posted on Feb, 13 2013 @ 03:53 AM
Should there be any doubt that jews totally control every significant major event in the United IsraHELL, please take a good look at this:
That's an old list of a few years back, it is far, far worse today! Even Obama has jewish ancestry and it matters little if there are any non-jews
in the entire government for they all, with hardly any exception, always vote in favor of IsraHELL and, more deadly ominous, force jewish tyrannical
agendas especially like gun confiscation to prepare the grounds for mass genocide in the style of Bolshevik jews in Russia where 60 million civilian
Russians, Ukrainians, Polish, Slavs and other races were brutally massacred in manners that rival the tortures in Hell.
Isn't it obvious, Israel did 9/11 in 2001, Israel attack on USS Liberty navy ship in 1967 and numerous other acts of terrorism in history bears the
trademark and fingerprints of jews? What other country could militarily kill thousands of US citizens, even destroy a US navy warship, and yet
receive tens of billion of cash each year from America without fail? Connect the dots, please ... all possible because of all-powerful jewish
lobbies, the real secret power behind the public facade of Govt.