First, sorry if I post this in the wrong forum, mods, please move to fitting if that´s the case.
Second, by no means is this thread meant to offend someone, or to disgrace the truth movement. Nor is this thread meant to be pro nazi or pro
truthers. By truthers I mean the "orginization(s)" that belives that 9/11 was a insider job. The 99%. The believers in Illuminati and so forth.
Thirdly. I write this thread as of a disscussion I had with my mom. A disscussion wich brought many thought´s to my mind. For some, maybe even
provocative thoughts at first glance.
And last, I apologize for any misspellings and/or grammafault. My mothertounge is not english, but I will do my best to keep it as readable as
OK. So the disscussion I had with my mom went something like this:
Me: Mom, have you heard that in the US. Police is gonna start to patroll the streets, with full riot gear and AR-15´s.
Mom: No.
Me: Yeah, and if you are out walking on the streets at night, the police will stop you, ask your purpose of being out sp late, ask for your ID and
your destination.
Mom: okey?
Me: What we have learned from history is that the last time this happend was in germany during the 30´s.
Mom: yes you´re right. And aslo in 70´s in Germany, when I was there, police asked me for my ID. But I think that had to do with the cold war and
everything, you know, KGB spies ans so on.
Me: yes....
This disscussion went on a while, and we started to talk about the US and how bad that country is getting (from our point of view, like the stripping
down of freedom)
After a while we started talking about the 9/11 incident and how it was a insider job, and then we moved on to talking about the 99% movement and the
bankers. How we are in debt forever, and that the bankers controll the world.
At that point we wen´t back to talking about A.Hitler. Now, Hitler understood one thing that we understand today. Bankers controll the world. Most of
the TOP bankers are jewish. This is no secret. (Again I will like to point out, I am in NO WAY a nazi just because i draw a paralell between bankers,
jewish, Hitler, and what I belive in. It is a tainted and taboo subject to speak about, but I think that we can talk about like adults and forget
about that for now)
So what Hitler knew, we know today.
Hitler, from the beginning stated that the international banks and the jews running them was like a virus.
He was not against jews like a people, he menat jews as in zionist. Exactly what I read here on ATS like every day.
Hitler said jews, today we say bankers. Same people running the banks today as it was then. We have the same argument why we live in a #ty world today
as Hitler had back in the days. Different names, same thing.
Hitler whitdrew Germany from the international banks and started a sovereign banking system that not only made Germanys economy stable, but made
Germany into a superpower.
“The Nazis came to power in 1933 when the German economy was in total collapse, with ruinous war-reparation obligations and zero prospects for
foreign investment or credit. Through an independent monetary policy of sovereign credit and a full-employment public-works program, the Third Reich
was able to turn a bankrupt Germany, stripped of overseas colonies, into the strongest economy in Europe within four years, even before armament
spending began.” (Henry C. K. Liu, "Nazism and the German Economic Miracle," Asia Times (May 24, 2005).
We have read about Iceland. What they have done in their country with the banks. Just like Germany under Hitlers reign, their economy is booming.
When I read all the threads here on ATS and other forums about the bankers. NWO, Illuminati and how we must stop them, how evil they are. We must
rise, make revolution. THAT is what Hitler thought. THAT is why Hitler came to power. He was the answer that everyone wanted to hear. He was like Ron
Paul at his time. He spoke the truth no one else dared and he got support because Germany was in knee deep trouble and Hitler hade the shovel and the
strenght to make it dissapear.
what later happend with the mass extinction of several ethnicities and politicaly "wrong" people is another story. But his beliefs was not any
different from what we have today. That is, for me, a fact. And I don´t see any troble with it. I mean, let´s face it. Hitler was right about the
whole thing about bankers. How they controll the world with debt and false money.
Is it just me or do you agree with me on this point?
I know, I don´t have all fact, I am maybe making a foll aout of myself, and I´m fine with that. I am glad if someone can teach me another way of
seeing upon this that I just wrote. But we all must face that we don´t want to admit this to our self, that we agree that Hitler was right about the
"jew problem" because of the taboo of the subject.
Again, I am in no way a hating man, I love life, I love all people, and don´t see any difference in people no matter colour of thier skin or origin.