There is an awful lot of information here and it gives us the opportunity to view the legal papers associated with the case that has led us to the
situation going on now. Of course these do not include personal statements but they do go to show how the frustration could have built up if indeed he
was telling the truth and the courts attempting to sweep it all under the rug.
Regardless of whether or not he was telling the truth we have a public confession of the killing of 3 people so is his rampage and flight actually
worth it?
I have spent most the day looking into the "Legacy" of corruption within the LAPD and have basically lost count on the total amount of paid out
lawsuits for various crimes from officers being fired for whistle blowing to brutality but at last count over the last 3 years it was over $100
million and growing. There is obviously something seriously going on in this department and I hope those that are actually good cops get out before it
all comes crashing down. Now that all of this is coming into the spotlight they wont be able to hide it much longer.
Thanks for reading.
P.S. I am wondering if this decision has effected the state of things and place them into the position they are in.
edit on 9-2-2013 by Agarta because: (no reason given)