posted on Feb, 9 2013 @ 01:07 AM
You guys have stumbled upon a technical aspect of "hotlinking/outlinking", and back in the day, linking an image from a "small" site was
considered taboo. Nowadays, most sites have bandwidth to spare, and if they post an image, it's known it will be linked all over. The modern world
of highspeed connections relieve the old mindset of "OMG, I'm stealing bandwidth. Bandwith, if you host a webserver, should not be a concern. Look
at Facebook, and Tumblr, and the myriad of other hosting sites.
Yes, as Zarniwoop states, it's better to snatch an image off the net, download it, then re-upload it to your ATS upload spot. You'll have an
in-site permalink. All good.
However, linking a picture from Yahoo, for example, is as good as a permalink. For the amount of traffic that it induces, there's not a problem. A
thread on ATS that outlinks to an image on an obscure site is not really an issue either, as there is a small amount of traffic involved.
If said thread hits the front page, well, there may be increased traffic over the server, but still, traffic is what drives advertising. If the
outsourced traffic causes a server overload, there's another site with spare bandwidth to compensate. Every image you are linking to ATS has
multiple copies on different servers. In the modern age, it's called load balancing, and unless the image is on your own personal server, the load
is balanced across many different webservers. No need to worry if you are linking in from a popular commercial website. ATS utilizes load balancing
as well, and if someone wants to use an image from ATS, they can. Does ATS worry about the extra traffic and bandwidth usage? Hardly. It's good
for statistics. The more traffic across your server, the better. Popularity is key here. Even remote linking produces statistical traffic. It's
all good.