The last kiss of the snow is before the first spring flower will kiss earth with her perfume of spring.
Lovers first kiss is with their eyes before lips met because birds cannot kiss but their wings can kiss the air while flying like the wings that
lovers have after their lips met.
Like the Sound of Invisible Waters
Two lights can kiss each other like the light of two souls.
Because to kiss a soul is to kiss light and two souls can only live like one, after the Kiss.
And then the mirror dissapear.That reflection of the soul is one when two souls became one.
Because in between the lips of two lovers stays the light and light is first lover to kiss their lips.
If you want to hear the most beautiful silence then.... immerse in the crystal silence of a kiss.
Like the sweet crystal waters of a mountain river before reaches the shore of the ocean and cries with salted tears before his freshwater sinks into
dark depths of the...ocean.