posted on Feb, 5 2013 @ 01:44 PM
reply to post by Dextraphite
About gunfire... Outside people can better tell if its a shot or not than when it occurs inside. That certain crack or "report" is all too apparent
to a trained ear. I love New Years and fourth of July. I listen to the gun fire and can usually tell, ahhh, shotgun, ahhh .22, ahhh magnum. Anyone who
has had hundreds of hours on the range can usually tell the difference between multiple firearms. In combat your life depends upon it.
However, gunfire inside is muffled to some extent and unless you are expecting it or are very nearby it is harder to define. Especially in the city.
Car doors, backfires, etc. can sound
like gun shots so the mind questions it. Especially if only one is heard. You may hear it but pass it off
(who wants to believe theres gunfire?).
We have a freeway and a pine tree overhead with big green pine cones that fall and bounce off the roof. From inside the house I am hearing "gunfire"
all the time. If my neighbors ever do go on a shooting spree, I am in trouble. I'll think stuff is getting run over on the freeway and the squirrels
are busy again.
Sorry about your friends... but you have all the indicators of nothing more than what it is being reported as. Heres why:
he was supposedly quite estranged from his wife, who was out of the country when the deaths occurred.
The wife and husband were divorced, and said to not be on good terms.
Another thing about suicides. People who are "suicidal" are that way because they are either inept or want attention. They get that label because
they don't really want to kill themselves. "Attempted suicide" is not suicide. The serious ones just go ahead and do it. That his kids died too
shows further that he was not targeted for assassination or something. The hit men that do that kind of thing for the government would not be after
the kids unless they were after the entire family. She survives. If they were just after him they would have waited until he was away from his kids to
do it.
I am assuming that the gun in his hand belonged to him and also killed the kids? I would carry it further that he had intentions to punish his ex by
killing her children too. I know that sounds harsh but look at the life he led. Hard core.
I know I am in the minority here. This is a "conspiracy website" you know.
Just observing..