posted on Feb, 11 2013 @ 02:25 AM
reply to post by magma
Why should we offer proof that aliens exist? Humans are interesting creatures that since their beginning have concocted numerous religions that
attempt to prove the existence of higher beings. It is important for each and every soul to discover a meaningful path for advancement. If aliens
reveal themselves to planet earth, it is likely that most or all the world religions would suffer negative consequences. For example, where would
aliens fit in a Christian based theology? Would they or could they be viewed as angels? Certainly, they could not be viewed as gods because by doing
so the whole monotheistic theory could and would be tossed aside making the world's monotheistic religions obsolete. Unless of course, there is one
true god that also oversees aliens.
By showing proof that aliens exist would disrupt the current status quo. Only a few years ago during the Christian crusades, humans that did not
accept Christianity were killed by the swords of Christians who were supposed to follow the commandment from God "thou shalt not kill." What would
happen to millions of people if they found out tomorrow that what they have believed and held deep faith in their entire lives was wrong? When humans
have evolved to accept every one's beliefs openly, you will be given the truth. But until then, wars will rage on due to religious beliefs while
aliens watch overhead wondering if you can ever come together as a species and not kill each other.
Racism is deep rooted in your cultures. Many humans hate other races of people on earth. When you can all get along and not hate each other than
maybe you will see other intelligent beings from outer space. But I sure am not going to show myself if I am gray and much smaller than all humans.
I would be captured or killed quickly by people who can't even accept different earth cultures rather than other alien cultures.