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SCAM | This is the first official Press Release about the OPPT | SCAM

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posted on Feb, 10 2013 @ 01:11 AM
If this is the thinking inspired by this scam, it's dangerous.

We're considering banning the subject on ATS, just as we have banned other scammers.

Stay tuned.

posted on Feb, 10 2013 @ 05:24 AM
reply to post by SkepticOverlord

All of the above story -- every damn bit -- was made possible by the realities of the systems in place. The fictions and bogeyman you see keeping you down do not actually exist outside yourself.

It's great to be successful and to live a comfy life, it gives one the sense of achievement. But what's to say you could not have done all that in a different system? You are right, it was all you. Not the system. Maybe you have been restricted in this system?

Something needs to happen to this system we are currently residing in. As more and more people loose work to the technologies that replace them, the system should be adjusting the working week so there are enough jobs for everyone.

Please don't ban this. We should be keeping an eye on this to see what happens. It's not a hoax, these people are actually doing this, and being open and transparent about it. I sense a little fear that you may stand to loose something should the oppt be successful. I don't think they want your money or property, it's the hierachial power structure they are going for, again, to bring equality to those who choose not to be ruled and controlled. We should be given the choice. What would you choose?

Does the sucsess and wealth you have acquired make you feel you are better, or somehow above, others with less than yourself? If yes, (which I'm guessing it does going by the lordship you've given yourself in your user name.) that's called ego....and that is all you stand to loose. Nothing more.

Instead of banning it, why not put it up for ats to debunk? Let's find proof this is fake, let's not be too afraid of finding out this could be truth. What ya say?

ETA, about the editing of "SCAM" into the thread title.....who is being scammed? And what are they being scammed out of?

edit on 10-2-2013 by Wifibrains because: (no reason given)

edit on 10-2-2013 by Wifibrains because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 10 2013 @ 05:27 AM

Originally posted by Wifibrains
Let's find proof this is fake,

Proof it is fake has already been posted in this thread, so why ignore that?

posted on Feb, 10 2013 @ 05:53 AM
reply to post by hellobruce

I'm not ignoring anything, I'm not convinced. I myself, have not seen with my own eyes that these claims have even been filed in any court. So i'll admit, I'm quite an optimist, and having no debts or property being foreclosed upon by the banks, and being lucky enough to be able to earn my bread casualy without paying taxes, I don't need it. I support the cause. The masses are caught in a trap created by they bankers, and the bankers are stripping people of their property and gaining material wealth(properties) from money they create from thin air. THAT IS A SCAM. Thats the scam the oppt is trying to protect people from. Asking the banks to prove the money exsisted in the first place, if they can't, then technically, why should you loose your house?

posted on Feb, 10 2013 @ 08:46 AM

Originally posted by fourthmeal
Indeed, the equation of a "cult" was used for shock value. Mainstream media has taught some people very well.

I'd have to agree that was the the only reason it was put into this thread, and the fact that it was not addressed, when the "red flags" were asked to be pointed out, raised red flags in itself. Tactics?

It's not like the system will crash and something totally new must be built. If people step away as and when they see fit, there will just be no need for the bs parts of the system and they will just fall away. What we would be left with is only that which serves us, that which is essential for a civilised society. Leeching parasitic corporations and governments are not essential they are a hindrance. It's not really the money that is the problem. It is the meterial ownership mentality that makes people think they have s# to loose.

Hear this, I have a plan.....
It all belongs to the earth that belongs to the universe, we cannot own atoms. But we can create fictional representations of reality,(titles,deeds,trusts etc) and with these peices of paper we can give people the illusion they own little parts of this universe and create a system that validates these papers. This will give people the illusion of ownership as long as they do as we tell them...... What you think? Maybe we can control the whole world?

We don't need the Gov...we can do this all on our own....the Gov has become "Frankenstein's Monster"...we thought we were creating a benevolent entity and we made an abomination....we can do better than this if we choose to do so. Jeremiah65, 2013

edit on 10-2-2013 by Wifibrains because: (no reason given)

edit on 10-2-2013 by Wifibrains because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 10 2013 @ 11:00 AM

Originally posted by SkepticOverlord
If this is the thinking inspired by this scam, it's dangerous.

We're considering banning the subject on ATS, just as we have banned other scammers.

Stay tuned.

what dangerous thinking was inspired by this ?

are you replying to the member you were just arguing with?

he said he was going to go to sleep!

how do you find that threatning?

are you still mad i called you 'skeptic overboard'

fits yah pretty good!

go hide in the house! caveman!

posted on Feb, 10 2013 @ 11:48 AM

Originally posted by Wifibrains
It's great to be successful and to live a comfy life

My life is anything but "comfy." It's still a lot of hard and time-consuming work.

You are right, it was all you. Not the system.

The indoctrination you've allowed into your head forces you to believe there are major problems with the current "system." There are problems, but nothing major. I -- essentially a nobody at the start -- was able to fund and grow businesses with some smart decisions and lots of research. In terms of it being possible, it's not really very hard. But in terms of effort, it's VERY hard.

Something needs to happen to this system we are currently residing in. As more and more people loose work to the technologies that replace them, the system should be adjusting the working week so there are enough jobs for everyone.

Ah... there it is. It's not your (the rhetorical you) fault. The system passed you by. So now you (rhetorical you) get angry that the "system" has not accommodated you and those like you, and expect changes so that your current capabilities are provided employment and income beyond their worth. Let's make the government fix it. Wonderful.

Please don't ban this.

The core ideas of the nonsense will get people in legal trouble and potential financial ruin. It's a scam. It's bad.

Does the sucsess and wealth you have acquired make you feel you are better, or somehow above, others with less than yourself?

Better than those who haven't tried? Better than those who lament lack of employment without bettering their own skills to be employable? Yes.

that's called ego

On a personal level, yes. But on a professional level, I've never been accused of ego. I've never taken personal credit for accomplishments (even if my own), it's always the team.

posted on Feb, 10 2013 @ 11:49 AM

Originally posted by tinhattribunal
what dangerous thinking was inspired by this ?

If you're unable to see the clear paths to serious legal problems and financial ruin this scam provides -- then yes, it's very dangerous.

posted on Feb, 10 2013 @ 12:41 PM
reply to post by SkepticOverlord

i have a court case coming up.

i have the option of using not only the OPPT templates,
a common law or constitutional argument,
a defense prepared based on corresponding statutes,
or playing various phsycological tatics, to defend myself.

i could also throw myself at the mercy of the court,
or just shut up and pay them what they are asking.

or serve some jail time.

so many options ... ain't freedom grand??!!

posted on Feb, 10 2013 @ 12:47 PM
reply to post by SkepticOverlord

Good morning SkepticOverlord, tinhattribunal(creator of the thread) and all fellow ATSers! As I have tried to point out before, I believe the main goal of the OPPT is to bring awareness to all the downfalls of the current system in wich we reside. No system is going be to perfect until it can be perfected, if that is possible at all. We all know that the current system is not perfect, not even close due to that the fact that is failing. Yes, this system is falling flat! At least that is what we are being led to believe by are leaders and their "experts".

It seems to me that the only danger in this OPPT thing is one's own responsibilities to themselves on whatever decisions they might choose to make. One should be calculating in their decisions that can have an impact on their lives to greater existence, or a lesser existence, but that should be their choice. There are those who think that most are incapable of making good choices and believe that their choices should be made for them. I disagree with that thinking wholeheartedly.

edit on 10-2-2013 by ajay59 because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 10 2013 @ 01:36 PM
WHAT? A Scam? Really?

I'm reminded of Nicholas Kline at this point, you know the (in)famous quote that Ghandi was supposed to have said? "First they ignore you. Then they ridicule you. And then they attack you and want to burn you. And then they build monuments to you."

There is no doubt resemblance here today.

So, let's get to the crux of the matter. There are those that I can sense have already let their Ego make up their mind on this matter, I recommend to just walk away and let the events unfold to the point where you are shocked back to the reality of the situation. No amount of internet banter will break up what the Ego has built for you at this point. And they have done this without all the information! Absolute Data is not here yet, we are only at the very beginning stages of information release and yet, the Ego has decided that this thing is somehow false or worse, a scam.

I don't care if you are a site admin, site owner, or the president of the US. It matters not your title and your "stature", you are human, you are my equal, and you make mistakes. Now so do I. But I know I am not mistaken with the OPPT information. There are questions yet unanswered, I freely admit and accept. But the mountain of evidence is in the favor of the OPPT and the methods they are using.

What remains are a few questions that, while they do require an answer at some point, are not what I would term critical issues. Lots of the issues that have been brought up were not brought forward by the OPPT, but by comments and observations made by others who are not the Trustees and therefore not what this discussion and now accusation of a scam is truly about. That may have muddled everything here.

I brought this to the light of ATS so that independent research could be done on timeline events and correlation of world events that happened at or around the same time, and to flesh out the effects of the UCC on the rest of the world and what correlations there are there. Clearly we disagree on those things, which is fine.

Here, we have quite potentially the worlds largest event to ever yet occur. On one side at least, we have those that have spent many hours researching the topic, and have arrived to a conclusion that it is real, and deserves to be brought into discussion, and perhaps brought into life decisions. I can't speak for the other side, but I have to bet that, since I haven't seen any of them in any of the OPPT chatrooms, forums, radio blog conversations, or anything... I'm not sure they put in the time to fully understand what is going on.

But lets be clear here. Nobody is giving legal advice, nobody is telling anybody else what to do in that arena. Nobody is giving anybody else money. In fact that is strictly frowned upon!

Now, I'm going to turn my attention to other matters. I will by own free will choice cease to try and argue with those who are closed off and step away from this madness. If Egos want to rule and judge before Absolute Data comes out, then I want no part of that. My Ego has also overstepped my boundaries for it, by allowing myself to argue point by point and line by line with something that clearly is a personal free-will choice and nothing more! So here's what I suggest. Let's not call it hoax or a scam, but let's make it off-limits until Absolute Data comes out. I will honor this but as the data comes, I will share what I find (and others I believe should be free to, as it truly is for the People.) When as such a time all the data is out, then lift the ban of discussion. The time frame for this I expect will be short, perhaps a couple weeks at most. The internal movement is too strong internationally for any further waiting.

If this isn't a fair offer, I don't know what is.
edit on 10-2-2013 by fourthmeal because: mis-spelled a few words

posted on Feb, 10 2013 @ 02:39 PM
reply to post by SkepticOverlord

Something needs to happen to this system we are currently residing in. As more and more people loose work to the technologies that replace them, the system should be adjusting the working week so there are enough jobs for everyone. Ah... there it is. It's not your (the rhetorical you) fault. The system passed you by. So now you (rhetorical you) get angry that the "system" has not accommodated you and those like you, and expect changes so that your current capabilities are provided employment and income beyond their worth. Let's make the government fix it. Wonderful.

Lol, I'm not angry, lol'er, I passed the system by, not it me. I see it as a big idea that was essential for our evolution and helped us get where we are today, there's no doubt about that, but has now become a service to itself more so than those it was created to serve.

I'm just feeling for those that don't see why they can't find work and are blamed by people like yourself as a burden on the system. The people are only a burden on the system if it does not adjust to the needs of the people. It's not even nearly harmonious as a good business plan should be when you look at our path in the bigger picture, and is destined for failure unless it's brought into line, unless depopulation is on the the Georgia guide stones, agenda21, etc.

edit on 10-2-2013 by Wifibrains because: (no reason given)

edit on 10-2-2013 by Wifibrains because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 10 2013 @ 02:42 PM

Originally posted by fourthmeal
before Absolute Data comes out,.....until Absolute Data comes out.

This is another sign of a fraud or scam - using a phrase (that has been capitalised) that has no real meaning, just like a MLM or other scam.

posted on Feb, 10 2013 @ 03:05 PM

Originally posted by SkepticOverlord
If this is the thinking inspired by this scam, it's dangerous.

We're considering banning the subject on ATS, just as we have banned other scammers.

Stay tuned.

I don't think banning a topic like this is a good answer. It's been placed in the HOAX bin, where it can sit and be discussed.

My personal opinion, which does not matter, is that the OP is a load of phooey. But other people have different opinions, so why not just let it ride out?

I don't think the integrity of ATS is degraded by this being left in the HOAX bin, and I don't see the content itself as dangerous. When there is something that needs to be addressed, usually the members and mods address it swiftly and hoaxes die out as fast as they started. This OPPT stuff will be gone in a few heartbeats.

Banning topics comes across as a bit oppressive, and although it's your house, I think there still should be a pretty strong reason for it. Just my 2 cents.

posted on Feb, 10 2013 @ 03:22 PM

Originally posted by fourthmeal
I brought this to the light of ATS so that independent research could be done...

Then why reject the rather clear opinions of those with experience in such matters?

Nobody is giving legal advice

Based on what I've seen, you're wrong.

posted on Feb, 10 2013 @ 03:26 PM

Originally posted by InTheFlesh1980
My personal opinion, which does not matter, is that the OP is a load of phooey. But other people have different opinions, so why not just let it ride out?

There's a few scam/cult topics we disallow. Galactic Federation of Light, Billy Meiers, etc. This is one.

Discussion closed and disallowed. A more detailed point of view as to why is forthcoming.

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