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The unending joy of absolute Liberation.

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posted on Feb, 7 2013 @ 04:40 PM
More music is needed.

posted on Feb, 7 2013 @ 05:03 PM
reply to post by NewAgeMan

Originally posted by NewAgeMan
No, Crowley reversed it, and said

Do as thou WILL - love under WILL.

He made the WILL the first cause, instead of the love by which freedom reigns supreme.

The will of God is the will to love and love is the reason for creation.

St. Augustine had it right and Crowley had it wrong, and the second version is Satanic.

Ah, thank you. I must've remembered it wrongly.

I believe that the absolute is complete freedom/acceptance and FROM acceptance the individual's will come in.

So, I believe in will be UNDER Love (with love/acceptance being first granting the will).

To say that love is under will, is to say that there was an intention before the care of such intention (which would be non-sense).

Thank you for pointing it out because I totally remembered it wrong.

posted on Feb, 7 2013 @ 05:39 PM
reply to post by arpgme

It would seem too that love is the height of reason and logic regarding our place in the grand scheme of things, whereby everything that's unreasonable or that makes no sense is unloving, so it's a love capable of laughing at the "devil's" expense while skipping along singing and whistling a happy tune, and that's empowering and Liberating, and very charming, such audacity and fearlessness.

The will must be harnessed to the highest object of reason, which is love.

Sounds idealistic I realize, but we can put this to the test in any arena of life and it works, while making a mockery of everything that doesn't and that isn't sustainable.

I believe that when we reach these points that cheers go up in heaven as the love of God ringing out throughout all the spheres, while the one who would seek to imprison us and to separate us from the love of God, if there ever was such an enemy, groans at the loss of his power and influence. (that's funny!)

This is the "great work" that God is still performing among us, with our job simply being to complete the circle of joy, while paying "the devil" no heed and taking full responsibility for our own aburdities and foibles and follies ie: for the devil within, until there's nothing left to oppose us, and that's freedom the freedom, to be ourselves as we are and as we are intended (with and by love) to be and to become.

Hurculean efforts have gone into reserving this space of Liberation for us, so let us never forget how precious and costly the price that's been paid has been. This is what is meant by being "grateful for the blood of the lamb" which otherwise sounds absurd if not abhorrent. Passed over... untouchable. It's a Liberation which has been secured at great cost whereby all the treasure is in Christ and the treasure is his love. Absent that power I would not have been saved from the ordeal.

posted on Feb, 7 2013 @ 06:18 PM
It's so funny..!

posted on Feb, 7 2013 @ 06:21 PM
reply to post by Shema

Choose? In this respect, if one chose to come to a planet of hell and unending suffering where 2/3rd of 7 billion live in gruelling circumstances and children are slaughtered by the millions by the international bankers in wars, for profit, and I could go on and on, it was because they had loved ones in tests here, that needed help not to be overcome by the lower frequency traps. You can't harm others, that is harming self.

The only other chose, is amongst other low frequency warzones because of past deeds and standing.

Basically many are dragged in here kicking and screaming.

And I have some memories. I had an experience with a Bigger Me, HS at 4 after watching vietnam and napalm report on tv, and after complaining and thinking, What What What, so little kids have to change the world, adults havent got a thing after all this time? HS said blew me away for years, for I had no idea what another Me meant, yet knew who She/I was without anyone filtering information through a religion or distorting, just knew myself at 4, recognized Me. She said, " I chose to come"

Sometimes we do choose, to help, and also to improve.

This is a planet of suffering and bloodlust, boot training to overcome all such things, to really not want to experience inequality, murder or suffering again.

Instead of allowing any programs in your mind, touch base with soul, and empty your mind. Its seek within, connect to your Soul and the Water, ie God/Goodness/Family of Love and Goodness of the Highest Frequency. But to do that you need to love others, and give of self, overcoming the faults.

Frequency determines realms you can access. You want to dial the right number home, not to the false light.

Be Water My Friend! - Bruce Lee Remix

i can't get enough of this video!
edit on 7-2-2013 by Unity_99 because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 7 2013 @ 06:45 PM
reply to post by Unity_99

I've often thought that because of the contrast and the opportunity for learning and growth, souls may be lined up to get here, from here to Alpha Centauri, and beyond, that is if there is a prior soul choice for being incarnated in this realm which there may very well be.

How ironic then the degree to which so many absolutely hate their own lives, and the world at large, now that they're here.

posted on Feb, 7 2013 @ 06:56 PM
reply to post by NewAgeMan

That is the category that chooses, ie. those that are trying to grow to the next level. But they do so trying to help others, because it takes that, finding the work you came to do. Flowing talents to survive and assist. Caring about others around you, selfless over selfish. Even they can fall while here and harm someone or make a mess of their lives. There are some who don't approve of any part of this world or any kind of tests that resemble this.

1. On the penal colony model, and boot camp model, the way you encourage love is by giving someone a loving childhood and the right influences and nudges around, and having opportunities, abundance, a good system. Not by smearing their face with vengeance in dog doo doo.

So this earth fails as a karmic thing for me,. I don't believe in vengeance, only Love and good modeling. So they would benefit most from a decent system.

2. For those striving to reach other levels and help family out where they can, or help family help higher levels and free them from this, and any risk of being trapped in lower levels or being hurt, murdered, etc here, and having to endure the pain and suffering of others for whatever reason its supposed to happen, even if it is supposedly karma, is ugly to me. No, you cannot support a hellzone school if you know what Love is, healing is, what counseling is, no one from higher realms would ever wish any of this on anyone for any reason.

Bad idea, been telling them that all my life, and have known that "they" were up there. Even as a teen sensed the councils watching over and grading things.

This has to be healed, restored, and all people helped, and all people saved from the lower realms and from horrible things happening to them in this one.

posted on Feb, 7 2013 @ 07:01 PM
reply to post by Unity_99

Karmic S&M doesn't really work for me either. It doesn't and can't work that way, and imho Jesus came to put an end to that, and to prevent a karmic cataclysm, but we're wandering off a bit now into the realm of metaphysical speculation.

posted on Feb, 7 2013 @ 07:50 PM
reply to post by Unity_99

However, this idea of reincarnation, which Jesus believed in (said that John the Baptist WAS the reincarnation of Elijah) does raise the prospect of another order of "liberation" in the tradition of the Bodhisatva who foreswears and delays his own final liberation from this domain, and actively and freely chooses to make as many returns as are unnecessary to liberate every man, woman and child on earth, which would also make him the arch enemy of a top down, command and control "NWO" grid and therefore a hero of far reaching proportion (not unlike Jesus). To even have the opportunity to make such a powerful choice, that's a luxury that absolute liberation may represent, even now before we are on our deathbed, that is if we might consider ourselves already in the "before life" period and if reincarnation is still a possibility.

Ironically, the willingness to choose such a thing is probably the point of liberation by which such a one would also be free to choose NOT to come back (having learned the earth lesson of love), maybe to check out another world (all I want from God between lives if there is such a thing is just a small peek at what's out there before returning once again to the risky business of this plane), or go into training of some kind for a while in the "western pure light" or some such thing. What a fascinating conundrum, and what an AWESOME and daring and brazen choice, to willingly suffer time and again, for a needed and necessary purpose born of love for one's fellow man.

It's important here to distinguish between the unnecessary suffering of ignorance, and the necessary, meaningful suffering of love's supra-rational reason however unreasonably reasonable it might need to be as an uncompromising all-or-nothing proposition.

What came to me in the sacred space of nothing that is everything was "I love people" so I'm "all in" for Earth, and don't take this the wrong way as some sort of vain arrogance, but it just wouldn't be the same without me. You need madmen like me who are willing to go to the nth degree and risk insanity, to ensure that the boon to mankind makes it into the right hands i.e.: into the hands of the little guy, the downtrodden, the average Joe, because it's certainly become rather obvious and apparent that the "keepers of the flame" have dropped the ball, to put it lightly.

Here's an amusing clip from a presentation by Terrance McKenna (just swap out "psychedelics" for the domain of absolute liberation/freedom), which puts forward this same notion and in rather a humorous fashion.

edit on 7-2-2013 by NewAgeMan because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 7 2013 @ 07:52 PM

Originally posted by NewAgeMan
reply to post by Unity_99

I've often thought that because of the contrast and the opportunity for learning and growth, souls may be lined up to get here, from here to Alpha Centauri, and beyond, that is if there is a prior soul choice for being incarnated in this realm which there may very well be.

How ironic then the degree to which so many absolutely hate their own lives, and the world at large, now that they're here.

How ironic that you seem to believe your last sentence. Very few individuals in my experience actually hate their lives and the world at large and those that do soon come to grief. Many struggle to make sense of their lives and are frustrated and confused all the more by the endless demands that are made upon them thus stifling their abilities to experience life as they would really like to but they continue on anyway without whingeing about the hardships.

Souls surely are lined up to BE on the physical stage and I wouldn't mind betting that a Soul will accept the risks, whatever the potential horrors it might have to contend with and the possible depravations, rather than go to the back of the queue.

But I am throwing a wet cloth on your humor and I apologize but then, like myself, you can smile through anything so it doesn't matter, really, does it?

posted on Feb, 7 2013 @ 08:06 PM
reply to post by Shema

No worries no it doesn't and yes I do.

I was just pointing out the immaculate irony of a human being housing such a daring and brave soul turning into little more than a clod of grievances and very narrow, small minded concerns. That it's so ironic and amusing causes me to suspect that it's true (we chose to be here) because to me that kind of thing rings true or is congruent with the humor of God as I've experienced it, who's just waiting patiently for everyone to wake up and grow up.

George Bernard Shaw wrote the following sentence in a letter prefacing his book “Man and Superman: a Comedy and Philosophy” which can be used as a guide to living a meaningful, productive and joyful life:

This is the true joy in life, the being used for a purpose recognized by yourself as a mighty one; the being thoroughly worn out before you are thrown on the scrap heap; the being a force of Nature instead of a feverish selfish little clod of ailments and grievances complaining that the world will not devote itself to making you happy.
George Bernard Shaw
Epistle Dedicatory to Arthur Bingham Walkley
“Man and Superman: a Comedy and a Philosophy”

The following is an elaboration on the four points that George Bernard Shaw makes to finding the true joy in life:

1) “Be used for a purpose recognized by yourself as a mighty one” – This quote could easily be mistaken to mean that we should have some elaborate goals to save the world and unless we do we are worthless. This is not true. We are children of God who are here to express God’s divinity (as explained in Enlightenment and the Meaning of Life) and we should go about our lives with this in mind. We should infuse everything we do with joy, compassion, peace, love and wisdom. This is the “mighty purpose” which we should recognize.

2) “Be thoroughly worn out before you are thrown on the scrap heap” – We should be productive! However, again, this could be misunderstood to mean that we must be busy, busy, busy all day and collapse in exhaustion by nightfall. It’s good to be active and have things to do but realize that we’re divinely productive when we infuse whatever we do, even just conversing with others, with good cheer, goodwill, courage and beauty.

3) “Be a force of Nature” – This could be misconstrued to mean that we should run roughshod over people who get in the way of what we want to do. To be a force of Nature (notice that it’s with a capital “N”) is to be a person who is in control of themselves and has a higher perspective on life. This person is mature, wise, serene and joyful and understands the meaning of life.

4) Not be “a feverish selfish little clod of ailments and grievances complaining that the world will not devote itself to making you happy” – This is a continuation of the previous point and it emphasizes the idea that we need to learn how to control the impulses and desires of our lower self. Specifically we need to stop being petty, immature, greedy, self-centered, possessive, envious and jealous.

We need to GROW UP and realize how wonderful life is no matter what our circumstances!

from “Man and Superman: a Comedy and Philosophy” - how apt.

edit on 7-2-2013 by NewAgeMan because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 7 2013 @ 09:52 PM

Punk'd by God

In the OP I referred to four prominent spiritual crackups or crisis. Here's an excerpt (from another thread) relating my most recent experience just over a year ago now (it occurred during Christmas), but I tell you that words cannot adequately express the actual experience itself and neither can I even fully access it emotionally in the same way that we can't ever recapture a past spiritual experience as it happened in real time, but it's a fairly good summary nevertheless and i felt it belongs here in this thread (not bragging just sharing out of interest).

Originally posted by NewAgeMan
reply to post by capod2t

I've been through more than one mountain top experience and, "dark night of the soul", seeking the same thing, and at one point I felt as if I was under attack from certain "powers and principalities", but from what I've read about these types of journeys, that's the last stage which comes as a test. It seemed to have something to do with judgement (my own) and duality (of good and evil), so I decided, as I went to sleep one night close to Christmastime of 2011, to utterly give myself to God while forgiving ALL, whether spirits, bad aliens, the Pope, the Queen of England, my father, myself, you name it, and then I had what in hindsight I consider to be the strangest experience of my life.

In the middle of the night I woke up suddenly, as if awakened and sat bolt upright, and the perception was that I was quite literally at the end of time, because it was the end of judgement, and although it's hard to describe, I was "filled in" on a Great Joke, so funny, I could not stop laughing, but because I'm a smoker something went awry and my laughter turned to gagging, and so there I was on my floor laughing and gagging and heaving, while exclaiming "How did you KNOW?!" because it was as if I'd come to the end of the line where even Satan or "the devil within" was forgiven, and the joke was being told by God to me, about me, and about every facet of our human folly and human ignorance.

Accompanying this absolute hilarity at "the end of time" there was also a level of freedom, and liberation I never even knew existed, so laughing hysterically, after the gagging had subsided, I kind of ran around going "what do I do NOW?" which made the experience even funnier, because when all paths are open, and you go one way to do one thing, they both close on that choice and yet remain open, paradoxically. It was an absolute liberation and hyper-freedom that I'd never experienced before, and all the while I had the distinct impression that my reaction and response to the experience was being recorded.. as if on some sort of God-channel reality TV show, as a shared joke at the expense of our prior ignorance with me as the focal point of observation.

I eventually settled down, and the wet towel my upstairs roommate threw in my face, helped a little bit - he wasn't too pleased with my outburst but his own reaction just made me laugh all the more. He was concerned that the neighbors might have heard something (he's very image conscious). LOL

Anyway, who knows, maybe it was just a psychotic breakdown of some kind, but because of my absolute release from judgement and absolute trust in God, even in the face of persecution by "evil forces", it was as if I was rewarded with a taste of who God really is, and if I'm right, he is simultaneously THE most intelligent, the most loving, the most liberating and the FUNNIEST being in the history of time and space, even to the degree of knowing in advance, with the utmost precision just where we'll be when we'll encounter him.

I also learned from the experience that absolute forgiveness and release from judgement = absolute liberation, and that in the space of absolute unfettered freedom in a shared triumph over all evil, is absolute self knowledge that we really are a "child of God". But I never expected God to be that playful or that humorous, or that knowledgeable in matters of time and space, because in that moment I knew that he knew and ALWAYS knew all the way along, that I would encounter him at that very moment, like he was secretly planning it all along.

It's an incredible paradox the fact of our freedom and liberation relative to a God who transcends time and space, and who's therefore one step ahead of us, ALL the way down the line, and funny, I cannot begin to describe the humor there, or the domain of liberation and freedom that is available in that creative space of new possibility that God freely makes available to us.

I don't know if this helped at all, and I realize that a lot of people reading this will have a hard time understanding how God could be a great joker in the midst of all the sorrow and suffering of the world, to them such humor probably smacks of evil or wickedness, but it was just this side of wickedness and evil, without going over the line.

He is so smart, so loving.

Thank you for the opportunity to remind myself of the nature of the living God from my own encounter and experience. But it can be a terror (to the ego) to find one's self in his hands. In fact, I don't think it's the kind of thing that people are really interested in (that's funny!), because just one touch from the living God is enough to put any person right over the edge and cause them to lose their mind and sanity. Then again perhaps that's just what a lot of people are in dire need of, so that they won't take themselves and their life as seriously any more, while taking God much more seriously as the infinitely intelligent Alpha and Omega of existence, and beyond, and the Universal comedian, without compare.


Punk'd by God

from the OP of the thread Have you been Punk'd by God the Master conspirator?

Originally posted by troubleshooter

God's Conspiracy is to blindside the wise, learned, mighty and noble...
...and most of you have been punk'd.

God first said He would do this through His prophet Isaiah who wrote in the 8th century BC...

"...behold, I will proceed to do a marvellous work among this people, even a marvellous work and a wonder: for the wisdom of their wise men shall perish, and the understanding of their prudent men shall be hid." Isaiah 29:14

Paul quotes from Isaiah in his first letter to Corinth (one of the undisputed letters of Paul)...

"For it is written, I will destroy the wisdom of the wise, and will bring to nothing the understanding of the prudent (learned, intelligent). 20 Where is the wise? where is the scribe? where is the disputer of this world? hath not God made foolish the wisdom of this world?" 1 Corinthians 1:19-20

He did it by turning the human notions of wisdom on its head...

"For ye see your calling, brethren, how that not many wise men after the flesh, not many mighty, not many noble, are called: 27 But God hath chosen the foolish things of the world to confound the wise; and God hath chosen the weak things of the world to confound the things which are mighty; 28 And base things of the world, and things which are despised, hath God chosen, yea, and things which are not, to bring to nought things that are:" 1 Corinthians 1:26-28

God designed a way to reveal Himself that would be rejected by the world's best and brightest...
...and it is still blindsiding those who think they are special because of wealth, education or power.

How did God punk most of you?

He revealed Himself as a babe, conceived and born in scandal... a man He healed the sick, sided with the oppressed and raised the dead...
...He opposed the religious and secular elite...
...who executed Him for telling them who He really was...
...but He then turned this corporate murder into a victory over death itself.

Paul said it like this...
"...the preaching of the cross is to them that perish foolishness; but unto us which are saved it is the power of God...the foolishness of God is wiser than men; and the weakness of God is stronger than men."

Your responses will reveal whether you have been punk'd by God or not.

The joke was on me, and I was ok with that - hey what else is a person to do but accept it utterly and completely, and there's a net there also to catch us, in a 100% supportive, unconditionally loving space so it get's funnier once you get it, ever moreso, enough to leave a good man heaving and gagging on his bedroom floor for no apparent reason. Oh man those were the days!

Originally posted by apushforenlightment
I think I will answer the post with this video. It seem fitting;

And it's so darn good that I don't even care if it's on me for YOUR sake! lol

That's what my old friend Jesus made possible for me, for us.

"The first shall be last and the last first", you know that's not such a bad place to find yourself in as the "fall guy" i,.e.: the first to go right on in for being last (remember that Bodhisatva choice/decision point, mentioned earlier).

That's what happened to me that morning.

I woke up in heaven at the end of time and I couldn't stop laughing at the absurdity of everything else by comparison.

edit on 7-2-2013 by NewAgeMan because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 7 2013 @ 10:34 PM

Originally posted by Shema
But I am throwing a wet cloth on your humor and I apologize but then, like myself, you can smile through anything so it doesn't matter, really, does it?

OMG I didn't see that when I posted above. Ha! It's not the first time that I've had a wet cloth thrown on my humor! (read and you'll see it in there).

Wow, synchronicity big time, because I made that post about my experience long before you posted that, isn't, that, insteresting - a wet cloth in my laughing face! Not just once, but twice!

Things that make ya go hmmmm...

edit on 7-2-2013 by NewAgeMan because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 7 2013 @ 10:35 PM
And again, for a second time - I don't mind!

posted on Feb, 7 2013 @ 10:38 PM
reply to post by Shema

Just don't let it happen again.

posted on Feb, 7 2013 @ 11:49 PM

Originally posted by NewAgeMan
reply to post by Unity_99

Karmic S&M doesn't really work for me either. It doesn't and can't work that way, and imho Jesus came to put an end to that, and to prevent a karmic cataclysm, but we're wandering off a bit now into the realm of metaphysical speculation.

Yes, I see him differently than the religions present, more freeing us from the error of contracts and karma, a true Higher Up. If he was under the one they call God who smites and murdered etc. then he would be under a demiurge in a lower construct heaven, and not a true Higher Up. But he came from the true Higher Realms and showed them up, and was immediately grafted onto the control religions by Rome, story altered. Thats what I see, and I really love the message of Christ as I see it. Love! He knew the real God/Goodness/Love, was in Oneness with the Spirit of Love and Peace.
edit on 7-2-2013 by Unity_99 because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 8 2013 @ 12:00 AM

Originally posted by NewAgeMan
reply to post by Shema

Just don't let it happen again.

I guess the joke was on you, then.

posted on Feb, 8 2013 @ 12:07 AM
reply to post by Unity_99

Good for you. Yes, his relationship with the true father that he found, was with the Absolute Godhead, and although as the High Priest and King (whether "as is" or via apotheosis), while he made the sacrifice and took on himself full responsibility for all sin and sorrow suffering and strife (although blameless and blemish free, as part of a pact he made early on with his cousin John the Baptist) like a once and for all time "Bodhisatva" - he said, repeatedly "I ask for mercy, not sacrifice." i.e.: he was not bloodthirsty, but bloodgiving.

A great work and a "new covenant" of love according to the ancient prophecies

I will make a covenant of peace with them; it will be an everlasting covenant. I will establish them and increase their numbers, and I will put my sanctuary among them forever. 27 My dwelling place will be with them; I will be their God, and they will be my people.

posted on Feb, 8 2013 @ 12:08 AM

Originally posted by Shema

Originally posted by NewAgeMan
reply to post by Shema

Just don't let it happen again.

I guess the joke was on you, then.

I'm so glad to see you're ok with that..

posted on Feb, 8 2013 @ 12:12 AM
Here's the "crackup" from another angle

NAM, Punk'd by God - take two...action.

Originally posted by NewAgeMan
reply to post by NewAgeMan

I feel compelled here to try to decribe this "joke of the ages" as I experienced it, although no words can really capture what it was, at the time that it happened to me, but I'll try, here goes..

It begins with a sudden epiphany of absolute liberation due to a radical tranformative forgiveness of one and all, here and everywhere, where I guess the fundamental presupposition is that absolute forgiveness is absolute freedom/liberation, perhaps with only one condition, or one thing to DO, involving our most grevious sin, against our own self (which in the light of such awareness is itself extremely humorous), and so the laughter begins.. but it gets better. Since all has been forgiven, every aspect of our prior self, and all our foibles becomes a source of immense humor (as does that of the others with whom we interact or have relationships, since everything is now so perfectly clear in the light of the truth and perfect awareness), and so laughing at ourselves, and 100% liberated to be absolutely freely self-expressed, our first inclination may be to immediate run to someone we know, to let them know that we absolutely forgive them, while also seeking their absolute forgiveness, all the while laughing as the joke just seems to keep on getting better and better. They of course, on encountering us, may be horrified, even terrified, and so they'll immediately thow up their defence shield of judgements and all manner of assumptions about us, and themselves, and seeing this, OMG the joke gets even FUNNIER, but wait there's more...! Falling down in a heap of laughter, we may now beg them not to assume anything, and desperately attempt to assure them, through tears, not of sorrow, but of laughter and joy that we are most assuredly NOT laughing AT them, at all! Still further horrified at our abhorent behavior in relation to them (hysterical) their first concern might be that we've awakened the neighbors! LOL some MORE! Recognizing their fear (lol) and amid their urgent pleading that we "calm down", after throwing a wet towel in our face (lol), we take heed and walk away, saying to ourself "ok, he's right, calm down, calm down (still giggling). Then it may occur to us that being absolutely free, we simply don't know what to DO or where the heck to GO - OMG what do I do NOW? Where do I go? (LOL) [if God could speak he would remind us here that we are entirely free to do and go where we WANT! lol some more!] "Ok ok, this can't be happening" we might think to ourselves - what can't be happening we might then ask ourselves? of course it's happening, nothing can't not happen for God's sake! lol
Perhaps then thrown into a panic, running this way and that, realizing that freedom is all around us, no matter WHAT we do or WHERE we go, a hiliarious panic might set in, and so we might run fleeing into a prison cell of our own making, the one we USED to inhabit for no reason at all (prison of absurdity), and there, laughing like an insane madman at the sheer beauty of it all, while thanking God for such hyper-freedom as this, along comes God to open the DOOR (he might even first knock, just to be polite!), "saying" as it were, don't be afraid, come on out and play and laugh some MORE! "Oh God" we say, you're just TOO FUNNY I don't know if I can DO THIS? "Why not?" God seems to ask, and so weeping and laughing tears of joy and immense gratitude, free to come and go, we exclaim "on no, I just don't know what to DO now, now I'm royally screwed in the best possible way, maybe I should start by quitting smoking, but oh God this has just been so stressful, do you mind if I put it off until the new year sometime?! LOL LOL LOL

That's sort of what it was like..

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