerful people who can engage in global domination acrosss great spans of time (and I am talking about pharoahs and kings and the Global Elite), a continuous span of a small group of beings who hold the levers of power and do not intend to let a little thing like "death" get in the way.

Any way, just a thought.

posted on Feb, 11 2013 @ 12:45 PM
Well the idea is not that they are physically reincarnating they just take over a body with the right DNA blood line threw a ritual. This is the reason for the blood lines. The world is not that strange its just been hidden from us. Are the entity's that are engaging in this human? The blood line is but is the spirit?
Start thinking of planets as very powerful and having consciousness.
edit on 11-2-2013 by Infi8nity because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 11 2013 @ 12:47 PM
HA nice thinking. Did you see the movie The Mummy with Brendan Fraser. In that movie the egyptians had a book for life and a book for death. And with the book of death they could bring back the dead to reincarnate again. If those books are real then ofcourse the "Elite" has those books and know how to use them. Nice thread

posted on Feb, 11 2013 @ 12:51 PM
I think your thoughts are generally on the correct path, sorry I haven't time to engage in further discussion

posted on Feb, 11 2013 @ 12:52 PM

The belief is that Saturn was our first sun, Kronos, the original god - very interesting ideas presented .

posted on Feb, 11 2013 @ 01:51 PM
reply to post by MarsSentinel

Just out of curiosity, what makes you think that the rich/elite actually do that weird satanic- Saturn worship?
I mean other than ATS threads of course.
edit on 11-2-2013 by network dude because: Augustusmasonicus worships Saturn and Oldsmobile when he drinks too much.

posted on Feb, 11 2013 @ 02:11 PM

Originally posted by network dude
reply to post by MarsSentinel

Just out of curiosity, what makes you thing that the rich/elite actually do that weird satanic- Saturn worship?
I mean other than ATS threads of course.

Did you SEE the Olympics?!?

posted on Feb, 11 2013 @ 02:16 PM
reply to post by MarsSentinel

I see lots of people who try to put their views of "satanic worship" into public events, but nothing that leads me to believe any of it is true. Superbowl shows and everyone has to claim that it's some ritual magic crap. Show me something that proves any elite group worships Satan or any other evil deity. I am sure they worship the Dollar bill, but that doesn't count.

I think people are jealous of those who have, and try to find anything at all to tear away their power to make themselves feel less insignificant.

posted on Feb, 11 2013 @ 02:24 PM
reply to post by MarsSentinel

Seems pretty plausible to me. Though it'd be really boring after awhile. That spark to carry on would soon die. Especially if your parents are telling ok here's what you did in your past life. Heres whats taken place up till now.

So where do we go from here? Then your like well I really am tired of all this and I haven't even began.

posted on Feb, 11 2013 @ 05:34 PM
reply to post by metalholic

About getting bored with it all: I would imagine such power over men as well as over death itself would be highly addictive.

posted on Feb, 12 2013 @ 12:14 AM
reply to post by network dude

I know a guy who is beyond belief wealthy (tens of billions). His brother said it best: "I love him, but he's an a-hole. You just don't accumulate that kind of wealth and be a 'good guy'".

For a really rich guy, he's alright. But that kind of money....the influence it just feel like whatever it is you want should happen.

posted on Feb, 12 2013 @ 03:31 AM
Star and Flag, nice thesis. Interesting side note:

The Pope (possible Illuminati connections) resigned under the day of Saturnius - which means "son of Saturnis" - at least that is according to my Almanac.


A mythical king of Italy to whom was ascribed the introduction of agriculture and the habits of civilised life in general. The name is, notwithstanding the different quantity, connected with the verb sero, sevi, saturn

Roman Myth Index

posted on Feb, 12 2013 @ 05:17 AM
reply to post by bigfatfurrytexan

I completely agree that the incredibly rich are a different breed. The one's who have no idea what it's like to struggle, live in a different world than we do. But I cannot just jump from normal to they all worship Satan since they are rich without some proof. (I am pretty sure you feel the same way, just clarifying)

posted on Feb, 12 2013 @ 07:12 AM

Originally posted by theAnswer1111
Star and Flag, nice thesis. Interesting side note:

The Pope (possible Illuminati connections) resigned under the day of Saturnius - which means "son of Saturnis" - at least that is according to my Almanac.


A mythical king of Italy to whom was ascribed the introduction of agriculture and the habits of civilised life in general. The name is, notwithstanding the different quantity, connected with the verb sero, sevi, saturn

Roman Myth Index

What? Could you explain this ''under the day of Saturnius'' thing? What date on the calendar?

posted on Feb, 12 2013 @ 07:42 AM
reply to post by Mkoll

Only for a soul that is young. Someone who can experience immortality just by living millenniums in minutes while sitting in a chair relaxing drinking water. Will tell you it's better to know you are going to die and be reborn without remembering.

Imagine if you couldn't die and had to live for an eternity. Everything you ever wanted to do would get old.

Sure you think how could it get old. But your not applying the fact that you got to do it forever. Once you comprehend that. Then you've understood more then you already thought you did.

posted on Feb, 12 2013 @ 07:50 AM
reply to post by network dude

But this is ATS, where a Texan president making a Hook Em Horns sign is, instead, doing "devil horns". LOL

posted on Feb, 12 2013 @ 08:02 AM

Originally posted by bigfatfurrytexan
reply to post by network dude

But this is ATS, where a Texan president making a Hook Em Horns sign is, instead, doing "devil horns". LOL

Obviously, you are correct. My bad.

posted on Feb, 12 2013 @ 09:17 AM
This is a great thread! Thanks for sharing!

Reincarnation is a strange subject most cannot fully grasp. I think the reason is because it's difficult to find hard evidence for it. There have been numerous studies into the subject which have yeilding results that more or less can't be explained unless one is willing to accept reincarnation as a possibility. The works of Ian Stevenson comes to mind.

I have always been extremely critical of the Dalai Lama. I think it's most likely just a means to justify a system that resembles government which keeps the people of Tibet together as a society. I've got nothing against Buddhism but I have heard strange things about connections with the Dalai Lama and CIA, as well as taking note of Dalai Lama trips to the US - in 2011 there was theh 11day ritual he performed in DC. I would definitely say that this ritual would not have been allowed to be conducted if the masonic/other secret society forces alive and well in DC were not entirely aware of it fiting into their own ritual works, or actually that ritual itself being of their own creation somehow. Eitherway, on the subject of the Dalai Lama anyone could be groomed to be the Dalai Lama from a young age and I suspect the Dalai Lama figure fits into the worldwide agenda as just another peice on the playing board.

On the subject of 'controlling reincarnation' I would definitely say I have heard of various methods. Most of which involve the use of sigils and archetypes trained/brainwashed into the persons mind. This would have to be such a strong reinforcement that the person would actually be drawn to them during reincarnation. I also think DNA is worth mentioning as there is some kind of close link between DNA and reincarnation, most think.

The Rosicrucians talk about how a person vibrates at a 'key-note' and this keynote even on death stays with them much like when you take electrical current from an object there are still artifacts of an electromagnetic feild.. They speak of that keynote being what draws a person into their next reincarnation.

Sorry I couldn't add too much to this thread, but I think it's great subject and worth dabbling into.

posted on Feb, 12 2013 @ 01:52 PM
Reminds Me Lots Of The Term: "Grand-Fathered Inn"...

posted on Feb, 12 2013 @ 08:11 PM

Originally posted by metalholic
reply to post by Mkoll

Only for a soul that is young. Someone who can experience immortality just by living millenniums in minutes while sitting in a chair relaxing drinking water. Will tell you it's better to know you are going to die and be reborn without remembering.

Imagine if you couldn't die and had to live for an eternity. Everything you ever wanted to do would get old.

Sure you think how could it get old. But your not applying the fact that you got to do it forever. Once you comprehend that. Then you've understood more then you already thought you did.

Your post made me think of the passage in the bible that speaks of men wishing they could die, but not being able to. What if the elites offer the remnant of humanity (after the 90%+- depop) immortality? Through magic or nanotech that constantly rebuilds all parts of your body or some drug... The point is, they make it so you cannot die and its irreversible once you accept... People will be amazed... No sickness or injury can kill you. Got run over by a train and got your body chopped in half? No problem.

Of course, it can't stop pain...

So what happens if a meteor hits earth and turns it into a hellstorm for the next thousand years? And our body just keeps instantly regenerating itself just as quickly as it burns... Pain forever. Immortality is a duel edged sword. What if some sicko kidnaps you and finds new and inventive ways to torture you to "death"....again...and again...and again...

What will you do in a billion or two billion years when the sun starts putting out so much heat, the oceans evaporate and burn you all your life? What will you do a few billion years later when the sun swallows the earth? Live in the sun? You're crazy man! Screw immortality! Reincarnation sounds cool

But can it really be controlled? That would be a secret kept so secret that the secret may have been lost a time or two... Maybe it requires more than one person to do it. Or maybe you can't do it to yourself, but you have to trust someone else to do it? Maybe one time they will decide "screw you, you're an a hole, I'm gonna let you die and go train my own group to reincarnate me. My little brother will do it so I no longer need you" And then maybe the little brother does the same to him one day... And so on...

Maybe they found a way to ensure their reincarnation... Some kind of blackmail... Maybe that's why those secret groups are suspected of committing evil acts in private...

I just think of how Julius ceasars supposed assassins had to all agree to use a dagger so all 100 or so senators involved would have blood on their hands, even though only 23 wounds were supposedly found on his body. And the fallen angels all had to agree to go down to earth and take a woman, so they would all have to bear the consequences together. Perhaps some societies have a similar way of forced unification.

Anyway, just some "crazy" ideas I thought I would throw out there

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