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Christopher "Renegade Cop" Dorner: Was He Framed?

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posted on Feb, 10 2013 @ 03:37 PM
reply to post by sean

I don't think that this guy is anything special, and certainly not a navy seal. Couldn't keep a job with the incompetent LAPD, couldn't keep a job with the navy, and couldn't even steal a boat. His kills were sloppy and he left so many clues it looks like a bad criminal minds re-run. I do think he has someone helping him though. I'd guess either he's gone to ground with help or else he's far from the Big Bear area by now. I believe the UFC's Tito Ortiz has a training camp in the Big Bear area. Lots of very capable individuals in that area. You would think that he would have made someones radar screen by now.

posted on Feb, 10 2013 @ 03:58 PM
reply to post by sepermeru
Ever since I read the "manifesto" which reads more like an Expose of the LAPD...I wrote several little articles about the case on my FB pages. Seems to me something is really fishy here. They are out to "shoot-to-kill" this guy instead of capturing him to find out if and why he did the assassinations to the couple in the car. They want him dead. I feel that either things were added to the "manifesto" or that it was not written by him at all. They seem to have created a modern day Rambo here, highly trained in combat, shooting, explosives, etc. then suddenly he becomes the target of LAPD politicking and gets kicked off the force, loses his wife, kids, his relatives hate him, etc. etc. Then he is discharged from the Navy. All because he was in several battles with the LAPD and internal investigations officers over THEIR brutality! (where's ANY story of his bruitality?) As you say, the conveniently release his "manifesto" with all of his details about the LAPD abuses! They didn't cover any of that up.

The fact that Rodney King's abusers became chiefs and top level officers does not surprise me in the least. My own brother-in-law was in Rampart division during the riots. He wanted to stir up more trouble. He actually asked me to do a drive by on some innocent teens at a local drive-thru restaurant! He wanted to help start another riot! So he could kill "ni99ers." He was a young, brutal Latino, I told him in New Mexico, where I was living, HE would be considered a "ni99er." I could not understand his racial hatred. I was an old time 60's hippie soul...I was all about peace and love. Which he knew. I told him in no uncertain terms that he was a psychopath and needed serious help. But still he took me into his confidence and said that most of the drive-bys in LA at the time of the riots were being done by cops! He presented me with a tee-shirt with a bloody skull underneath a cops-tactical helmet! It had some insane phrase scrawled on it. He said the other cops at Rampart wanted to start a race war. They had become gangsters and murderers! My sister was about to marry this freak. As her older brother I told her I could not condone or bless such a marriage. Recently they lost their home and split-up. He remains in LA. God knows what he is up to. But he's retired from LAPD.

This guy Dorner worked Rampart and his "manifesto" was all about what happened after the riots and the Rodney King affair. He had seen the whole LAPD become racially and mentally unbalanced. Even women cops were abusing arrestees! I really think this whole thing is a reactionary kick-back to the Sandy Hook tragedy...which makes White, Middle Class men look like homicidal maniacs. I think someone wants to put out a Black guy with gun scenario as a "crazy shooter." And I think racism is still rampant in LA. Yet nothing in Dorner's manifesto makes him seem crazy. It seems really like the stuff about shooting other cops was added in. I mean Dorner thanks people, he's extremely well spoken. Then he shows respect to some and admonishes others. He even gives respect to certain journalists he knows will be trying to investigate! He wants a full investigation of himself and the LAPD. He understands his name is ruined, he will never get it back. I think he went to that hotel to kill himself. I think he probably did. Yet later we will find him gunned down somewhere without any credible witnesses...Interesting wait and see period.

posted on Feb, 10 2013 @ 04:07 PM

Originally posted by Hefficide

My question: Why would anyone in a position of authority go through the trouble of framing this man, letting it become an international story - open to dissection by a population that is developing quite the ravenous need and desire to not believe any "official story" that is offered... when this supposed power could just have shot the guy in the head, blamed a crackhead and barely even made the local news?

Occams razor suggests that this is what it seems to be... A very angry man in some sort of a psychotic episode - acting out.


i recall the criteria for authorizing a drone strike in the US included being unable to capture the suspect.

now we have drones being called into the LA manhunt because its "a needle in a haystack" with the ridiculous excuse that a "heat signature" which doesn't give any identification details, will help.

hes trained in their tactics and so LAPD needs help & we have the perfect excuse for the first US drone strike.

it doesn't make sense to me that he would be trained & yet commit a double murder then check in a Navy hotel with his own credit card, name, etc & that the LAPD would even think he was driving his own car also.. and shoot a white man & to women in the same style truck. shoot to kill dam the rules & due process.

why havent the LAPD or the news mentioned the security cameras at the location of the original murder?

anyway im rambling now


posted on Feb, 10 2013 @ 04:14 PM

Originally posted by Shamrock6
reply to post by masta12d

do I think they got a fax? I don't work there, so I have no idea what they did or didn't get. do I think its extraordinarily strange that they haven't shown a copy of the fax? yep. do I think its very odd that a guy who is either a murderer or being utterly framed and hung out to dry is using a fax machine to a low-level news outlet instead of any one of dozens of MSM that would instantly lend at least SOME degree of credibility to his story? yep sure do. what fact-checking did they do, if they actually received a fax at all, to verify the sender was actually the accused? where are the bona fides? how did they prove it's him, or how did they have him prove its him? because history has NEVER EVER seen somebody trying to claim credit for something they had nothing to do with right?

Ah see there you go, that makes me happy, a rational response. I'm not trying to pick on you I was floored your entire response was on the number of officers in the mountain. Which to me is just trivial and not even relevant to the article itself. The author was apparently venting in this article and could have simply reported the facts as they were received instead of adding his two cents. Anyway still don't understand the comparison above because when you read the article and just place a period after 10,000.....dragnet. Then it would be accurate but the comma and adding snowy mountains is just bad writing. Similar to my #ty writing.

That said, everything you said quoted above I agree with. There are no additional facts to go on but regardless this would still be a very important development if true. I don't understand why someone would just blow it off because the author wrote poorly. That doesn't change the fact they received a fax purportedly from the shooter.

posted on Feb, 10 2013 @ 04:24 PM
reply to post by masta12d

my other responses were rational, just not to your liking
my point is simply that I have a hard time buying in to somebody's story when they can't even get simple, basic facts right before they move on to the more in depth, mind-bending elements of a story. to me its like building a house, but the foundation is out of cork-board. if the foundation is weak, how can I trust the rest of the house?

posted on Feb, 10 2013 @ 04:29 PM
reply to post by masta12d
I was just writing in the other post on Dorner that I thougt that palookaville post was a satirical online publication and the reporters name was Jimmy OlsenTwins ....
I tend to not believe any of that article.
Does anybody else know anything about this news outfit? If not, perhaps you could redact the postings as they may not have any relevancy.

posted on Feb, 10 2013 @ 05:11 PM

Originally posted by evc1shop
reply to post by masta12d
I was just writing in the other post on Dorner that I thougt that palookaville post was a satirical online publication and the reporters name was Jimmy OlsenTwins ....
I tend to not believe any of that article.
Does anybody else know anything about this news outfit? If not, perhaps you could redact the postings as they may not have any relevancy.

Your probably right. *blush* not really sure what's so funny about this story that they would already have it in form of satire.

posted on Feb, 10 2013 @ 06:03 PM

Originally posted by evc1shop
reply to post by wulff
Thank you for clearing that up. I am not a gun enthusiast although I certainly agree that citizens should be allowed to have them handy for their own protection in bad situations or when confronting tyranny as our constitution has provided for.
This is why ATS is important to me, folks like you who can correct what I thought I knew without unnecessary criticism. ty

No problem, I hope I didn't come across as a know-it-all as those are the types I dislike, LOL!
I agree 100% with you, luckily it seems like a lot of law enforcement people are starting to feel the same when it comes to constitutional rights, the sheriff and deputies in our county has to patrol such a large area it takes about an hour to drive across it so they rely on citizens to help as much as possible so (according to my son) they are 100% FOR the peoples right to bear arms!
Thx again!

posted on Feb, 10 2013 @ 06:12 PM

Originally posted by CaptAmerika
Murder is never the answer.
But thats easy for me to say from where i sit.
I havent had everything i worked for taken from me for trying to do the right thing.
I dont agree with what this guy is doing, but the LAPD has proven time and again how corrupt they truly are.
Look at the police response, do you think they would respond like this to any of us being threatened?
Look at the reaction of some of these cops, two vehicles have been fired upon without taking a single second to verify who was in the vehicle.
Both times they were wrong.
Dorner is not a hero. But i am not worried about him, hes not after citizens.
I'll show the same concern for the LAPD that they seem to show for the populace.
I do hope this ends soon and i hope the LAPD is investigated to the full extent, this guys life is forfeit so if there is a truth to be told, it needs to get out.

How can you say he is not after citizens? He is targeting families (including a threat against their children) do you turn a blind eye to that?
I DO think they would respond in like if it were citizens not connected to the LAPD, do you remember the Beltway Sniper in DC? They pulled out all the stops to get these guys, some sleeping on the floors of the CP (these are cops not getting overtime as most are salary and paid in 2 week intervals)

posted on Feb, 10 2013 @ 06:12 PM
reply to post by masta12d
Well, that's the other problem of internet based news, never mind when the media screws things up or deliberately give misinformation then there are other sites like "The Onion" which has apparently been a source of news for the North Koreans as well as Iran, I believe, even though they are complete satire. Just makes me always consider and research online sources that I am not familiar with.

posted on Feb, 10 2013 @ 06:26 PM

Originally posted by whisperindave
The fact that Rodney King's abusers became chiefs and top level officers does not surprise me in the least.

But that isn't a "fact" at all. Koon and Powell both did time and were eventually released to a halfway house. They are not cops. Wind lives in Indianapolis, is not a cop, and has suffered from ulcers and depression. Briseno was fired in 94 and lives in Illinois. He is also NOT a cop, for the LAPD or anyone else.

Please stop trying to make "facts" out of deluded fantasy. It makes the whole site look silly.

posted on Feb, 10 2013 @ 06:54 PM
This story has all the earmarkings of a conspiracy.
Now they are offering a million dollar reward to inspire public response?
LA is close enough to the Mexican border that a well trained survivalist would head that way in a hurry in a situation like this. Doubt that reward will help much if Dorner has left the country.

posted on Feb, 10 2013 @ 06:58 PM
reply to post by masta12d

I went to the Palookaville News website, and read the article there. If you look at the webpage, it is composed of "news articles" by reporters with names like Jimmy Olsentwins, and all the articles are satires of news stories. By doing this, they are able to put great ideas out to people, while not claiming it as truth.
As far as what is really happening, I think the idea that Dorner was taken at the hotel, and either died, or is going to die on their schedule, makes a lot of sense. I think he didn't do any of the killing, and probably didn't even write the manifesto, and "his mother is a prepper" . (Have to get preppers into the story somehow) .
I am a new ats'er, and this is my first attempt at posting, so hopefully I followed all the guidelines.

posted on Feb, 10 2013 @ 07:29 PM
This thing stinks to high heaven. I immediately thought it was a distraction to the "official" SH story coming out on March 17th. Now, they've offered a 1 million bounty? Distraction, for sure.

Naw, this stinks. They are scared, and they want Dorner dead or alive.

Not only does this play smoothly into the use of drones against US citizens, but it also makes a precedent. The headlines will read, "Drones effectively take out Madman Dorner."

People will cheer the use of drones to protect us.

I'm sick to my stomach.

Honestly, I find myself rooting for Dorner, a vigilante against the system, and I believe he was framed. My beliefs are not facts, but still, the effort he has made to expose corruption in the LAPD is commendable. Unfortunately, I believe the "official" story will read that he was killed, whether drone strike or direct assault, and he will never be able to tell his story, nor be subject to "a trial by his peers". He won't be brought into justice, regardless, and will be murdered for the crimes he allegedly has committed. Travesty.

He'll never get a fair trial.

That, my friends, is all I have to say at the moment.

posted on Feb, 10 2013 @ 08:30 PM

Originally posted by wulff

Originally posted by CaptAmerika
Murder is never the answer.
But thats easy for me to say from where i sit.
I havent had everything i worked for taken from me for trying to do the right thing.
I dont agree with what this guy is doing, but the LAPD has proven time and again how corrupt they truly are.
Look at the police response, do you think they would respond like this to any of us being threatened?
Look at the reaction of some of these cops, two vehicles have been fired upon without taking a single second to verify who was in the vehicle.
Both times they were wrong.
Dorner is not a hero. But i am not worried about him, hes not after citizens.
I'll show the same concern for the LAPD that they seem to show for the populace.
I do hope this ends soon and i hope the LAPD is investigated to the full extent, this guys life is forfeit so if there is a truth to be told, it needs to get out.

How can you say he is not after citizens? He is targeting families (including a threat against their children) do you turn a blind eye to that?
I DO think they would respond in like if it were citizens not connected to the LAPD, do you remember the Beltway Sniper in DC? They pulled out all the stops to get these guys, some sleeping on the floors of the CP (these are cops not getting overtime as most are salary and paid in 2 week intervals)

Come on...You're going to use the DC sniper to make your point? The guy who was shooting randomly at people and vehicles in the town where all of the elites and politicians play? I would imagine that a Senator or Congressman or two (or 535), ensured that all that could be done to find that guy, WAS being done to find him...

posted on Feb, 10 2013 @ 08:35 PM
I'm wondering...Has anyone considered the fact that Dorner may already be in protective custody? He may have met a high ranking associate at the Navy hotel, with enough information to warrant witness protection.

Everything else, could have been carried out, as a ruse to focus eyes elsewhere to get him out of the area, safely...

It seems that the Feds are sort of letting this unfold, and don't appear on the surface to be too interested...
Could this be SOP for an agency or two, while really examining everything rather closely?

And, if they have him, they KNOW that the cop shootings were staged, and/or lied about!

edit on 2/10/2013 by GoOfYFoOt because: spelling

posted on Feb, 10 2013 @ 10:03 PM
Well to sum up this thread, NOTHING is certain. The amount of inconsistent reports, and the unusual response of the LAPD; lack of evidence, etc, leads me to believe, that this, is a #storm. And finding the golden nuggets of truth is going to be hard. I hope dorner is alive and well, so he can get in contact with some sort of media outlet, and get some of this info set straight. From my point of view currently, LAPD only continues to incriminate its self.

posted on Feb, 10 2013 @ 10:14 PM
Why so much talk about him hiding in the car , not hiding in the car...its easy to figure out if it was done by him...they where approached at gunpoint prior to getting in car..and he ordered them to the front seat and he hopped in the back.....if some joe appoaches you with a gun do what he says....

Get in the front seats now!!!!! NO NO your going to kill us....No Im not...I coulda did that now ...I just want to talk or drive me someplace.....OK OK we do it......they get in...pop pop....interior of car muffles what already is surpressed...course silencers are not realy silencers....and done deal....

his fat ass was not hidden in the back seat
too much on that back seat topic

posted on Feb, 10 2013 @ 10:21 PM
reply to post by sepermeru

Great thread! S&F

2 requests for information from your audience:

1) Does Dorner have forces skills to take over radio masts and broadcast a tape or two?

If I was in his position and could do so then I'd be scooting round a couple of radio stations rigging up tapes or laptops to release broadcasts periodically in the future! An alternative would be to leave laptops in unused locations to upload messages to the net (FB, twitter, etc.)

2) Does anyone else find it just so blatant that Dorner is an anagram of DRONER?

Is this the Illuminati tactic of "before your very eyes" (tell you then do it)? DRONER meaning the one to be killed by drone.

posted on Feb, 11 2013 @ 03:39 AM
To the OP, I was listening to a radio show in Atlanta, I think the Eric Erickson (sp) show. I know he has a website, but never been to it. The show airs on wsb radio, 95.5 fm, if you are interested.

Anyway, he was taking calls on the topic, and an interesting caller called in. He said that he sat down and looked up topographical maps of the area, and the marina Dorner allegedly tried to steal the boat from.

He said the boat was on a lake that had a tributary that went straight to the Pacific. He said it was a mere 5-6 miles via that tributary to the sea, then a short shot from there to Mexico.

If Dorner did in fact try to steal that boat, and managed to get another, then his plan of escape was most likely to Mexico.

However, that would certainly go against the OS of him trying to take out more cops, wouldn't it? That would be more descriptive of someone that had completed a hit and that was trying to escape the area, rather than to complete the alleged manifesto agenda.

I just wanted to throw that out there for food for thought, as the marina thing really didn't fit the scenario the media is trying to make people believe.

One other thing I would like to throw out there. IF Dorner did this, it was certainly not on the spur of the moment. IF he wrote that manifesto or some version of it, he also had time to plan this out.

Now, ask yourself what planning this out would entail? He would have most certainly made stashes. Stashes that had weapons, food, clothes, ammo, and money. Perhaps multiple vehicles, and why not even a boat of his own? I do not buy at all that he just stood up, grabbed a gun, keys to his truck, and ran out the door to blindly start killing people.

So, based on that, I would consider that he quite possibly did go to Mexico, to get to a stash, to let things chill out enough to where he can come back later and not be so KOS.

So, in effect, he may become something of a serial killer, arising, killing, disappearing again to let things calm down. That would be the pattern I would expect, rather than a total all out guns a blazing Aurora type scene.

If I am right, this could drag on for months, even years. Depends if he is careful or careless, and how complacent the police become after a period if time. HE has all the time in the world, HE has nothing to lose.

This is, of course, based on IF he is guilty as charged. Though he has nothing to lose, he has an alleged agenda, and also obviously has the will and knowledge to survive.

Once again, some food for thought.

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