posted on Feb, 4 2013 @ 06:23 AM
Ever since i was a kid, I've been fascinated by optical illusions. Here's a small collection of my favourites. These particular ones play with the
idea of depth perception and forced perspective.
As we view the world in 3D, it appears that the context in which we see things plays a huge part in how our minds interpret visual information
presenting us with an apparent paradox. We take the visual cues of perspective and other environmental factors from the image which our minds try to
make sense of leaving us with the feeling of disbelief and confusion.
You may want to grab a ruler and physically measure the objects to confirm their sizes
^^ This one absolutely confounds me, I don't know how many times I've re-measured it
Which one looks bigger to you?
A classic example of depth (mis)perception.
I love these things, please feel free to add your own favourites