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Even if Aliens are out there, they may never find us, nor us find them.

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posted on Feb, 5 2013 @ 07:58 PM
This is my first post in this sub-forum.

I was thinking about space travel and our galaxy, what if we are the only life in our galaxy. Beyond our galaxy there could be other life forms. But given the time it takes to travel between galaxies, be that at warp speed, light speed or any other type of high velocity travel, or even a star-gate type travel method would have range limitations.

The chance to travel a few million light years would take longer than a space ship could survive and the crew even in stasis would be hard to survive for millions of years.

My point, I don't think there is travel between galaxies. And if we are alone in the Milky Way we will never see those other life forms in other galaxies. We certainly won't be traveling to see them anytime soon, it would take several thousand light years just to get to the edge of the Milky Way.

If the universe is billions of years old and there is life in other galaxies with much older star systems, Aliens would have figured out how to leave their planets before there star system made it uninhabitable. But that doesn't mean they can transverse the voids between galaxies. Look at the fictitious Star Wars galaxy, there is massive space travel within it's own galaxy. Star Trek as well lots of space travel within one galaxy.
edit on 5-2-2013 by Blue_Jay33 because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 5 2013 @ 08:03 PM
We'll never know if we don't try.

posted on Feb, 5 2013 @ 08:04 PM
In times pre cro magnon era who was smart enough to surgically remove someone's rib and clone a being after rearranging it's dna to make it opposite sex.

posted on Feb, 5 2013 @ 08:04 PM
reply to post by Blue_Jay33

Kardashev Scale

If you don't think it is possible for the speed of light to be broken by a race more advanced than us you are kidding yourself. It actually makes more sense that we were created by them than it is that we morphed out of slime. Seriously you're one of the last people to accept this

edit on 5-2-2013 by bottleslingguy because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 5 2013 @ 08:08 PM
The Milky Way Galaxy is a very big place, first of all.
It'd take some pretty theoretical tech to efficiently travel from pluto or neptune to Earth as it is.

To travel from another galaxy to here? Would need a star gate for that. Have you read the awesome thread in this forum yet? It's worth checking out: Stargates are real

This is all assuming that we have not already been visited by other third dimensional species not native to Earth, of course.

posted on Feb, 5 2013 @ 08:10 PM
2 words; worm holes.

Never say never!

posted on Feb, 5 2013 @ 08:37 PM
reply to post by Blue_Jay33

Maybe the Native Indians thought the same way about the "white man" visiting them?

I think you are wrong. They have found us, and may have even created us.

posted on Feb, 5 2013 @ 08:39 PM
What if the sun is capable of producing worm holes since hypothetically it takes the power of a star to produce one? That said how do we know they can't travel here literally by the stars?

We can't use our preschool understanding of physics and think it's not possible. Look in the past at all the things once not thought possible and then look at today's technology which has made those things possible.

Example: A cellular phone. If you took one just a hundred years in the past you would absolutely blow peoples minds.
edit on 5-2-2013 by TheLieWeLive because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 5 2013 @ 08:46 PM
reply to post by TheLieWeLive

I want to expand on your thought and say. Imagine how a black hole is an open end that vacuums the space around it. Now if everythign that gets sucked into it is condensed to pure energy.

Doesn't it then make sense that at the other end of this wide bas is a focal point. Mirroring on a huge scale the base of a pyramid leading up to the point.

So that the highly condensed pure energy becomes the nucleus and or power plant of a star. As stars are just points of massive amounts of energy.

posted on Feb, 5 2013 @ 08:47 PM
reply to post by Blue_Jay33

We might not be able to find any intelligent life in our lifetime but theres nothing stopping them..imagine a alien civilisation thousands of years ahead of us do you really think they wouldnt find a way to traverse those massive distances ?

posted on Feb, 5 2013 @ 08:47 PM
reply to post by Blue_Jay33

One thing that I use to enjoy as a young (very) young man (12) was quietness….NO NOISE…. The lack of noise in my ears. I would close myself into a closet and sound proof the door.

At 18.05479 I realized the ability to listen to nothing is an asset… it takes practice. When you try this you will get exasperated and need to stimulate your ears with something…. You will say to yourself,” please let a ding from my e-mail, cell phone, PDA anything PLEASE!!! “

This is the minute time in your life that you have a chance to internally hear your brain, your existence, to hear God and dissect your thoughts into a comprehension of your reality. It is the most important moment or moments of your day. This is not prayer. This is taking ownership of your relativity. Coming face to face with who you are. This is “the listening” to your heart as the ancients would say.

I was thinking tonight when I had 45 seconds of quietness about this. Our ancestors had never dealt with that lack of quietness. There wasn’t the sounds of whooshing cars, the overhead noise of planes, refrigerator fan noises, the constant beating of music or television, blue tooth or Wi-Fi internet access, You Tube or Apple TV, cell phone I pads. The most noise they heard every night was the oxygen popping sounds of wood in the camp fire, occasional horse poop falling, and birds, frogs and crickets.

Personally, after discovery, I sought out, for years this moment of quietness within the woods or oceans. I would go deep, immensely far from civilization on the oceans to find this moment. Into the wilds, back packing deep into the Himalayas, into the Rocky Mountains and deep into West Virginia  five thousand miles from any human civilization. Into caves, scuba diving into the deep.
I remember standing in a field in the middle of Pennsylvania in the summer of 1984. I could see four miles in all directions but it was so quiet, that my ears were ringing. No wind, no birds, no cars, no air planes …NO Noise. It was a naturally occurring nonessential reaction to nothingness. After that I was Hooked

You start to understand your consciousness, your awareness, yourself…within this quietness. As a Christ Man this is a self-induced conflict.
You begin to hear other things beyond your thoughts. Wisdom that takes your thoughts and answers them. An intelligence that can answer your deepest thoughts. It’s weird but right. I started to listen to this intelligence. Eventually It guided me in my decisions. (Points in my life that changed my direction)
I reacted to these new thoughts, an internal voice, by listening.. My first responses were always small, contrived and measured responses. The response was at first just a mental acknowledgment of this existence of the interagency.
But within a few years it became the source of my guidance. I embraced it and sought it out for confirmation of my ideas and concepts. As a young man it had guided me and I trusted its opinion over mine own. The key for me was being a Christian. These experiences were not based on feelings nor any of my 5 senses. Realizing these were small and insignificant events in human history they are my confirmation of higher intelligence. This has been my human connection experience up to now.

I don’t remember exactly the moment or time that I first discovered this secret (Perhaps it was Dec 25 1980), but it still has a hold on me. I’m mature enough now to know that I can still find this quietness in an 45 second elevator ride. Maybe its an alien talking to me.

posted on Feb, 5 2013 @ 09:57 PM
What's more relevant to the thread title is planets orbiting the 49 sunlike stars other than our Sun within 51 light-years of Earth. That's where the aliens that would find us or we might find would be, and note that among the 50 sunlike stars in the neighborhood ours is one of the youngest, implying quite a head start for most alien species within 51 light-years.

And we don't have an accepted theory of quantum gravity yet, but when we do it may give rise to gravitic propulsion methodology that would beat the light-speed limit and use the very cause of that limit as fuel, since you have to do both to exceed the speed of light in a spacecraft, not that fusion rockets couldn't reach the stars if one were in no hurry and had unlimited budgets (1-g acceleration for 1 year followed by 6 years of coasting could theoretically get a fusion rocket out 3 light-years in 7 years but also require a lot of braking at a destination). And occupants of a craft using gravitic propulsion would not experience g-force, allowing them to almost instantly jump from point to point in the sky without spilling their coffee, which must look pretty weird to observers with our notions of aviation.

posted on Feb, 5 2013 @ 10:27 PM
Looking for ways to travel at the speed of light or faster, is nonsensical and a waste of time.

1. When matter reaches the speed of light, all space between it and other objects is reached almost instantaneously...thus, it would be like hitting a wall of infinite mass. That's a problem.

2. Even at the speed of light, it would take countless human lifetimes to reach some stars. Again, problem.

The only other way to make space travel on grand scales feasible, is to figure out a way to bend space/time. Jumping across vast distances instantaneously. That of course, would require more energy than exists on planet earth as a whole. The answer may be in anti-matter. If we can figure out how to produce it or harness it more efficiently, it may lead to a solution. At the moment, we can only produce very little of the stuff...

In 1995, CERN announced that it had successfully brought into existence nine antihydrogen atoms

Lightspeed and faster than lightspeed is simply not the answer. You cannot escape physics.
edit on 5-2-2013 by Unidentified_Objective because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 5 2013 @ 11:41 PM
reply to post by Blue_Jay33

I need to find the source again, the brand new leading scientific research is understanding that gravity itself travels much faster than light, they are realizing now that it is possible to harness the force of gravity, and it tells them that it is possible for these greys aliens to come visit us and for the ancient giant aliens to come down establish bases on mars and mingle with the people of ancient Sumer and Eygpt.

Such as big galaxy and it is impossible to travel it given millions of years of techonlogical evolution?

A logical and smart thinker would realize it is much easier to believe than to think that aliens aren't visiting us given all the evidence, it is like them denying that the earth travels around the sun, or even that the world is round. Do you really want to keep thinking that the world is round and reject the findings of our current civilization? Ok well the current findings or our civilization show that grey aliens visited us, went down at Roswell, and started a large scale operational program in 1973. The program is known to history as a 'UFO flap.' Honestly start learning from physicists and scientists before you become in denial because it is hard for you to believe in what you're ego doesn't want to believe in. I have news for you - the ego is selfish by nature and doesn't listen to anything or anyone else whether it or they are truthful or not and loves to reject clear and easy to see evidence for the point of lack of care to open an eye, the ego is like a banner that reads in capitol bold letters - 'THE ESSENCE OF IGNORANCE.'

posted on Feb, 6 2013 @ 12:02 AM
reply to post by Unidentified_Objective

Many people have stated that there is not enough Antimatter in our Universe to generate the necessary Energy to represent Mass in order to Fold Space.

What they don't realize is that when using a specific element with aa Atomic Number around 115...and using this element in a

posted on Feb, 6 2013 @ 12:12 AM
reply to post by anomalie

I enjoyed this video, very interesting.
I feel I must repeat the point, if there is Aliens within OUR galaxy, not an issue, even in the video he says the Star Wars galaxy represents a stage 3 civilization, and they are in one galaxy not jumping around to different ones.

The Milky Way is huge and in theory first contact would be with life in this galaxy, not another.
It is what I will call the Fermi paradox for our galaxy alone. And that is the point, say we do make it to a stage 2 or 3 civilization and go searching for other life and find nothing in our galaxy, but then I guess we would be trying to get to a new galaxy by then and have the tech to do it. Reminds me of that stargate show where the ship is leaving the Milky Way to go to a new Galaxy.

posted on Feb, 6 2013 @ 02:21 AM
I don't understand relativity very well, but I am aware that the presence or absence of gravity affects time. I'll get back to that. We estimate that the universe itself is 13.77 billion years old, which says to me that the farther an observable object is from the Earth, the older it actually is. Hence, a star 5,000 light years away may have been consumed by a black hole or gone nova long before Galileo looked through his telescope. On the grander scale, knowing that stars (aside from red dwarfs) don't tend to live longer than 11 billion years or so, and that the hubble can look back approximately 13 billion years, it can be assumed that a very large portion of observable stars within galaxies quite simply do not exist any longer. When we view Andromeda, we are looking 2.5 million years into the past.

Okay, so leaving kindergarten now. If we were to apply this knowledge to what we know of relativity, gravitational lensing, wormholes, etc, we would find it almost entirely impossible to travel to another star, let alone galaxy, without a tremendous amount of guesswork, which any astronaut can tell you usually is the last thing desired. Even Gliese 581c is 20 light years away; it could have been impacted by a massive comet or solar flare by the time an explorer from Earth arrived.

The only logical was in which such distances could be safely traveled, I think, would involve time travel. I can see no other way to arrive at a destination with the certainty that it had not changed or vanished in the time light took to travel in order that it could be observed in the first place. If that were the case, then any race from any location or time could be anywhere provided the technology to manipulate time were available. I'm not talking about any Back to the Future stuff, either; I'm talking about distorting time potentially with a method of warping light or gravity so that one could travel instantaneously relative to two distant locations; as one would look to Betelgeuse and engage the drive, one would arrive at the star at the moment at which the initial observed photons were being emitted. In effect, one would travel 642 years back in time, but upon return the exact amount of time spent at the star would have passed as well as the time traveled.

Of course, this is speculation. Who knows? Maybe all you need to do is click your heels and say ET phone home.

posted on Feb, 6 2013 @ 02:32 AM
reply to post by Blue_Jay33

It seems you have just to look to LA LUNA

Originally posted by Xoanon

So, Ingo is off to join the mute miners on the moon.

-Ingo Swann. Penetration, 1998

Rest in peace, Mr. Swann.

edit on 2-2-2013 by Xoanon because: .


Rest in piece Ingo

posted on Feb, 6 2013 @ 02:51 AM

Originally posted by TheLieWeLive
What if the sun is capable of producing worm holes since hypothetically it takes the power of a star to produce one? That said how do we know they can't travel here literally by the stars?

We can't use our preschool understanding of physics and think it's not possible. Look in the past at all the things once not thought possible and then look at today's technology which has made those things possible.

Example: A cellular phone. If you took one just a hundred years in the past you would absolutely blow peoples minds.
edit on 5-2-2013 by TheLieWeLive because: (no reason given)

It seems you have been hoodwinked to accepting the fallacy of "endless technological progression". Thing is, we didn't know a lot about electrodynamics, the nature of light, and the laws that govern the microscopic world of particles and atoms 200 years ago. Today, all of that and more is understood. The only fundamental physics left to understand is at the large scales concerning galaxies or at scales of 10^-18 m. While interesting, nothing practical will ever come out of such research. That simple fact alone shatters your notion that we are just barely scratching the surface in terms of understanding the fundamental laws of physics. Oh, and by the way, any new radical theory or framework will not violate conservation laws, quantum theory, and relativity. In fact, such a theory would have to account for the success of those approximations (assuming quantum theory and relativity are incomplete).

We understand the fundamental laws of physics that govern everyday interactions, which includes technology. The reality is any future technology whether a 100 years or a 1000 will be based on currently known and understood physics. For example, there may be some interesting technology in the future made possible by standard model physics. However, there simply won't be no warp drives or wormholes ever. The only FTL we will ever see in the future is in fictional and creative simulations built by us.
edit on 6-2-2013 by Diablos because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 6 2013 @ 02:59 AM
I remain skeptical about alien visitation for this very reason. Even if the universe is teeming with life, the chances of any two crossing paths is small with the immense size of the universe.

First, which way do we go? Some have postulated that there are billions of earth like planets in our galaxy alone, but which ones have life? We cannot examine them all, that would take a work force of billions, if not trillions.

We don't even know how life began on this planet, so we really can't get a grasp on what makes life possible. There may be life in planets we wouldn't imagine being able to sustain life, and nothing on a planet just like earth. Now if extra terrestrials started life, or just humanity on earth, than the chance for a return visit (if it hasn't already happened) is great; They are going to want to check up on their experiment. But if life came about by unguided means, or by way of a God/Creator, then we may never have contact.

Stargates can help travel immense distances, but you have the problem of deciding which way to jump, which planet to go to, knowing that by jumping you skip billions of miles of space, maybe passing a planet chock full of intelligent life.

They would have to have access to some form of extra-dimensional travel, being able to transcend time and space, probably being able to be/be aware of more than one place at a time, essentially god-like from our view.

But it's all pure speculation, good post.

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