reply to post by aem56
I accept it as well. And its not just the government, but society as a whole. It has been conditioned systematically to view those who have any
disability as being a drain on society, and because of that, even a liability.
It sounds like you intend to change that by writing a book. I commend you on it.
I have my own way as well. Though, it was all done/is being
despite the system in place.
Everyone should be enabled to contribute without such a vast extent of personal sacrifice (whether or
not the individual is willing). It is outright more profitable and beneficial for the society we all reside in, though it wont show up directly in
numbers in a bank account.
As is said, a chain is only as strong as its weakest link.
Given the stage we are at culturally, I would venture a guess that we are on the precipice of some very big advancements in every arena. That would
have happened years ago if the society actually focused on, encouraged, and enabled everyone to contribute in the best way they can, as an individual.
Whether it is art, science, teaching, medicine, or construction, they all improve our quality of life.
In my individual case, enabling someone like me would have allowed me to carry out my research (electrical engineering) much more freely. As it
stands, I can only work on it for 30 minutes (max) at a time and investments into it have to be in between buying food, medicine, and other basic
needs (even though the total is only at ~$75us right now
). What has taken literally
years to even get started would have only taken a
week or two at most.
It takes away the excuses, because those excuses are very legitimate. There will still be people taking advantage of the system, but that is already
a massive issue now. They would still take advantage like they always have, we would just be enabling those without a choice to perhaps choose
otherwise. That choice currently doesnt exist.
I wish you the best in your endeavors. "May your steps be relentless."
edit on 24-2-2013 by Serdgiam because: (no reason given)