posted on Feb, 15 2013 @ 03:25 PM
Text So how do you explain genetic mutations and the fruit fly experiment that clearly demonstrated a species changing after thousands of generations
into a new species? Where does god factor in? You could maybe say that he controls evolution, but to discount it or claim it's really god creating
each species individually at various times despite how similar they may be is a bit speculative and certainly a leap in logic.
reply to post by Barcs
@ Danger
As I said before I have no explanation for any mutations of any sort that would involve thousands of generations because I have no observation of
thousands of generations. A generation of the human species is regarded as about thirty years by today's science and that would entail 30,000 years
to be even i,000 generations. When evolutionist claim thousands of generation then it becomes a bit too much for a fundy to believe. If evolutionists
could mark time with a definite start and use that start as the bible of science, such as speed of light, then that would not only promote their
theology but would dispel the six day theology that some fundies have.
Now this is not to say that science is all wet and that God people are dry. I make no such claim simply because as I stated from the onset that I can
not prove evolutionists wrong. There may very well be that some evolution is absolutely correct as fact but if the evolutionists would then cite the
time of evolution as theology instead of stating thousands of years or millions of years along with their fact then it could be more believable. In
other words not mix fact with theory and present it as fact.
Even as a fundy I cannot believe in a 24 hour 6 day creation theology simply because (to us) the sun was not instituted in our service before the 4th
day of our creation. And actually the other two days may be far removed as being 24 hour spans. There are too many variables to consider such as
rotation of the earth. To my way of thinking how could there be time when it did not exist? Those first 4 days of creation were timeless even though
they may very well have existed before our understanding .time. This only applies to our thinking and not modern science. If a man was conceived
today then how could he have been conceived yesterday? That is, in the same geographical place. Does this circumvent reality? Not really. The
world may very well be eons aged but not provable in our reality. So in all honesty we all use some theology to make it fit what we design. I
believe that all science as well as religionists are guilty of this time jumping simply to impress their peers who write the books.
The fruit fly mutations may be the process of creation and it may be in a very short time. God does not always just poof a creation. Regardless of
whether or not you can observe this genetic change in a lab does not prove that the original pattern was not caused by a Creator. There are some
religionists who believe that the races of humans were instant and deliberate while others declare that humans evolved into what we see today through
breeding. Then again in order to have breeding you must have an original pattern to begin the process. I have not a clue as to what that original
pattern might be to either breed or mutate.
There are some requisites of time that are believable and then there are some that are not. Adam and Eve are believable by fundies because the time
is believable but if you were to try and sell the theology that Adam and Eve evolved from a lower primate thousands of years ago and from an
accidental split in the genes of the monkey family, then you would have an empty choir to sell. When you prove this gene split in a petri dish, all
you have proven is that you can observe a gene split. You cannot add anything other than what you observed in that lab dish. You could note your
theology as a tag with the experiment and this would be more accepted even by the fundies.
Thanks for letting me bend your ear "Destroy" -- You are a very bright man and I do appreciate your thoughts.