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Can anyone help me figure out what i saw?

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posted on Feb, 11 2013 @ 11:31 AM
First of all i would like to apologies. I wasn't able to get any pictures or video of what i saw because i was in a taxi with friends. And before i knew it we had driven off. I wish i had thought to get pictures! I guess i was too busy having a good time haha.

Anyway, what i need is a little bit of help with regard to what i saw. I'll do my best to describe it.

It was about 11-11:20 pm and we were driving along in the taxi when i, being the star gazer, looked to see what stars i could see. What i saw, im pretty sure, wasn't a star.. It was bright orange. It was completely ctationary and just had a bright orange glow.

It was bigger than an average star. Perhaps the size of Venus when she's at her brightest. So that was my thought, it could be Venus! But i had seen Venus at it's brightest and biggest and it never once looked like this, let alone bright orange in color. So i thought maybe it was a satellite... but don't satellite's move? Mars? I'd never seen mars that big, but maybe? Then i decided to give up. I had no idea what it was. So i called it a UFO.

Bare in mind, i called it a UFO because to me, it was unidentified. I hate when people say "UFO" and someone thinks you're meaning an Alien Spaceship.... i'm sure you all know what i mean. But yes, this could have a very mundane explanation. But still, right now, it's unidentified. To me anyway..

This is where i need you guys to give me some information on what i COULD have seen. Again, i'm sorry i couldn't get a picture or anything...


edit on 11-2-2013 by MrConspiracy because: (no reason given)

edit on 11-2-2013 by MrConspiracy because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 11 2013 @ 11:42 AM
I'm going with Chinese Lantern...

...or swamp gas...

posted on Feb, 11 2013 @ 11:46 AM
reply to post by MrConspiracy

You left out when and where you saw this but the description sounds like it could be a Chinese lantern , bare in mind it was Chinese new year yesterday .

posted on Feb, 11 2013 @ 11:46 AM
well i'm gonna go with chinese gas
or swamp lanterns.

i have experienced strange things recently.

keep looking OP.
i think there is more to come.

posted on Feb, 11 2013 @ 11:55 AM
reply to post by gortex

I said i saw it at 11pm ish at night. I'm in the UK.

I have seen many Chinese lanterns before and i can see the confusion, with the orange colour... But it never moved the whole time i saw it (about 20-30 seconds) it stuck there like a star until we drove too far and it was behind us. I don't think that's normal for a lantern?

And it was Saturday night. So 2 days ago.
edit on 11-2-2013 by MrConspiracy because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 11 2013 @ 12:01 PM

Originally posted by MrConspiracy
reply to post by gortex

I said i saw it at 11pm ish at night. I'm in the UK.

I have seen many Chinese lanterns before and i can see the confusion, with the orange colour... But it never moved the whole time i saw it (about 20-30 seconds) it stuck there like a star until we drove too far and it was behind us. I don't think that's normal for a lantern?

And it was Saturday night. So 2 days ago.
edit on 11-2-2013 by MrConspiracy because: (no reason given)

Maybe the landing light of a plane on approach?

A plane on approach could be flying in your direction for several minutes, and look as if it is standing still (or relatively so) because it is flying toward your general direction. Some planes landing lights can appear slightly amber in color.

posted on Feb, 11 2013 @ 12:04 PM
reply to post by Soylent Green Is People

I live a few miles from an airport; I've never once seen a plane look orange from any angle. Yellow, sure, but not orange.

posted on Feb, 11 2013 @ 12:06 PM
reply to post by skeeter710

It's always chinese lanterns

posted on Feb, 11 2013 @ 12:09 PM
reply to post by MrConspiracy

I said i saw it at 11pm ish at night. I'm in the UK.

I didn't know you are in the UK as you didn't say ...I am not psychic , the UK is a big place so a more specific location would help .
By "when did you see it" I meant date , I already saw that you posted the approximate time .

But it never moved the whole time i saw it (about 20-30 seconds)

How do you know it didn't move , you say you were in a moving vehicle so it may well have appeared to be stationary but in fact could well have been drifting .

And it was Saturday night. So 2 days ago.

Chinese New Year was on Sunday , so you saw it on the eve of Chinese New Year .

edit on 11-2-2013 by gortex because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 11 2013 @ 12:12 PM
reply to post by MrConspiracy

Hey Mr. Conspiracy!

I'm interested in this thread because it seems to back up an experience I've posted about here on ATS. I was at the beach, sitting on one of the captain's decks, and all of the sudden this huge redish-orange circle came up out of the ocean, or over the horizon, and then shot up into the sky. The only way I can describe this is like the sun was coming up at 11 at night. Whatever it was, it was absolutely massive! Also, I was with two other witnesses, so I know what I saw was real. I can't tell you what it was, but know you're not alone! I've seen a few other posters mention this type of sighting, as well

posted on Feb, 11 2013 @ 12:15 PM
Im quite sure you know your bright star
and planet lights vs UFO's . So maybe it was a UFO?
The only rational thing I can think of
is Jupiter. Really big, really bright, really orange right now.
It's straight up at 12 o'clock sitting in the constellationTaurus.

posted on Feb, 11 2013 @ 12:34 PM
reply to post by sealing

You can see it in texas? Cool what part of texas do you live in?

posted on Feb, 11 2013 @ 12:51 PM

Originally posted by Malfeitor
reply to post by Soylent Green Is People

I live a few miles from an airport; I've never once seen a plane look orange from any angle. Yellow, sure, but not orange.

I didn't how orange the OP meant. I said "slightly amber", which planes can be. Some people may describe "slightly amber" as being orange.

I suppose considering the sighting was on Chinese New Year's Eve, a Chinese lantern (as Gortex pointed out) seems like a potential explanation, but without knowing the exact appearance of what the OP saw, I could not say for sure.

Anything would just be speculation based on the OP's description.

edit on 2/11/2013 by Soylent Green Is People because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 11 2013 @ 12:52 PM
reply to post by gortex

No i understand that you're not psychic, sorry if it sounded like i expected you to be.

I'm in the North of England. Yorkshire area. I knew it wasn't moving because it was pretty high and staying in the same place in relation to other stars etc. As the vehicle moved it changed place from my point of view but it was in the same spot in the sky. If you understand?

I just wondered if it could have been a planet of this size and colour?
edit on 11-2-2013 by MrConspiracy because: (no reason given)

edit on 11-2-2013 by MrConspiracy because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 11 2013 @ 12:54 PM
reply to post by Soylent Green Is People

I understand the lantern explanation. But i'm familiar with how lanterns work and look. I see them a lot more often than i'd expect around here. They move and are pretty low. This was pretty high and not at all moving

posted on Feb, 11 2013 @ 12:56 PM
Chinese swamp lanterns. Those psych-outs are getting bor-ing, and it really hurts to see the crowd of thoughtless snarks and nay-sayers, especially in a place like ATS.

So you saw something as bright as Venus, but orange. I saw something as bright as Venus once, and it hovered in the south of the sky while the real Venus was in the west. It lit up along the same path I was driving (south), and I heard a woman's voice, probably telepathy, saying skeptically, "that's our far eastern studies student?" Beam of light down my way, and then the Venus-looking thing morphs into a common plane. Suddenly I don't want to drive to the dog park after dark anymore, avoiding my crackhead gangster apartment neighbors at home; the light I just saw was more disturbing than any of my neighbor's could have brought that evening, and I needed to digest what I had seen, and perceived, so I went home immediately.

And now some far eastern studies student is missing their mind control. I'm not likely to be that sort of student; there might have been a couple in my apartment complex that these sky-types were looking for, or I'm not in the right school in time yet. This tells me the beings behind the glowy technology were more human than alien, second guessing some perception of who I was. Hey, they were reliant on me to get their affairs in order.

This proves we aren't alone in the universe. Orange glowy things that look like Venus but aren't are for real.

Any other perceptions with that ride? I promise I won't be the one trolling you for hearing voices. Did you see any lights directed at yourself or at other riders on the road? Sometimes I've seen them put little beams of really dim light down on every single car occupant on the road; they are either picking up information or dropping off information. They could be from the future, other planets, or even our own here and now with technology that has been censored from "the public".

There is a chance you got to see a vehicle with cloaking capabilities and it was in between being visible and invisible with high energy plasma-making technology on it's exterior.
edit on 11-2-2013 by Sandalphon because: where did i go?

posted on Feb, 11 2013 @ 01:33 PM

Originally posted by Sandalphon
Chinese swamp lanterns. Those psych-outs are getting bor-ing, and it really hurts to see the crowd of thoughtless snarks and nay-sayers, especially in a place like ATS.

Well, it may not have been a lantern, depending on the exact characteristics of what the OP saw...

...However, it sounds to me like you are dismissing the Chinese lantern idea with a wave of your hand, simply because the Chinese lantern explanation is "boring".

That's not very open-minded. All possibilities need to be considered, and Chinses lanterns are one known explanation that could be explored, considering we know the characteristics of Chinese lanterns, and can attempt to match those characteristics with the sighting -- or even find out those characteristics don't match.

However, just to blindly ignore that possibility because it is a boring explanation is just plain dumb. Think a little -- don't simply react.

edit on 2/11/2013 by Soylent Green Is People because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 11 2013 @ 02:08 PM
EDIT : I thought it was a reply to me, sorry.
edit on 11-2-2013 by MrConspiracy because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 11 2013 @ 02:10 PM
Nibiru obvs

posted on Feb, 11 2013 @ 06:35 PM

Originally posted by mandy1love
reply to post by MrConspiracy

Hey Mr. Conspiracy!

I'm interested in this thread because it seems to back up an experience I've posted about here on ATS. I was at the beach, sitting on one of the captain's decks, and all of the sudden this huge redish-orange circle came up out of the ocean, or over the horizon, and then shot up into the sky. The only way I can describe this is like the sun was coming up at 11 at night. Whatever it was, it was absolutely massive! Also, I was with two other witnesses, so I know what I saw was real. I can't tell you what it was, but know you're not alone! I've seen a few other posters mention this type of sighting, as well

MrConspiracy --- I can't figure out what you saw "UFO", cuz the object was possibly just to far away --- did not move --- or just too small to have any accurate description of the object; though I'll keep my otherworldly hopes up.

mandy1love --- I'm sooo read your post about the fiery balled reddish-orange "massive" object that you guys saw --- since I've had a similar sighting along with a bluish white light --- high speed --- sighting, one night back in November of 1976; approx. 40 miles west of Washington D.C. I can assure you --- with upmost certainty ---- that it was an otherworldly starship --- that was encased in a plasma shield; that should be labled as a legitimate "Foofighter" [alien starship] sighting.
I don't mean to hijack this thread...but can you give me a date on when you had the fireball sighting?

Did you report the fireball sighting to NUFORC?



edit on 11-2-2013 by Erno86 because: added a few words

edit on 11-2-2013 by Erno86 because: ditto

edit on 11-2-2013 by Erno86 because: ditto

edit on 11-2-2013 by Erno86 because: ditto

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