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Are wars really necessary? Do we thrive on conflict?

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posted on Feb, 5 2013 @ 03:45 AM
Are wars really necessary? Do we thrive on conflict?

I have a deep question that I'm pondering. Are the wars throughout history and today really necessary? Why can't all world leaders just make compromises and mutually beneficial agreements like reasonable adults? Ever wonder about that?

I don't really see how or why wars are really necessary. They seem engineered or orchestrated for some diabolical or nefarious reason. For example, the two world wars of the 20th Century don't seem necessary at all. The official causes of them sound contrived, like they were created for a comic book or movie. When Batman movies and cartoons show Bruce Wayne's parents getting killed in the back alley by a mugger for no reason, it looks contrived and set up to give Bruce Wayne a reason to become Batman. Likewise, something about wars seems contrived and staged. They don't seem like a logical necessity. Or do they?

The corporations and leaders in countries like America that start wars seem rich and well off. It doesn't seem like profit would be their only motive in starting an unnecessary war (like Vietnam or Iraq). Could there be more going on than the public thinks? Could wars also be an "Illuminati/occult sacrifice ritual" for the dark occult rulers of this world, as some conspiracy researchers suggest? (such as David Icke, Jordan Maxwell, Michael Tsarion, Mark Passio, etc.)

There is a saying that, "The organizing principle of society is war". What does that mean exactly? Does that mean that war is a necessity for the existence or harmony of society? If so, how and why?

Or could it be that whoever or whatever runs the "matrix" or "computer simulation" that we possibly live in (Google "Simulation Hypothesis" or "Nick Bostrom"), considers peace to be boring, so they have to engineer constant conflict and wars?

After all, think about this: If a movie showed only peace, harmony and goodness, would you enjoy it? Would you pay to watch it? Aren't movies only interesting if there's some kind of conflict involved? Could the same be said of reality as well?

Likewise, would you play a video game that had no conflict of any kind? Wouldn't such a game be boring and not worth your while? Don't game designers need to program conflict, challenges and obstacles in them to make them worth your while?

Could the same principle be at work in real life? Does this explain all the seemingly staged and unnecessary wars and conflict in the world?

Does life itself thrive on conflict and challenges? Would existence serve any purpose without them? Is peaceful existence without conflict or obstacles even possible in the universe or matrix that we live in?

Does our existence serve as mere entertainment for the creators of our matrix reality? Or do we serve some useful purpose to them?

What do you think?

posted on Feb, 5 2013 @ 03:52 AM
It is necessary if you want to preserve your life or stop a genocide. Was it necessary to fight Hitler? He only killed millions of people. Was it right to risk American life and limb to stop him before he killed more? I think so. If you have an enemy who wants to kill you, should you just let him kill you or should you fight and hope to live?

There is unnecessary War and Necessary War. What are examples of unnecessary Wars, well The Revolutionary War, The American Civil War, The War in Kosovo and I think the Korean War .
What are unnecessary and immoral wars, The War against the American Indian culture and way of life, The War against Mexico, The Vietnam War and the Iraq War,the killings of millions of hindus in India by Mughals are all wars that should not have happened at all.

So its not that all wars are unnecessary but yes most of them are.
edit on 5-2-2013 by inj3ct0r because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 5 2013 @ 03:58 AM
There is only one cause of war - Humans

and there are only three reasons for war - power, greed and religion.

Take away the above ingredients and we do not need war.

posted on Feb, 5 2013 @ 04:08 AM
reply to post by Eurofile007

To understand war we must look into our past. This is a scene from Planet Earth where some Chimpanzees assemble into a skirmish line and engage another tribe of Chimpanzees for control of the local resources. It is the same story as two predators fighting over territory only now it is in a social context. Presumably throughout our history as hunter gatherers we would sometimes engage in such conflicts over control of the local resources. When the agrarian revolution hit population densities began to go up, surplus food increased and society became more complex over time. Now instead of semi-mobile hunter gatherer tribes not numbering more than a couple hundred members (thats like 50 adult males maybe?) fighting over resources and territory you now have villages and towns, soon cities and civilizations fighting over land and resources. Society is becoming more complex and densely populated and reasons for war diversify. For example maybe your neighbor nation sacrifices meat to the wrong sky god. Let's go convert them by sword! Still they are mostly for control. You'll see a lot of wars where an emperor or a king invades just to make the local lord swear fealty and send annual tribute. If that tribute doesn't come they're gonna send the army back out to collect. Its kinda like the mafia. And we're still at there point I think where war is a tool of globalist financial mafias to enact their will and/or get filthy stinking rich by financing both sides.

Now the fundamental question: Is war necessary? I have no idea.

Originally posted by michael1983l
There is only one cause of war - Humans

and there are only three reasons for war - power, greed and religion.

Take away the above ingredients and we do not need war.

Since it is impossible to excise our own humanity this means that war happens.

I do believe that it is possible for a moral society to know of war and use that knowledge simply to keep others from making war on them. My example is the Swiss Federation. All males spend time in the Swiss Army and the last time they had a war was a brief and not very bloody civil war in 1847. They have a long history of would be conquerors marching out of Switzerland in much worse shape than they entered. Hitler almost joined the club but their history and natural defenses made it clear what would happen if he tried.

Note: America has not been a moral society for a long time.
edit on 5-2-2013 by Mkoll because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 5 2013 @ 04:21 AM
double post, sorry
edit on 5-2-2013 by Mkoll because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 5 2013 @ 05:26 AM
As long there is a tyrant among us, there will always be a war. Need I explain any further.


posted on Feb, 5 2013 @ 05:37 AM

Originally posted by michael1983l
There is only one cause of war - Humans

and there are only three reasons for war - power, greed and religion.

Take away the above ingredients and we do not need war.

Four reasons power,greed,religion and stupidity-You need enough dumb bunnies to be convinced that they need to arm themselves and kill their fellow man.....and isn't that most of us?

posted on Feb, 5 2013 @ 06:01 AM
reply to post by Mkoll

Agreed to a point but I believe that we have since outgrown that phase, we now have the means and technology to do things differently, to create our abundance. its sad but we still hooked on an old habit that no longer serves us .

posted on Feb, 5 2013 @ 06:04 AM
reply to post by michael1983l

I would have to disagree with that. Wars can start over any number of things, such as something as minor as love. If you control a military force who's to say what could start it off.

Sparta used to fight minor wars just to keep their men trained. Had nothing to do with taking land, resources, or greed of any sort. They didn't even take any spoils after some of their victories.

posted on Feb, 5 2013 @ 06:17 AM
reply to post by Eurofile007

Some wars are nessecary, because men of ill will find a means to get power. People, are very gullible, especially when they are in dire-straits. IE Hitler in the 30's. Germany was desperate for someone strong to save them from the hangover of WW1, they would have followed anyone anywhere, history's unfortunate luck it was Hitler.

However, today's world of mass communications, internet, media and understanding of religion and the value of human life, there is no excuse for war. None what so ever.

I believe, that all wars since the great war of the 1930-40's has been started purely for financial or geographical greed, most notably by the United States or via its proxies and the CIA.

The USA thrives on warfare, its a known fact.
And when the USA is at war, yet its people are still struggling and economy going into free fall, it just means the powerful elite have found a way to funnel the money that war is making directly into their own pockets.

I hope another species from outter space doesn't find us, at-least not now. Imagine the stereotype that would befall western nations?

posted on Feb, 5 2013 @ 06:21 AM
reply to post by Agit8dChop

All the little proxy wars during the Cold War are justified. What better reason to fight then to keep what you consider a very harmful ideology from spreading across the world?

Who knows how bad communism may have been for countries had we not fought to hold it back? Not sure how you get a more valid reason for fighting than that.

posted on Feb, 5 2013 @ 06:25 AM
reply to post by Spookycolt

See I don't think I agree,
Much like the 'terrorist' entity is being overplayed to further global agendas and industrial bottom lines, I think the cold war was perhaps over played as well.

Yes, there was a threat from Russia, but in my opinion its no different to the threat from china now.

Korea? maybe... but Vietnam? no way no how!

And everything since, including Iran-Iraq, Gulf War 1 were purely designed by corporate adventure.

posted on Feb, 5 2013 @ 06:31 AM
reply to post by Agit8dChop

Well its fun to speculate but when you ignore the obvious to build a conspiracy I just have a hard time buying it. We did go to Afghanistan and we did remove the Taliban so why you would attribute that to some corporate motivation is just hard for me to swallow.

posted on Feb, 5 2013 @ 06:33 AM
reply to post by Eurofile007

as sad as it , is war is necessary . we humans are at the top of the food chain , we have no preditors other than ourselves , so war is a way of culling the human population .

human aggression is in our genes and has been since the dawn of time , when humans needed to fight for their survival .

wars will still be fought over resources , organised religion and disputed land issues and until we all come to our senses and realise that no good ever comes from war , wars will continue .

also please remember that the population of the waring nations do not hate each other , it is the polititians that call for wars and it is not the polititians that have to fight them.

posted on Feb, 5 2013 @ 06:34 AM

and realise that no good ever comes from war ,

I believe the victors would disagree with you.

posted on Feb, 5 2013 @ 06:46 AM
reply to post by Spookycolt

Because we didn't go into Afghanistan to remove the Taliban, just like we didn't go into Iraq to remove the WMD's.
They are nothing but fictitious cover stories designed to fool the public into having a 'pro' side to it.

If you think differently, then fair enough! lets not send this into the swamp of 9/11 alqaeda lies.

All im saying is, war now-a-days is purely influence by corporate bottom lines.

posted on Feb, 5 2013 @ 06:50 AM
Well until someone can show me some evidence of corporations running our war machine I will have to look at the evidence we know about.

Bush did build a consensus of politicians and other nations before going to war with Iraq, gave them time to reverse course and so on and we did get hit on 9/11 and did take out those in Afghanistan because of it.

Its fun to delve into secret reasons but we both know that none of these secret reasons are every proving to be true. Maybe if you have a list of corporations who profited and by how much that may be a starting point to make your claims.

But there have always been people who ultimately profit from a war, that doesn't mean they are starting them. Its easy to make this claim but very difficult to back up with evidence.

posted on Feb, 5 2013 @ 09:09 AM
People do not thrive in conflict. Watch children, and note the kind of safety, care they require. They are learning to overcome the outer conflict in them as they grow into fine people.

There is a group that does benefit exclusively from wars, diseases, crime, dysfunctional homes and families, child abuse, that benefits from all that is the most hellish things on earth, financially and via the power it affords them, there is a group that (though it is one already and they merely follow lines, for they are a part of legion, and beehive) plays there roles as separate nations and dominates the lives of humans, there is a group that is so weak and twisted it requires slaves. They can be found in public office, they are members of the Skull and Bones, Bildenburg, Trilateral Commission.

I don't consider them "human" or "humane".

posted on Feb, 5 2013 @ 09:20 AM
reply to post by Eurofile007

I don't think war, for the regular joe such as you and I, is necessary. We don't profit from it and as far as I know we, Canada and the US, have never been directly threatened. We were plunger in the first and second world wars due to having our cruise ships sunk by deliberately sending them occupied waters. Pearl Harbor happened due to unnecessary sanctions on Japan. No oil, no medicine. They were desperate, what else would you have them do?
Some people said to prevent genocide we should go to war. Then by that respect we should have been in Rwanda a long time ago but we never did anything. Why? No capital interest in Rwanda.
As for Iraq, again under false pretext. The Italian Letter was used to sway people's opinions toward invading Iraq even though they had absolutely nothing to do with 9/11 but everything to do with destabilizing the region. I went to college with an Iraqi women. Even if she agreed Saddam was a mad man she stated that she wished they wouldn't prosecute him because he was keeping all the other mad men in check. With Saddam gone, she said, every thing will get really bad. She was right.
War is not about money because those who perpetrate it have all the money they could ever need for generations to come. What they want is power. World domination. Think Pinky and the Brain. It's a petty good analogy. The Powerful (The Brain) use easily controlled Yes Men (Pinky) to do their bidding with out getting their hands dirty. They are the only ones who benefit.

posted on Feb, 5 2013 @ 09:43 AM
all war is deception

create fear, easily control

s/f, powerful questions all that fight need to ask

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