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Choosing animals over people.

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posted on Feb, 7 2013 @ 08:09 PM
reply to post by Benevolent Heretic

You have summed up my feelings exactly. If we all aspired to be more like our pets and live in the moment, I believe it would be very good for our spirit. I find myself judging people as to who has pets and who does not. I always seem to trust and be more comfortable with and have a higher opinion of other animal lovers such as myself.

posted on Feb, 7 2013 @ 08:24 PM

Originally posted by kkane58
reply to post by Benevolent Heretic

You have summed up my feelings exactly. If we all aspired to be more like our pets and live in the moment, I believe it would be very good for our spirit. I find myself judging people as to who has pets and who does not. I always seem to trust and be more comfortable with and have a higher opinion of other animal lovers such as myself.

I'm like you. Actually, I don't trust people who don't like animals or who don't treat them well.

Truth be told, I don't care for anyone who doesn't like cats. It tells me something about their personality.

posted on Feb, 7 2013 @ 08:55 PM

Originally posted by lupodigubbio
I am an animal sanctuary owner who specializes in severely abused pets with limited potential for adoption.

Thank you. They cannot say it with words (but I'm sure they show you in so many other ways), so I'll say it for them... thank you!

I prefer the company of animals to humans. They're true. They don't lie, back stab, gossip, or generally annoy me. The show happiness like no other - my JRs gets so happy when they meet someone that they'll little butties will go so crazy they tinkle all over the place. Imagine being so happy to see someone your bladder goes.
They're fun and full of love.

I got two cats and two dogs, and quite a few fish. I love them all so much, they're all wonderful, and make my life so much brighter.

That said, they also drive me blooming bonkers! Hahahahaha! A tomcat that hates everyone, and will loudly let me know his opinion, should I dare to serve the same brand of cat food two days in a row... or let it be 3-4 days since last time he had his special treats (fish or shrimp).... a kitten that will purposely climb up the chimney as she knows I will then take out the laser light just to get her butt out of there... two JRs that sounds like a herd of elephants and they jet around the house, and will never listen when off the leash. The fish never cause me a headache... hahahaha! Unless they're ill that is, and then it's the task of getting them to the vets. Ack.

However, or maybe due to my bond with animals, to kind of compensate for the lack of compassion I have for human suffering... When I have extra money I try to support a charity that goes to children that really needs it. I don't even like kids. Hahahahaha. No really... they bore me. But I do not want any kids starving in the world (nor animals)... there's no need for it. A few years ago I came into some money. Not enough to change my life in any way, but I figured it might change someone elses life... and instead of supporting any animal charity, I used 10% of the money to sponsor an orphaned child in Africa. Children to me are innocent, like animals (but less cute and furry!)... and I think all human children should be equal... and they should all be safe, have decent food and a good education. This is not to say I don't think animal should be safe and have decent food... aminal cruelty affects me much more than cruelty to humans... I guess I taint humans as more evil, even if they've done no wrong.

If it was a choice between a teenager/adult human and an animal to help... it would depend on the animal... I would probably help the animal if a cat or dog... any other and the human would come first. If it was a child or an animal, I would like to think I would save the child. Luckily I've never encountered such a situation where I had to make an instant choice of whom to save, and hopefully never will.

posted on Feb, 7 2013 @ 09:23 PM
reply to post by lupodigubbio

You can't help liking what you like. You could do worse things in life, so loving animals is fine by me. My daughter would risk being homeless if it meant spending her rent money on one of her sick pets. I'm not crazy about this, but at least she's not selling drugs or or doing drugs or selling her body on the street corner.

posted on Feb, 8 2013 @ 02:59 AM
As bad as we humans can be, I think it is in our nature to want to take care of someone/thing. Helping an animal or person in need gives you a feeling of contributing something of value to society. Basically, it makes you feel good to make a difference in someone's life. That being said, I feed stray cats at home and at work. Not to mention birds, squirrels and deer. I call them strays but I have named them all and they are always waiting for me at feeding time.
I applaud you OP for taking it several steps further.

posted on Feb, 8 2013 @ 03:49 AM
I much prefer the company of animals to humans! As far as I am concerned there are more than enough people, organisations, charities etc, etc, etc that care for and look after people and there will never be enough that look after animals! I would never turn my back on an animal in need! They trust us implicity even when they have been abused and mistreated, show them some kindness for a minute or two and they will show you love for as long as you are still around them!

posted on Feb, 8 2013 @ 04:03 AM
After 25 yrs of working with the public and 46 yrs total on this earth, I can't stand people. Not missing anything inside, no syndromes/ego/social problems, just can't stand more than a small handful of them. I will help people if it's necessary, but for the most part I couldn't care less about people. I can function in society fine when I need to, but I do try to avoid it. Animals are much better companions in my opinion. Many will help other humans, but not very many will help animals so I figure humans have enough support.

posted on Feb, 8 2013 @ 05:28 AM
It is interesting to observe movie goers' reactions when an animal suffers on the screen. There is an outflowing of sympathy, 'awwww's... and this at the same film that may have depicted murder, torture, or any sort of human pain- to little emotional reaction.
Thus is displayed, ironically, a strange insensitivity to me.
Hollywood knows better, and this is why the pet, amid any type of deadly calamity, very seldom dies on screen.

posted on Feb, 8 2013 @ 05:40 AM
I am deeply touched by animal suffering and the cruel destines that they suffer in many cases.I have three cats and a dog and I can not express how much I love them.On the other hand I am totally indifferent towards humans, they usually bring it upon themselves, and children annoy me.

posted on Feb, 8 2013 @ 05:48 AM
reply to post by adnachiel21

what do you guys think about the horse meat scandal ?

All the posts I read on their said they were happy to eat slaughtered horse, one even said he would not care if it was a unicorn as long as it tasted good.

Is that all animals are to most people - food ?

I had to leave that thread the darkness was palpable. Like evil incarnate all disguised in logic,

posted on Feb, 8 2013 @ 05:56 AM
reply to post by HelenConway

I will not eat horse, rabbit, deer, I eat chicken, and very rarely pork or beef, though I love bacon.I like to be able to completely abstain from eating meat but I will probably be hungry all the time and malnourished, after all humans are omnivores.But animals who are to be eaten should be allowed to live their natural lifespans in a way that nature intended them to, not shoved in a space where they can barley move and fed garbage.

posted on Feb, 8 2013 @ 05:58 AM
reply to post by adnachiel21

So why do people on the horse thread think it is ok to kill our companion animals / work partners / pets and put them in pies.

It is evil. They act all reasonable in their darkness.

This is why mankind will fall, only few respect animals most see them as walking pies.

posted on Feb, 8 2013 @ 06:18 AM
reply to post by lupodigubbio

this has already been said, lets say it again, we are animals,,
and the "animal" side of the hairless hominids, is THE best side,, everything else is a lie, and we made it up.
i am an animal, this doesnt mean, that i can`t feel. for example empathy,
or, for the lambs of god, we are animals and we have a "soul" or whatever you may call it.

posted on Feb, 8 2013 @ 06:42 AM
reply to post by lupodigubbio

I totally agree with this, and with dogs - like humans, it depends on how they are brought up. My dog Max didn't have a bad bone in his body - was totally loving, even to other animals, birds etc. And I miss him as much as I would miss my own son. He had loads of love in him, empathy, and fun. And with dogs you get unconditional love - never a bad word or criticism. I wish I could say that about any woman I've been with...
edit on 8/2/13 by Watcher26 because: Typo...

posted on Feb, 8 2013 @ 07:11 AM
reply to post by HelenConway

Originally posted by HelenConway
So why do people on the horse thread think it is ok to kill our companion animals / work partners / pets and put them in pies.

You'll have to ask the people in the horse thread. That's off topic here. And don't make the mistake of thinking that everyone in this thread is vegetarian. I am not. And your judgments and pronouncements about people who eat meat just illustrate one reason why I prefer animals to people. Animals don't make those judgments.

Just because you don't understand something doesn't mean it's "evil".

reply to post by solve

We definitely are animals, too.
I agree. And I don't think our lives are more important or anything. There was a question earlier about choosing a dog or a person to save from a burning building. I hope I never am faced with that choice, because I'm not sure which I would choose.
edit on 2/8/2013 by Benevolent Heretic because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 8 2013 @ 07:14 AM
reply to post by lupodigubbio

Hey Man, That bestiality is nasty stuff. I am certain it is banned everywhere.
So just stay the hell away from my mule!
I mean it now.
Get the hell out of the barnyard.

I swear folks today are just completely twisted.

posted on Feb, 8 2013 @ 07:15 AM

Originally posted by Benevolent Heretic
Just because you don't understand something doesn't mean it's "evil".

well we can agree to disagree - what we are talking about is animals here and I will disagree with the above statement, respectfully.

I believe eating horses and dolphins etc is evil, so people claim to love animals and then slaughter them ? It is a split in humanity's thinking. However - many more people just see them as walking pies and do not claim to care about them.

posted on Feb, 8 2013 @ 07:20 AM
reply to post by PassiveObserver

Animals are FAR less cruel than humans. Primates are the only species on Earth that conducts war for any other purpose than resources and humans have taken that to the extreme. Humans are the only creatures on Earth who torture for pleasure. Humans are the only species on Earth who rape, rob, and steal for the simple joy of it. Dogs do not do that. No animal does.
No, you can keep your humans. I will take animals any day. As the OP stated, I wouldn't step over someone in need in the street without offering assistance but if given the choice to spend a life helping humans or animals I would likely choose animals.
That said, I do charitable work from time to time and I give every year to human charities. I also do charitable work and give to animals charities.

posted on Feb, 8 2013 @ 07:22 AM
I have to tell you, OP.. you are not alone.

I love to spend time with my husband and a few choice humans, but I spend most of my time with animals and I like it that way.

Animals are gentle souls. They don't judge, they're not pretentious nor duplicit, They "say" what they mean and if you know how to listen to the "language" the animal speaks, their meaning is clear.

Since the Cambridge Declaration on Consciousness was signed, I have a whole new level of respect for my furry friends.

Maybe it's their innocence, it may be their bare honesty... I'm not sure exactly what leads me to enjoy my time with the animals so much. But spending time with humans is much like steering your way through a medieval king's court... full of intrigue and suspicion, lies and deceit.

At least at the end of the day, you know that an animal loves you back without judging you, not for what you have, who you know or what you can do for them... they love the inner you without reservation.

posted on Feb, 8 2013 @ 07:26 AM
reply to post by PassiveObserver

Get between an animal and what it wants it will kill you to get it.

Same goes for many human beings too.. Look at what is going on throughout the world today.. We are still animals after all.

But animals are cruel things. they will always pick on or kill the weakest link.

No they are not. That is their instinct... It is in their biological blueprint. To survive they have to kill, they have no choice it is all they know... Survival of the fittest.

Getting people to value animal life above human life is part of the agenda. Don't fall for it.

And what agenda exactly are you talking about..? I do not value any life higher or lower than any other life. We are all the same. Animals have lived on this planet far longer than we have, so what gives us the right to destroy their homes, kill them and their young all for our own gain..?

I thinks one reason why some people may have more empathy towards animals is because they have previously been hurt by a fellow human. If you have ever owned a dog, you will understand how having a friend like that can be a gift. They are unbelievably loyal, and will love you unconditionally, forever. Even if you abuse the dog, they will still always try to please you..

Its sad really..

I like the Buddhists view on animals...

Animals have always been regarded in Buddhist thought as sentient beings, different in their intellectual ability than humans but no less capable of feeling suffering. Furthermore, animals possess Buddha nature (according to the Mahāyāna school) and therefore an equal potential to become enlightened.

They have been many tests executed over the years, and they have proven that animals have the ability to feel, just as we do.. Even fish.
edit on 8-2-2013 by fluff007 because: (no reason given)

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