By multiple I mean over two normally..Read the whole thing before commenting please...Multiple points inside.
I'm fed up of religious view points being taken, stupid lazy excuses and rewarding the costly.
My point is simple, if you are
on benefits here in the UK as a whole family or as a single person (by whole family I mean both partners) then
having children is a luxury, especially in these days of austerity so why do people expect to be given extra money for children they personally are
not affording and expecting the tax payer to pay for them?
I'm long term sick (genuinely sick) and my wife is a state carer so money is very tight, we left having a child until late in life because we both had
great jobs, we wanted to do things before having a child and we wanted to devote our time to that child when we had it so we waited. Sadly I became
ill not long after our lovely daughter was born and ended up on benefits after a few years of spending our savings to care for our selves.
Our lovely daughter Serena gets what she needs because we make cuts in what some might call luxuries, neither of us smoke nor drink other than a
bottle of wine with dinner once in a while, we don't go out to places so the money we have is there to live on and look after her.
But around us its like a baby boom, all these families on benefits are having child after child and the state just gives them money. Considering the
cost to the state of each child you would think they would tell families on benefits that after 2 they will not pay more money but they don't.
Children are being used as a currency here, the more you have the better chance you have of a new property or just being housed, the teenage mothers
now have 2 kids to guarantee a flat for them, there's no love or want for the child, its just a use.
I'm not advocating a ban on having children, just a stern warning that after a certain number no extra money will be given.
I can't get a council property because we have one child but I'm not going to deliberately try to have a second one just for that reason because a
child is something special that needs things and attention, with the money we have it would be very hard to support a 2nd child and to be honest I
don't want charity or to burden the state as well. Why should I be rewarded for adding to the state deficit, why?
I'm sick to death of seeing single mothers falling on their back and saying "but my BF does not like to use condoms" and then DEMAND the state looks
after that child, I'm fed up to the back teeth of seeing families with 7 - 8 kids on benefits because the Religion is one of greed and waste, why are
these people not taught value and right. Its not their RIGHT to get state money, its a privilege to many, others will have contributed to it via work
and are entitled to money but many are simply 'on the dole' for life.
Why should these people be rewarded for causing a debt to a tax payer, why are they not taught the value of the money they get and have the same
values that a working couple has, the working couple has to factor in if they can afford a child while working, they have to decide if one person
stops working if that child or children can be supported yet people who do not work do not have to do the same thing because the state pays them.
Its stupidity at the highest order, the money you are given on benefits is supposed to allow you to get the needed things in life and use the spare to
gain employment, its not there to buy drink and drugs, to sit on your backside avoiding work, for the sick its there to care for yourself, children
are an expense to both you and the state, people on benefits need to understand that unless YOU are paying for that child out of your pocket then
someone else is and its unfair.
To those that bring religion in to it, firstly I'm again not advocating a ban, I'm saying can YOU afford the child, if yes then HOW, if you can't then
WHY are you bringing a child in to the world, lets say the benefit system isn't there and never was, would you if there was zero income and the child
could not add to the income have more than you could afford?
Would you watch them die of starvation because you could not feed them, in this day and age I would hope that people would make the right choice for
both them AND the child. Yet simply because there's a benefits system it gets abused. Lets take Islam as its one of the big religions / faiths, in
that it CLEARLY states that a man should only take a second or more wives IF he can both support them and share his time fairly between them, the same
applies to children, the important part here is the 'if HE can support them', getting benefits is not HIM supporting them so clearly he should not be
marrying more OR having more children than HE can afford.
The same with other religions / faiths who support constant birthing.
We really have to start thinking of where the money is coming from and what happens as it starts to dry up, what is going to happen to those 8
children you stupidly had while on benefits, who then will look after them, will there be a job that will pay you enough for 8 children?
I doubt it...
Having a child is your right, so is supporting it or them, its not my right to support yours...It was YOUR choice...
So I say that while on benefits people should not increase their family beyond 2 children, single parents, not beyond 1 child, again WHILE ON
What you did when you worked or after you get work is again your choice as you will have to decide if the money YOU earn covers them. Some would say
that its unfair that a person who worked and had 4 kids then ends up on benefits gets money for them while those that while on benefits have 4 kids
and don't get more for 2 of them but this is where values and privilege comes in, while on benefits you should be basing it on that income model, not
what you can ponce of the state or what you used to earn. Get a job and have the kids if you can afford them, trust me, when its YOUR money going to
pay for someone else on benefits having kids willy nilly then YOU won't be so happy.
I have no idea what these families who are sprouting kids here there and everywhere are going to do when the cuts hit deeper and their money is
reduced, will they be able to ween themselves of their luxuries or simply ignore the children and spend the money on themselves, they already have
proved themselves selfish by expecting others to pay for them and their children, will they just get more selfish to the children.
Of course there would be special cases such as children born from violent marriage, rape etc provable cases, I think its time the gravy train of the
benefits system of this country was stopped for the greedy lazy people and restarted based upon sensible values, things like immigrants working 5yrs
before being allowed to claim, the system works on people paying in, why pay people who don't. I want youngsters MADE to earn their dole money, the
frauds kicked off, the lazy MADE to work, the sick & elderly cared for.
To those who would say what right have I to say you should not have kids then I reply yet again, have all the kids you want but YOU pay for them, to
those that would say cutting the money would put them below the bread line then I would say that it would have to be brought in for those instantly
affected in a slow way but those not yet beyond the limit would be informed and it be law straight away.
One simple cut we could make would be to come out of the EU, at 54 MILLION pounds a DAY I don't think its value for money!
edit on 8-2-2013 by
Mclaneinc because: (no reason given)