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You are all evil Capitalists!!

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posted on Feb, 7 2013 @ 10:33 AM
reply to post by jimmiec

I have been trying to communicate this to people for some time.

I am for a better world. I am not a liar though.

It will take everyone placing their expectations of standard of living WAY down for that to happen.

No more weekends out, no more toys, no more frivilouse shopping. No more toys , no more great health, no more stress free time, none of it.

The third world would then have to rise GREATLY and the western world and emerging economies would have to VASTLY reduce their way of life.

Not every child will get an education. No vacation,.....EVER. Not every curable disease will be affordable, not everyone will be able to own almost anything.

You will work much more, and pay MUCH MUCH more for everything at its fair price, so as to not exploit anyone.

Resources would be at their fair price so you may not be able to afford gas, heating, exotic foods, certain comfort technology.

I dont have a problem with that, since I live what I believe and that is my life anyways.

can all these people advocating for the third world really go without drug money, drinks, fun, party time, toys, expensive clothing, free time, a social life, ALL OF IT?

or are they hypocrites that speak of the evils of capitalism over cocktails or 100 dollar dinner bills and on thousand dollar computers that are the equivalent of several third world workers monthly pay?

edit on 7-2-2013 by zedVSzardoz because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 7 2013 @ 10:38 AM

Originally posted by TheWrightWing

Originally posted by jimmiec

Do we want the system we have that allows a few to get rich selling gimmicks, with nothing vital or essential to either prosperity or happiness provided?

So who forces anyone to buy these valueless gimmicks?

Are you forced to buy them? Anyone you know?

You are free to determine what is valuable to you. If people buy my products and services, I accumulate wealth. Is that stealing from the poor?

"allows a few to get rich" gee that sounds easy, so why haven't you ever tried it? Who stops anyone from going into business? I mean, besides Big Gov't that stifles progress with endless regulation and tax?

The same Big Gov't your sort seem to turn to for your every need and want.

Where have you been all my life TheWrightWinger, glad to see someone on ATS with a like mind. Its refreashing!

All your points are spot on. No one forces anybody to buy any of these goods and services. If you dont like it, dont buy it, better yet, do it yourself, make it better, and make some money doing it.

The only product that I’m aware of now that forces you to buy anything is Government. Government forces me to pay into Social Security, that is guaranteed to be bankrupt when I retire, I’m 26. I don’t want to throw my money into that money pit, I would use that money to save for my retirement on my own.

I’m forced to purchase health insurance now through Obamacare. If I don’t buy it, I get fined or thrown in jail. Do the gas and oil companies throw you in jail of you doesn’t buy gas? Take a step back and see who the real bad guys are.

edit on 7-2-2013 by camaro68ss because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 7 2013 @ 10:39 AM

Originally posted by NavyDoc

Originally posted by SearchLightsInc
(A series of random excuses as to why someone can't better themselves.)

No system is perfect, but when it comes to fairness and providing the most benefit to the most people, free market capitalism is much better than the alternatives.

Random excuses?

So being born into poverty is no excuse as to why you cant do better?

Oh my lord, the mentality of some people is truly laughable

You sir, have brought a tear to my eye! Been a while since ive heard something so stupid

posted on Feb, 7 2013 @ 10:41 AM

Originally posted by SearchLightsInc

Originally posted by NavyDoc

Originally posted by SearchLightsInc
(A series of random excuses as to why someone can't better themselves.)

No system is perfect, but when it comes to fairness and providing the most benefit to the most people, free market capitalism is much better than the alternatives.

Random excuses?

So being born into poverty is no excuse as to why you cant do better?

Oh my lord, the mentality of some people is truly laughable

You sir, have brought a tear to my eye! Been a while since ive heard something so stupid

hahaha Whats your Utopia then? This should be good….

edit on 7-2-2013 by camaro68ss because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 7 2013 @ 10:42 AM

Originally posted by camaro68ss

Originally posted by SearchLightsInc

Originally posted by wantsome
401K ha thats a joke
What extra money I get goes into my gas tank. I make less now then I did in 1994 when gas was $0.99 a gallon.
edit on 7-2-2013 by wantsome because: (no reason given)

Capitalism, Dont you love it? Not about service. Not about supply and demand. All about profit.

Who cares if you need cheaper gas? The providers to your needs want more profit. Screw you, you're no one! You dont matter! Profit matters!

capitalism is what created the boom in the country in the late 1800's. its what made all goods and services you have today!

WOW, here you are, on a computer created by capitalism, complaining because your gas, that is made for you from another country halfway around the world, refined, shipped, and trucked into your local gas station, so you can conveniently drive down the street and pump it into your car, cost to much. WOW

dont buy it, make your own if you hate capitalism so much. Get off the internet and computer and make your own.
edit on 7-2-2013 by camaro68ss because: (no reason given)

edit on 7-2-2013 by camaro68ss because: (no reason given)

Obviously the difference between me and you is that i actually understand the cost of capitalism in terms of humanity and the earth. You seem to be calling me a hypocrite because im writing this from a computer but what's even more of a joke is your assumption that this computer can only be made under a system of capitalism. Talk about head up your own ass.

posted on Feb, 7 2013 @ 10:42 AM
reply to post by camaro68ss

Thank you, I've been a long time lurker, and as they say "Silence is Consent" I thought perhaps I should speak up a little more often.

posted on Feb, 7 2013 @ 10:46 AM

Originally posted by SearchLightsInc

Originally posted by camaro68ss

Originally posted by SearchLightsInc

Originally posted by wantsome
401K ha thats a joke
What extra money I get goes into my gas tank. I make less now then I did in 1994 when gas was $0.99 a gallon.
edit on 7-2-2013 by wantsome because: (no reason given)

Capitalism, Dont you love it? Not about service. Not about supply and demand. All about profit.

Who cares if you need cheaper gas? The providers to your needs want more profit. Screw you, you're no one! You dont matter! Profit matters!

capitalism is what created the boom in the country in the late 1800's. its what made all goods and services you have today!

WOW, here you are, on a computer created by capitalism, complaining because your gas, that is made for you from another country halfway around the world, refined, shipped, and trucked into your local gas station, so you can conveniently drive down the street and pump it into your car, cost to much. WOW

dont buy it, make your own if you hate capitalism so much. Get off the internet and computer and make your own.
edit on 7-2-2013 by camaro68ss because: (no reason given)

edit on 7-2-2013 by camaro68ss because: (no reason given)

Obviously the difference between me and you is that i actually understand the cost of capitalism in terms of humanity and the earth. You seem to be calling me a hypocrite because im writing this from a computer but what's even more of a joke is your assumption that this computer can only be made under a system of capitalism. Talk about head up your own ass.

If capitalism was not around you would not even have a computer right now? Capitalism is the difference between the USA being #1 wealthest country in the world and Africa.

Maybe computers would be around without capitalism, but i can tell you one thing, you would not be able to buy one with a few weeks pay if it was made any other way.

posted on Feb, 7 2013 @ 10:46 AM
reply to post by SearchLightsInc

Been a while since ive heard something so stupid

I say that every time I hear idiots speak about fairness while being comfortable and well fed and advocating against the "evils" of capitalism, but not mentioning that they are the reason why it exists.....evil....pfft.

Evil is lying and being a hypocrite. Evil is not appreciating that we educate, feed, protect, and make comfortable MILLIONS of people in our countries everyday. That people can come here and live like what the rest of the world considers "being rich". :well fed, educated, healthy and happy......

the world is ungrateful. Capitalism made your life the way it evil indeed.

the alternative? Live like the third world with all its problems and in fear of when it may all be lost.

edit on 7-2-2013 by zedVSzardoz because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 7 2013 @ 10:48 AM

Originally posted by SearchLightsInc

So being born into poverty is no excuse as to why you cant do better?

Some folks will find all the excuses they need, humans are adept and fabricating a copious supply.

Many of the most successful folks I know, including myself, grew up in poverty. Some of us had enough and took it upon ourselves to resist the seductive loop of generational poverty, aided and abetted by progressive types who seek a reliable voter base.

Why do leftists create so many poor who are dependent on Big Govt? Job security. If we didn't have poor people, who would vote for Democrats?

posted on Feb, 7 2013 @ 10:52 AM

Originally posted by seabag
reply to post by jimmiec

The only reason we hear a lot of criticism about capitalism is because pseudo intellectuals are parroting what they've heard from Marxist professors and talking heads.

Truth be told, we are seeing crony capitalism; a bastardized form of capitalism that we've allowed the elites in business and government form. True capitalism works just fine. Corrupt people who have circumvented the safeguards we have in place are the reason we have the corruption we see today, not because capitalism is fundamentally flawed.

Truth be told, we are seeing capitalism. We are seeing the free market. From what I take of capitalism, it is a system that awards people who execute the most heartless strategies for monetary gain. The individual or entity who can attain property (in a sense you can even include intellectual property) and resources, produce those resources into commodities, and distribute that production for the largest profit possible will receive the biggest rewards. There is no inherent human or environmental considerations within capitalism. It's a really nice circular logic you have going here as well. You claim that it is a specific version of capitalism that's the problem, yet you take a condescending position against those who would seek to regulate capitalism (Liberals, Marxists, and pseudo intellectuals), in order to correct the overwhelming imbalance taking place. Capitalism is working perfectly fine. It may not be working for you, but it's a system that's working exceptionally well for a select few, and it is those select few who have the most influence in the upper echelons of power. This is why you see no changes within the system. To believe that it's just a "bastardization" of capitalism that's the problem is just as naive as believing that there is such a thing as an invisible hand that will naturally correct an imbalance within the system. I honestly don't know what a good alternative is, but I do know capitalism is a system that has put millions upon millions into utter poverty and destitution. You don't have to look any further than the U.S. to see about 50 million people who live at or below the poverty level, which is around $17,000 a year. That is not an aberration, that is the status quo.
edit on 7-2-2013 by GD21D because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 7 2013 @ 11:00 AM
In an ideal world, if those with capital refused to deploy it in a manner that benefits society, then it would be governments responsibility to either force that deployment or to undertake it themselves. Oil companies won't build sufficient refineries? Then have the government build one themselves. Pretty much goes for anything which is suffering from artificially reduced supply. As a country we should always be shooting for full production. Full production coupled with increased productivity should mean prices never rise. Everyone has a job. Everyone does reasonably well.

Unfortunately we don't live in an ideal world when both corporate and government interest are aligned against those of their citizens. In other words we are screwed until we get a complete reset.

posted on Feb, 7 2013 @ 11:01 AM

Originally posted by TheWrightWing
reply to post by SearchLightsInc

China is a capitalist nation now, are they? Funny, the citizens who are forced to live and work in government facilities might disagree. They'll come around eventually.

The banks for were forced to lend to broke people, under the name of Social Justice (Another word for imposing Marxism on the Free Market with the intent to collapse it)

They were lending to people because the average wage has stagnated, people were running out of money because their employers moved many skilled jobs abroad, all in the name of capitalism. The banks knew what they were doing, they own everyone now, that's how capitalism works.

That this collapsed the economy is a surprise to no one, especially those who anticipated that very outcome. This is what happens when Gov't interferes where it has no business.

No, this is what happens when you lobby government to deregulate the market. People get EVEN MORE greedy.

Perhaps you should try working for well-paying capitalists for a change? Or risk your capital yourself and start your own business. See how easy it is to become wealthy for yourself.

1 sec, just writing a letter to every person in Africa telling them to get off their asses and get to work. Their lack of opportunity in life is purely down to their lazyness. Nothing to do with western influence #ing with their markets and governments so that their own personal interests remain priority. Exactly how big business operates in the west. Why dont i start up my own business? Because the likelyhood of it is, my business prices wouldnt be able to compete with big business who have bought up and cornered off the market. Good example of this would be Wal-mart - Ruined many lifes, many family business that were built from scratch - All off the back of slave labour in foreign countries like china. But let me guess, that's not wal-marts fault right? That's just life, and messing it up for other human beings is just "business"

Yes, people work for money, how else would they spend their lives?

Um.. Exploring the world? Educating themselves and exploring science? Expanding their minds? creating and sharing new idea's? Oh wait, that's only for people born with a silver spoon up their jacky, i forget how they "earned" that right

You mean by not working and pursuing their interests? To many like me, and nearly everyone I know, that is their job and they're paid well.

The only thing that stands between people working AND pursuing their interests is capitalism. It doesnt want people who think and have their own lives, it just wants slaves.

Unless you mean idle freeloaders should be supported by the working class?

Capitalists definitely fit the bill for "idle freeloaders supported by the working class"

Can't afford education? Last time I checked public school was free for everyone and libraries are a treasure of information.

Even in China? Malaysia? Taiwan? India? Pakistan? Gosh they must be really stupid then if they're not making the best of that free opportunity that only exists in your small mind!

Not to mention the fortunes of skills and knowledge given away for free on the internet.

If only they had it

Take some responsibility for yourself and stop being a comfortable victim waiting around for someone to hand success to you.

Indeed! Those people are such idiots waiting for life to be handed to them! They should make the best of the opportunities they obviously dont have or quit complaining about low wages and lack of human rights!

If you still work for poverty wages and only grumble about it, then yes, you are stupid and deserve what you get. If you take your life by the reigns and work towards success, you also deserve what you get. See how that works?

You must be Ghandi or something. So intelligent, why didnt i think of that? Why dont the people in china think of that!? You need to spread your message far and wide!!

I don't hire worthless people, why would I?

The fact that you deem people to be "worthless" shows how subhuman you are.

I hire skilled people to make my business more valuable to my clients. I pay them well, my time and capital is at most risk, so I get the most reward. They are free to open their own agencies and risk theirs. Any success would rightfully be theirs, too.

"Blah blah blah, i am a winner of capitalism, everyone respect me, buy my biography, i have a 11 inch dick, im better than you, you're all stupid and have smaller dicks" Basically what you sound like

If being a rich, greedy, wealthy capitalist is so easy, have a go at it yourself.

Why on earth would i seek to participate in a system i hate?

posted on Feb, 7 2013 @ 11:02 AM

Originally posted by GD21D

Originally posted by seabag
reply to post by jimmiec

The only reason we hear a lot of criticism about capitalism is because pseudo intellectuals are parroting what they've heard from Marxist professors and talking heads.

Truth be told, we are seeing crony capitalism; a bastardized form of capitalism that we've allowed the elites in business and government form. True capitalism works just fine. Corrupt people who have circumvented the safeguards we have in place are the reason we have the corruption we see today, not because capitalism is fundamentally flawed.

I honestly don't know what a good alternative is, but I do know capitalism is a system that has put millions upon millions into utter poverty and destitution.

Really, millions and millions? whats your definition of poverty? Is it no food and water on a day to day basis? No shelter, plumbing, central heating? Or is it no microwave, no refrigerator, no oven, no TV, no phone, no car?
What’s your definition?

let me show you poverty in America
99% of people in poverty in america have a refrigerator
98.7% a television
98.5% a stove and oven
97.9% a microwave
84% Air conditioning
82.6% clothes washer
Heck, 31% have a gaming console

Those poor people have it really hard in america.

real poverty is Africa. Poverty is walking 2 miles a day to pick up 5 gallans of water in the local river.

you dont know what poverty is until you've been to Africa, dont feed me this poverty *bleep*
edit on 7-2-2013 by camaro68ss because: (no reason given)

edit on 7-2-2013 by camaro68ss because: (no reason given)

edit on 7-2-2013 by camaro68ss because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 7 2013 @ 11:03 AM

Originally posted by zedVSzardoz
reply to post by jimmiec

I have been trying to communicate this to people for some time.

I am for a better world. I am not a liar though.

It will take everyone placing their expectations of standard of living WAY down for that to happen.

No more weekends out, no more toys, no more frivilouse shopping. No more toys , no more great health, no more stress free time, none of it.

The third world would then have to rise GREATLY and the western world and emerging economies would have to VASTLY reduce their way of life.

Not every child will get an education. No vacation,.....EVER. Not every curable disease will be affordable, not everyone will be able to own almost anything.

You will work much more, and pay MUCH MUCH more for everything at its fair price, so as to not exploit anyone.

Resources would be at their fair price so you may not be able to afford gas, heating, exotic foods, certain comfort technology.

I dont have a problem with that, since I live what I believe and that is my life anyways.

can all these people advocating for the third world really go without drug money, drinks, fun, party time, toys, expensive clothing, free time, a social life, ALL OF IT?

or are they hypocrites that speak of the evils of capitalism over cocktails or 100 dollar dinner bills and on thousand dollar computers that are the equivalent of several third world workers monthly pay?

edit on 7-2-2013 by zedVSzardoz because: (no reason given)

Costa Rica has a better educational system, and medical system, public health care a d virtually free education and their people rank as the happiest on the planet. It isn't rocket science if you preserve nature that gives mankind much needed solace from the material world and consider the happiness of individuals in their society ahead of corporate interests and the greed of the powerful. They did it. What does Costa Rica have that we don't? A unified culture for one. They do not look at each other and see differences as we tend to do here. Other than that, nothing really special. Nothing we can't have without re-prioritizating a little.

posted on Feb, 7 2013 @ 11:05 AM
it's really a shame that some folk think capitalism is working ok, just look beyond your own doorstep at the rest of the world - capitalism needs to keep others down to raise a few up.

posted on Feb, 7 2013 @ 11:07 AM

Originally posted by TheWrightWing

Originally posted by jimmiec

Do we want the system we have that allows a few to get rich selling gimmicks, with nothing vital or essential to either prosperity or happiness provided?

So who forces anyone to buy these valueless gimmicks?

Are you forced to buy them? Anyone you know?

You are free to determine what is valuable to you. If people buy my products and services, I accumulate wealth. Is that stealing from the poor?

"allows a few to get rich" gee that sounds easy, so why haven't you ever tried it? Who stops anyone from going into business? I mean, besides Big Gov't that stifles progress with endless regulation and tax?

The same Big Gov't your sort seem to turn to for your every need and want.

Are you kidding? I just want a little regulation so their isn't a casino a strip joint and a gun shop on every corner and no schools because "that's what people wanted" and that's where the money was to be made and government had no say in it. Why do I see a fast lane to hell in your plans?

If we don't place a value and provide people things like education they are going to phase out.
Promise you Mr. Capitalist.

posted on Feb, 7 2013 @ 11:07 AM

Originally posted by TheWrightWing

Originally posted by SearchLightsInc

So being born into poverty is no excuse as to why you cant do better?

Some folks will find all the excuses they need, humans are adept and fabricating a copious supply.

Many of the most successful folks I know, including myself, grew up in poverty. Some of us had enough and took it upon ourselves to resist the seductive loop of generational poverty, aided and abetted by progressive types who seek a reliable voter base.

Why do leftists create so many poor who are dependent on Big Govt? Job security. If we didn't have poor people, who would vote for Democrats?

What decade where you born in?

posted on Feb, 7 2013 @ 11:09 AM

Originally posted by TheWrightWing

Originally posted by SearchLightsInc

So being born into poverty is no excuse as to why you cant do better?

Some folks will find all the excuses they need, humans are adept and fabricating a copious supply.

Many of the most successful folks I know, including myself, grew up in poverty. Some of us had enough and took it upon ourselves to resist the seductive loop of generational poverty, aided and abetted by progressive types who seek a reliable voter base.

Why do leftists create so many poor who are dependent on Big Govt? Job security. If we didn't have poor people, who would vote for Democrats?

It is because the jobs we have are in the finance industry and not the manufacturing industry. You think your entire nation is white collar or ever will be? Unrealistic. Where are jobs for your blue collar workers? What's left for them? Scamming and petty thievery? Wonder why we have so much of that?
We have allowed ruthless greedy industrialists drain the country dry and then pack up and move American jobs to China. We have allowed them to make it here off us and spend it in other countries, leaving their own high and dry. Corporations like Walmart, one family, has helped to eliminate jobs and bankrupt our Nation by buying 75% of merchandise from China and cutting out American manufacturers. I think we should have laws prohibiting this scenario. Yes, I think in the interest of our country, if not free market capitalism, government should have protected mom and pop against the monster that came to be Walmart.

Yeah, catering to rich industrialists and ignoring the needs of the worker, getting rid of their jobs instead of creating them...? I don't think that's been working for us. A duh. What a surprise and I guess there are people out there who thought it would.

Meanwhile we have a lot that needs doing and a lot of people out of work.
Again....Where are the jobs?

We cannot survive on Capitalism alone. Face it.

edit on 7-2-2013 by newcovenant because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 7 2013 @ 11:10 AM
reply to post by TheWrightWing

I did not post that comment. Dunno how that happened.

posted on Feb, 7 2013 @ 11:12 AM
reply to post by skalla

Nobody says it is perfect. The fact is that we would not be discussing this on the internet without it. There would not be an internet.

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